Special Female Soldier

Chapter 328 Competition

When he came to Gao Zhi's room, he was really there, but he was staring at the computer and didn't know what he was researching. Seeing his serious expression, Lin Yanxi burst out laughing.

Gao Zhi suddenly came back to his senses, looked up and saw that it was Lin Yanxi who also laughed, "Why are you here?"

Lin Yanxi didn't answer his words, but looked at him and said helplessly, "You said you are a special soldier, with just such a little vigilance, I have been standing here for so long, and you didn't even notice."

"This is not the time to fight. Why am I so vigilant?" Gao Zhi said as he stood up and poured water for her. "Why did you think of coming to see me?"

"I'm afraid that there is a sudden task in these two days, so I won't be in a hurry to give you something." Lin Yanxi explained, took the water glass he handed over, and sat down on Gao Zhi's seat without any hesitation.

After hearing what she said, Gao Zhi glanced at the bag she put aside, and chuckled, "Oh, our little sister has grown up and is sensible."

Lin Yanxi shook her head helplessly, "I just brought some food, so is it sensible?"

"If this was the original you, you wouldn't do it even if you wanted to." Gao Zhi couldn't help but sighed while talking, "Stubborn is the same as anything. You clearly think in your heart, but you don't say anything."

Lin Yanxi thought that she was really like this in the past, even if she was homesick, she would never say a word, let alone show her concern.

But maybe it's because I've experienced a lot, but it's a little different to do these things again.

Thinking of this, I couldn't help but sighed, "You're right, it turned out that I was too ignorant to make them worry, but I blamed them for not caring about me."

"Thinking about it now, I really regret it, but...is it too urgent to make up for it now?"

"Of course I came in a hurry." Gao Zhi smiled, "Not to mention anything else, I'll bring these back for you, your dad will have to have fun for at least a few days."

Lin Yanxi shook her head helplessly, "He can only have fun secretly!"

"But when I received your things, I must have a straight face and won't even say a word of thanks."

"Did you say that about your father?" Gao Zhi casually patted her on the head while talking.

Lin Yanxi burst out laughing, "I'm telling the truth."

The two were laughing, Mu Lin walked in, saw Gao Zhi's actions, couldn't help but startled, and saw Lin Yanxi sitting on Gao Zhi's chair unceremoniously, "You are really impolite. "

Seeing Mu Lin coming in, Lin Yanxi looked at him with a smile, "There's nothing to be polite about, it's wrong for me to be polite with him!"

While talking, he kicked Gao Zhi, "Are you right?"

"You are beautiful, you are right." Gao Zhi looked at her helplessly, while picking up the things she put on the bed.

But he still couldn't help looking at her and said, "You said that you have been a soldier for almost half a year. Why can't you see any difference except that you are better at marksmanship and can fight?"

"Oh, this is not my own bed, so why do you care?" Lin Yanxi didn't care at all when she was told.

You must know that under normal circumstances, she would not put things on the bed, no matter how tired she was, she would rather throw them on the ground.

But when it came to Gao Zhi, it was really like what Mu Lin said, you don't have to be polite at all, just like at home, a group of friends came to play at his house.

Gao Zhi obviously understood, he looked at her dumbfounded, but didn't say anything.

But when he saw what Gao Zhi was holding, he realized that he had bought it when he took Lin Yanxi out last time, and his expression changed for a while, "Is this what you said you would bring to him?"

Lin Yanxi didn't think too much, she nodded her head lightly to explain, "I'm afraid he'll leave suddenly, so if I'm in a hurry to get it, I'll send it over first."

Upon hearing her words, Mu Lin's face became even more ugly, but maybe like Bai Liqing said, even he himself didn't know why he was in a bad mood.

I endured it, but finally asked, "Isn't this a new purchase when I went out two days ago, so I was thinking about him when I went out to relax. You two have a really good relationship."

Lin Yanxi smiled, but just as she was about to say something, the walkie-talkie on Lin Yanxi suddenly rang.

Dou Pengpeng's familiar voice sounded, "Miss, please answer."

"Hawkeye, what's the matter?" Lin Yanxi jumped up when she heard his voice, and walked out while asking.

Seeing her reaction, Gao Zhi chuckled, "Lone Wolf, it seems that your team is really good. It's not easy to train her like this."

"By the way, I may leave in these two days. In addition to interrogating her, you are here to help me take good care of her."

"Don't look at her as if she knows everything, but she is actually a little girl. She does things impulsively and doesn't know how to take care of herself. I always feel worried when no one is around."

"I don't need you to tell me about it, and she is in my team now, what could be wrong?" Mu Lin said with a bit of dissatisfaction.

"It's in your team, I'm worried!" Gao Zhi didn't get angry when he mentioned this, "You said your team is good, what kind of female soldiers are you recruiting? Even if you recruit female soldiers, there are so many good ones. Why did you have to recruit her?"

Mu Lin was suffocated when he heard this. In fact, he regretted it a long time ago. He shouldn't have taken Lin Yanxi to the border at the beginning. If he didn't take her to the border, he wouldn't be able to train. It would not have encountered that emergency.

And if none of these happened, Lin Yanxi might not be so persistent in staying, and she might not even be qualified to stay.

That way, she might be able to act as her medical soldier in the infirmary right now, so she wouldn't have to face these dangers.

But he regretted regretting it, that was what he thought, now that Gao Zhi suddenly pointed it out, he was in a bad mood, and this made him not care whether the other party was his partner or not.

His face turned cold, "We like it. The Lone Wolf Squad has its own recruiting rules. If she reaches the level, let her in. Is there anything wrong with us?"

Gao Zhi was so bullied that he couldn't say a word, but only then did he realize that there seemed to be something wrong with Mu Lin today, so he turned his head and glanced at him, "Mu Lin, I wonder if you think that I will leave right away, and I will have nothing to do with you? "

"Even if you don't leave, I can't do anything about it." Mu Lin was really not afraid of him at all, and asked provocatively after speaking, "Anyway, you haven't left yet, let's compete if we have the ability?"

Although Gao Zhi felt that he was wrong today, but when it came to this point, how could he let it go, so he didn't think too much about it, and immediately continued, "Okay, I just want to see, what other skills do you have? I've never seen it."

"There are many that you haven't seen!" Mu Lin, who was usually calm, lost all the calmness he should have at this time, and said provocatively, "Don't think that I am not as good as you because you are the captain, but He joined the Special Forces a few years earlier than me."

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