When Su Haitang was taken for a blood test by Mr. He for three consecutive days, she was sure of a bad guess.

"Grandpa, tell me what the **** did I have? Blood cancer?"

"Nonsense!" He Anbang was irritated by the word "cancer" and rebuked his unruly granddaughter with a calm face, and then deliberately calmed down his expression to soothe her.

"Don't think about it, you don't understand medical matters. Some values ​​fluctuate, especially after you are stimulated so much, it is even more unstable."

"Let's take the value a few more times, not to calculate the average value, but to look at its fluctuating trend, so that we can have a more objective and accurate judgment. Don't worry, just follow your grandpa, grandpa knows it well."

It sounded very reasonable, but she was speechless and had to continue to be a good girl.

The space has not been connected, and she is also very anxious, not knowing whether it will have any effect on the body.

And her cell healing ability that is evil to the sky. Although the space is missing, she can't use the spiritual spring water, but since these are all in her body, she will definitely show something.

Could this series of rushes have the root cause here?

But how should she explain?

The atmosphere at home is not right these days. Mom, Dad, and grandmother seem to be laughing and laughing. It's not that she can't detect it; and they also keep her at home, even the troops are not allowed to return, which in itself is very abnormal.

Cousin Ruyi gave her things every day, clothes, shoes, bags, cosmetics and jewelry, as well as toys collected from childhood to large, two large collections of stamps, and various perfumes brought back from all over the world!

Jane Ruyi was excited to introduce her to her every time and share the treasures of her.

Asked her what was wrong, she said that she was a little bit reluctant to bear these babies, and hoped that her sister would cherish them and take care of them like her children.

It's this routine every time. What a gentleman doesn't take away what he likes doesn't work at all. Su Haitang can't laugh or cry, but after spending a lot of time, I fully feel the cousin's love for her.

But this also confirmed from the side how much her condition worries her family.

Su Haitang thinks that she still has to find a way to figure out the situation and figure out an argument in a targeted manner to explain some unreasonable conditions that may exist in her.

Can't really be regarded as fragile and placed at home to make relatives look worried, but also to put on a smile to make her happy, right?

That's too cruel.

Her mother's body was already very poor, and she couldn't bear to think too much. Let it go, I'm afraid she finally took the spring water to help her mother adjust her body better, and then fell down again.

She can't get the Lingquan water for emergency now.

But how on earth are you talking about the old fox-like grandpa's dripping mouth?

Su Haitang sighed just thinking about it.

Fight with grandpa? Her IQ and EQ are completely inadequate.

Ask the doctor?

Su Haitang glanced at the unreliable grandfather beside him, and suppressed this unreliable idea.

Go home and ask Yan Zheng.

That kid looks better to break through.

Su Haitang had an idea in his heart, so he acted generously, did not rush and cooperated to complete today's examination, and then his grandfather accompanied him home.

"Grandpa, you don't have to be with me all the time, how busy the army is. I'm fine, just ask Pan Ge and they send me off."

Su Haitang is not very familiar with the retirement of army leaders, and is not easy to ask. People don't accept the old, she still has this wink.

Anyway, I've seen many old and energetic old men from TV. Her grandfather's age is still in his prime, isn't it? It must be very busy!

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