Soul Painter

Chapter 626 Imprisonment


Key Detective Agency.

"It's amazing~" Lei Yuqiang yelled at the computer screen.

"What's the matter?" Xu Yuan was cooking, and now he walked to the table with a plate, "Put the computer away, it's time to eat."

"Look at this!" Lei Yuqiang turned the computer to Xu Yuan.

There is a video on the computer. In the video, there is a whale swimming in a blue sky. The whale has an incomparable image, swallowing clouds and mist in the sky, which is called a spectacle.

"The special effects are well done." Xu Yuan commented.

"What special effects, this was drawn by the great priest!" Lei Yuqiang put exclamation marks in every sentence, obviously shocked, "How is it possible to do this?"

"It's amazing~" Xu Yuan also admired, and then shouted: "Mom, sister, it's time to eat~"

Not long after, Xiaoxue's mother and Xiaoxue arrived at the dining room, and then everyone began to discuss the miracle created by the high priest Ana Armas, for which Xiaoxue had the most say, she is an eternal demon, a thief and stowaway of time and space .

"The doomsday is approaching, and all the underlying rules are being destroyed. The more civilization information Gao Fan collects, the greater the impact on the real world. For the Creator, this dream has awakened, but the Lord's timeline is very It’s a long time, maybe it’s enough for human beings to live another ten years.” Xiaoxue washed her hands while talking, and asked her mother to check whether her hands were clean before going to the table to prepare for dinner.

"Then what does this have to do with the cloud whale drawn by the high priest?" Lei Yuqiang asked.

"It was drawn by Gao Fan." Xiaoxue said, "Unless Gao Fan gave Ana Armas the lower-level authority, it was Gao Fan's painting."

"That is to say, in the future, the loving father can interfere with reality more and more clearly?" Xu Yuan handed out chopsticks to everyone.

"Yes, when the civilization information is collected 100/100, the human world is really a picture for him." Xiaoxue said.

"Wouldn't it be possible to ask the loving father to come out and defeat the Demon Eater?" Lei Yuqiang said immediately.

Xu Yuan and Xiaoxue's mother looked at each other, and then one started to talk about Xiaoxue's homework, and the other started to talk about whether today's dishes were salty or not, and they moved away from the topic in a tacit understanding.


Not long after the Tokyo incident.

The entire Japan is still boiling with anger against Demon Eater.

People chanting "jade broken" paraded through the streets.

Xu Yuan was a little surprised by the formation.

"People's hearts are available~"

Xu Yuan has no compassion. In other words, he believes that the greatest mercy is to send all the people from Dongying to the sanctuary so that they can enjoy eternal peace.

Then, three months later, at the beginning of December of the same year, Xu Yuan and the soul demon planned the Kyoto incident, sending 8 million Japanese people back to the sanctuary.

By December of the following year, the same fate had befallen Osaka, Yokohama, and Nagoya in turn. The number of souls worshiped by the gatekeepers of Dongying to their loving father had exceeded 30 million, reducing the population of Dongying by one-third.

At this point in time, no matter how late Lei Yuqiang was, she should have realized that something was wrong.

In the pursuit of Demon Eater, all the dead were Japanese humans. Unless she herself or Xu Yuan was the elementary school student detective who killed a bunch of people wherever she went, otherwise this was not a chase, but a massacre.

The Japanese government also felt that something was wrong.

The cause is a document.

The document pointed out that the demon detective Lei Yuqiang, who is leading one of the demon hunting operations in Japan at the moment, is the main messenger of the massacre.

The source of the document is top-secret, but the authenticity and reliability of its content can be confirmed after being forwarded by the United Nations.

Therefore, the head of the Dongying government summoned Lei Yuqiang and immediately imprisoned her.


From a star that everyone was looking forward to to a prisoner under interrogation, Lei Yuqiang's hands and feet were locked on the chair, and she felt like falling into a dream.

Someone on the opposite side shone a bright light directly into her eyes.

This is a common interrogation method in film and television dramas, but it was Lei Yuqiang's first experience. She felt her eyes hurt. Although she closed her eyes, she still felt the red light in front of her eyes and the pain in her temples.

She is still a normal person.

Even with the care and faith given by a loving father.

The interrogator seemed to be familiar with Lei Yuqiang's personality and psychological characteristics, so the interrogation did not start immediately, but let Lei Yuqiang go through eight hours of direct sunlight and fasting until Lei Yuqiang was in a trance , the judge sat before her.

Although the strong light source was removed, Lei Yuqiang could no longer see the portrait of the person opposite. Her eyes needed treatment, otherwise she might lose her eyesight permanently.

"Yu Sang." A familiar voice sounded from the opposite side. Lei Yuqiang had heard this voice several times, but the trance made her realize after a while that it was the Prime Minister of Dongying sitting in front of her.

Although there is no God Emperor, the position of the supreme leader of Dongpu is still called the prime minister, or the supreme ruling.

"How many Dongying people have you killed?" the supreme ruler asked.

"I didn't..." Lei Yuqiang murmured.

"Do you believe in a loving father?" the supreme ruler continued to ask.

"Yes..." Lei Yuqiang's body and spirit were at their limits, and her exhaustion prevented her from lying.

"What did your loving father ask you to come to Dongpu?"

"Save Dongpu..."

"How many people did the high priest ask you to kill?"


"So you have killed 30 million Japanese humans?"

"not me……"

"Does the Demon Eater really exist?"


The torture continued.

After learning the news of Lei Yuqiang's disappearance, Xu Yuan was very worried at first, even angry, but he restrained himself immediately.

After that, he went to the police station to report his disappearance, and found an acquaintance in the TV station, and entrusted him to look for the detective on TV.

Because of the invisible influence of "Sakura White", Lei Yuqiang is now a well-known evil detective in Japan, not only the most famous one, but also an idol, so once the news of Lei Yuqiang's disappearance came out, it immediately aroused people's attention. There was a storm of public opinion, and many people suspected that she had been killed by Demon Eater.

This put a lot of pressure on the Japanese government.

In the Key Detective Agency.

"Do you know who caught her?" Xiaoxue's mother asked.

"The high priest has already told me that it is the Dongying government, and the supreme ruler is personally interrogating her." Xu Yuan said, "This is what was expected, but it happened too soon."

"You expected to be suspected?" Mother Xiaoxue continued to ask.

"Yes, don't forget, we sent 30 million Japanese humans into the sanctuary. After the souls entered the sanctuary, the appearance of the corpses is very different from those who were actually killed by the devil." Xu Yuan frowned and said, "But the suspicion is still too early, and the investigation is not from the detectives, but ordinary humans controlled by "Sakura White", which is very weird."

The supreme ruler of Dongying, who is also an ordinary human being, should subtly believe in Lei Yuqiang who holds "Sakura White". Xu Yuan always thought that the investigation and suspicion would come from demon detectives such as Sanbao and Longzaki, but the first to do it was The Japanese government, did they get any accurate news? This is very strange.

There is no way for the divination of the great priest to reveal these details thousands of miles away.

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