Soul Painter

Chapter 559 Wrong Name

July 28.

wedding day.


Next to the chapel, a large viewing platform was set up.

Reporters from world-renowned TV stations such as NBC and CCTV have already set up the machines.

International second- and third-tier TV stations such as Seoul TV and Al Jazeera lost early in the bidding for broadcasting rights, so they could only send a reporter to join in the fun and reprint NBC's signal by the way. Ridiculous as it is, it is a political posturing and necessary to help children who lost their families in the European battlefields.

Hundreds of millions of people around the world are watching the live broadcast of this wedding. The handover of kingship will be witnessed by hundreds of millions of human beings and nearly a hundred state leaders and human elites present. It will become a grand event where demons merge into human civilization. ceremony.

It sounds outrageous, but the handover of the devil's regime needs to be witnessed by humans, but if one understands that the foundation of this world is nothing but an absurd dream, then it is not unimaginable for the devil to become a human through such a world-famous ceremony delusion.

The survival and death of tens of millions of demon legions is just a matter of thought for a sufficiently great old days.

On TV, the global audience first saw the leaders of various countries sitting on the viewing platform, and then the camera scanned a large number of world celebrities, economic, sports, entertainment and other stars. More than a hundred people sat together, It can be said to be the largest and most spectacular viewing group in human history.

Of course, the camera will also scan the unexplored cats wandering in the lavender fields. Many viewers will be surprised, "These cats are so big", but they will not appear particularly frightened. First, because they are seen on TV after all, and second It is because they are used to the existence of demons.

Since the rise of the demon legion in Siam, human beings' cognition and familiarity with demons are the prelude to this regime handover ceremony. The demons' invasion of human civilization can be violently destroyed or silently infiltrated. When all human beings When you get used to the existence of demons, demons really exist.

At this moment, Provence in the live broadcast looks extremely peaceful.

The sun is shining brightly in the sky, purple lavender is swaying in the breeze, well-dressed celebrities from all walks of life maintain the most elegant posture, the scene is very simple, and there is no grand ceremony or stage, because there is no need, the existence of all these is human beings The greatest event in civilization, of course, it is also a disaster.

Qin Fan walked up to the small podium placed at the door of the church.

She was dressed very elegantly today, and a white robe made her look like a saint.

"I'm very happy. Today, under the witness of all the pillars of mankind, we will complete a wedding that will determine the direction of the earth's civilization. One of the wedding parties is my godson, Liu Xiu."

All the shots are focused on Liu Xiu under the podium.

Liu Xiu is wearing a formal dress today, looking imposing, well-dressed and talented.

Now, Liu Xiu glanced at everyone and looked at the whole world, full of ambition, expressing the pride of being refreshed on happy occasions.

However, when his eyes made contact with Gao Fan, Liu Xiu's expression turned cold, while Gao Fan mouthed two words with a smile. Liu Xiu's expression twisted instantly, and anger shot out from his eyes, as if to Gao Fan was burned to ashes, and he did have the ability to do so.

Because the two words Gao Fan uttered were 'urinating mat'.

After all, the treatment in the mental hospital brought some physical and mental sequelae to Liu Xiu. Gao Fan got the news that now Liu Xiu can't control her excretion, so she should wear a urine pad in her dress.

Qin Fan put his hand on Liu Xiu's shoulder.

Liu Xiu looked back at her, her expression calmed down.

However, these micro-movements were all captured by the live broadcast. NBC gave a close-up of Gao Fan, and the name on the TV screen was "Gao Fan, the founder of the Demon School and the most valuable painter in art history".

The host of NBC explained this scene thousands of miles away: "I seem to have seen the groom's fierce reaction when the ex-boyfriend appeared at the wedding scene. Obviously, our great painter should be a little contradictory with the groom."

In Yangma's live broadcast, although there was no such gossip news commentary attached, Gao Fan was given the camera for a few seconds.

Anna, who was watching TV in China, clenched her hand lonely.

At this time, Qinfan continued: "The other party of the wedding is the second queen of the Siam-Russian Federation, eh...?"

Qin Fan was reading the words on the paper, suddenly he was taken aback, and turned to look at Liu Xiu.

And Liu Xiu showed a smile.

Time seemed to stand still for a few seconds.

In this case, any anomaly has a cause and may have catastrophic consequences.

All eyes were on Qin Fan.

And Qin Fan seemed to sigh lightly, and she read out the name of the next queen with a little difficulty:

"... Hatshepsut."

Once the name is spoken.

Gao Fan's complexion changed suddenly.

How can it be!


Time goes back to last night.

Gao Fan returned to his hometown.

Wander around the chapel.

The area of ​​this church is very small, less than 400 square meters. If it were not so small, it would be impossible for Gao Fan and Anna to complete all the murals within a few months.

But such a small area, used to hold a wedding that attracts the attention of the world, will it seem a bit cramped?

Gao Fan walked among these murals while thinking.

When creating this church mural, Gao Fan only mastered the two skills of 'distortion' and 'world', so the depiction of the elk cat, at this moment, seems to be somewhat deficient in skill, but the mysterious meaning in it is thick and scary When Gao Fan saw the Huanghuang Desert and MITT Village painted in the painting, he seemed to be in touch with reality at this moment, as if he could just wave his hand in.

It is indeed in touch with reality, otherwise how did those mysterious cats come to reality?

This ritual is obviously the key.

Gao Fan only needs to destroy it.

The arrival of the elk cat this time will come to naught.

However, when Gao Fan touched the color he had painted on the wall with his hand.

Suddenly, a shadow moved in the dark.

"SIR, please don't tamper with the ceremony."

Gao Fan looked at this demon servant who appeared suddenly, and he was an acquaintance, he couldn't help laughing: "It's Hopkins, I just want to see if this painting is done."

I have completed four years of painting, how could I not do it.

And Gao Fan looked at this 'veteran', who was once hand-painted by Gao Fan himself, and now he is an A-level servant belonging to Qin Fan. Fight alongside it in a world of inspiration.

And the feeling of the "veteran" to Gao Fan is strong and weak, much stronger than in the world of inspiration, but compared to the angel of power, the Emperor of Japan and the Prime Minister that Gao Fan has met, he is much weaker. Qinfan's near death made these servants who belonged to her no longer strong.

But it is enough to protect a church.

"Hopkins, do you still remember me?" Gao Fan made friends with the veteran.

"You are my creator, but please stay out of the ritual," said the veteran.

"It's really ruthless..." Gao Fan muttered.

At this time, footsteps came from behind.

Lu Tiaoyang walked in.

"Do you want to destroy your own work so that the elk cats cannot be summoned?" Lu Tiaoyang said, "Don't think about it, even if there are no veterans, those secret realm cats outside will crush you to death with one paw."

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