Soul Painter

Chapter 301 Three Great Precepts

Watching a few monks take out the reporter who broke in illegally.

Thinking of the 'bang' when the reporter hit his head against the wall just now.

Gao Fan felt a prank-like pleasure in his heart.

Recently, too many reporters or idlers have waited to come to the Thousand Buddha Hall to make trouble.

And a lot of people don't understand the rules, you just look at the paintings when you look at them, what are you doing with your hands?

Is it to verify whether there is a three-dimensional space in this mural?

As soon as they touched it, Gao Fan had to mend it.

It's annoying.

Before letting it go, I would have cursed a long time ago.

But now there is Buddha staring at Inspiration.

And the ten-meter Buddha in this inspiration has already revealed half of his real body. Seeing that victory is in sight, Gao Fan has to persevere.

Seeing the reporter being taken away, Gao Fan was pleased, but he said: "Amituofo, don't make things difficult for this benefactor, he also broke in unintentionally."

The reporter was taken away, and Miao Chan then walked in.

Although the murals in the Hall of Thousand Buddhas are only half painted, their presentation is far beyond Miao Chan's imagination. He knows that Gao Fan's painting skills are superb, but they are so exquisite that the viewer thinks that the Buddha is in front of them. The technology has been mastered.

As usual, he praised Gao Fan's piety, Gao Fan listened cheerfully, and received a few good words from Miao Chan every day, which would make him become a Buddha faster, and it could be regarded as accumulating a little, and gathering sand into a tower.

And Miao Chan finally walked to the blank wall facing the gate of the Thousand Buddhas Hall, lingered for a while, and then left. Gao Fan knew that he had something to say, no matter who saw the exquisiteness of the hall, The mural, seeing that blank space again, will feel awkward.

Come on~

Gao Fan encouraged himself.

Persevere, and take down the Buddha!

This is the second time he has faced a great existence after possessing the mystery. He fought head-on and drew it into the painting. This painting, this ritual, must be very useful!

But there are more and more distractions.

Where does the interference come from? There are mainly two sources.

One is the saber-toothed tiger circling around the Daku Temple, which brings a layer of mystery to the artist's creation. Whether art lovers or pure melon lovers, many want to find out what is inside the Thousand Buddha Hall.

The second is that many sneak photographers posted Gao Fan's creations in the Thousand Buddha Hall on the Internet, including photos, videos, and even live videos. When he found the live video, Lawrence was shocked. This is what he thought What can't be done!

After being reminded by Lawrence, Miao Chan led the people to find a full three cameras in the Thousand Buddha Hall, which can be used for half a year without charging. It is hard to say whether there are any more.

The well-cultivated Miao Chan felt angry, and publicly stated on the new media account of Daku Temple that he wanted to sue the Internet celebrity who installed surveillance cameras in the Thousand Buddha Hall. The Internet celebrity was immediately canceled by the platform, but many However, the video has been released, which means that the whole world can watch how the painter creates.

Of course, through the video, you can only see Gao Fanke’s crazy working state, but you can’t appreciate the beauty of his works, but don’t forget that there are high-definition large pictures, there must be someone with a digital camera Entered the Thousand Buddha Hall to shoot.

So Lawrence wanted to keep Gao Fan's new work a secret, and exposed it to the world while following Gao Fan's creative progress. The art circle caused a storm, and many articles were published. About Gao Fan's creative technique of combining Chinese and Western in the picture, it is Progress or hodgepodge is being debated endlessly.

There is no capital involved in this debate, so there are many positive comments. Many critics think this is a commendable attempt. As for why capital did not participate, it is very simple. This mural cannot appear on the trading market. No one will If you buy a hall for murals, no one will sell it.


The turbulent noise continued to occur in the second half of the mural creation of Gaofan's Thousand Buddha Hall.

Although the temple has stepped up its security, which has reduced the number of photos leaked during the follow-up Gao Fan’s creations, but repeated prohibitions have continued. Miao Chan is very suspicious that some lay monks guard against themselves, but this is not too important, and it does not involve any secrets, and there is no way A further investigation was carried out.

However, with this incident, the reputation of Daku Temple spread further, and even Miaochan received a meeting notice from the Buddhist Association, which surprised Miaochan.

In a few more days.

Miao Chan, who came back from the meeting of the Provincial Buddhist Association.

Found Gao Fan who was still creating in the Thousand Buddha Hall.

Every time Miaochan enters the Thousand-Buddha Hall, he will see some colorful scenes on the walls of the Thousand-Buddha Hall, and many more figures of Buddhas. In the secular world of the temple, let Zen grow like a vine, and let faith flourish like a flame.

But this time after leaving for three days, this feeling was still obvious when I came back.

The creation of the entire hall, except for the blank space left for Tathagata, has been completed by nearly 70%.

Looking around, Miaochan feels like being in a "jungle". Buddhists like to call temples and places of practice "jungles in ten directions". Now standing in the Hall of Thousand Buddhas, Miaochan has a deeper understanding of this term.

"Layman." Miao Chan walked to the scaffolding and looked at Gao Fan.

"Abbot." Gao Fan stopped his hands and feet and climbed down, the black cat jumped on his shoulder.

These two exhortations made Miao Chan feel full of Zen.

"It's like this. I went to the provincial Buddhist Association meeting this time to discuss the list of ordinations for this year's three altars. Then Master Guangji suggested that lay Buddhists could also be added to the list of ordinations. I don't know what lay Buddhists think?" Miao Miao Zen asked.

"Absolutely..." Gao Fan nodded, then asked, "What do you mean?"


turn out to be……

Shaving your head is not yet a monk.

You have to take precepts to be a monk.

Miao Chan followed Gao Fan to explain, and then Gao Fan understood.

In other words, even if you shave your head, you are still a layman. You have to accept the three altar precepts, accept the rituals, and obtain the precepts to be considered a real monk.

Generally speaking, lay Buddhists who receive precepts must practice for at least several years and master Buddhist principles before they can obtain this qualification. Although Gao Fan only practiced in Daku Temple for nearly three months, his reputation has already spread, so Master Guangji from the Buddhist Association suggested that Gao Fan could be ordained in advance.

After accepting the precepts, you can really become a monk.

"Monk" can be regarded as a profession.

As for Gao Fan's choice.

Is there even a need to ask?

Looking at the more compassionate smile of the Buddha in the inspiration, Gao Fan agreed without hesitation, of course he would accept it.

After accepting precepts, one can return to vulgarity, but what's wrong with letting the Buddha think he is more pious?


Although Gao Fan agreed, there are still tests.

Generally speaking, to test the devotion of a layman, it is enough for the abbot of a temple to come. Generally, the test is more Buddhist, and the limit is relatively wide. However, Gao Fan is admitted as an exception. The mural he is painting is also relatively famous. Legend has it that there is a real Buddha in it, and a saber-toothed tiger stays there, which is quite mysterious.

As soon as this matter was mentioned, many eminent monks from the Provincial Buddhist Association expressed that they would go to Daku Temple to appreciate the piety of Layman Gaofan, so this form of examination team became huge.

Waiting for Guangji, Tiqing, Kongxing and other masters of the Buddhist Association to visit the nearly completed Thousand Buddha Hall, they called it a spectacle. Guangji said that this 'Thousand Buddha Hall' can be called the Great Suffering together with the 'Ershi Toutuo' The two major Buddhist gates of the temple have a grand vision.

And everyone at the scene unanimously agreed to Gao Fan's application for ordination.

At the same time, in Gao Fan's inspiration, the Buddha's light appeared.

Let me tell you a good news~ Big seal tweet on the 30th, haha, I am also a person who has a big seal push work~ Also, at the end of the month, ask for a monthly pass, don’t make the data too ugly...

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