Soul of Burning Steel

Chapter 939: The Phoenix and the Big News

"I curse you! You detestable Mrs. Mycrore!"

The silver sky fire fell from the dark sky, like countless chaotic arcs crossing on the black drawing board, they hit the mountains and plains, bringing bright blazing light.

On top of it, the gray-white mist exudes the light of a dead skeleton, like a collapsed sky, it is constantly pressing down from the sky.

In the common sayings of the Lund civilization, there are often content such as "the sky will fall and its own peak", and "fools will worry that the sky will fall", which is used for comfort. Warn everyone not to worry about things that are too far away from real life and are extremely unlikely. But now, the innocence has collapsed—the silver sky fire is mixed with gray clouds like mountain peaks, they cover all sunlight, bring darkness and shadows to the earth, and are constantly pressing down from top to bottom.

And the scope it involves is the whole world.

In fact, this description is a bit wrong.

Because the parent star of the entire Lund planet is now being held in the palm of a giant steel hand, and this giant hand is slowly closing at this time. It blocks all the sunlight and wants to cover the entire 'world' - the silver fire and mist are just the 'pore exchange airflow' that overflows from the surface of the palm of this giant hand.

The giant hands are closing together, as if they want to grab and crush the planet in their hands. For this, the strong of the Lund civilization will naturally resist. On the planet, huge accelerated electromagnetic guns are firing continuously. Capable users—after all, they are silicon-based creatures—also turned into lightning-like trajectories, bravely charging towards the collapsing sky.

The Lund people are not elemental beings such as earth elements or steel elements. They are naturally born silicon-based civilizations, and they can think without souls—of course, robots can also have souls after being soaked in extraordinary power for a long time—— The volume of the Lund people at birth is about fifteen centimeters in diameter. On the surface, it looks like an electromagnetic levitation metal ball. They will become larger and larger in the process of growth, and then give birth to souls, awaken electromagnetic power, thinking speed and extraordinary The power will also naturally become faster and stronger. At this time, all the Lund people were resisting. They roared and counterattacked, like a tide of metal, rushing from the ground to the sky.

Their power detonated the atmosphere and set off a high-heat gust of wind on the surface. After all, this is the home planet of the Lund civilization. More than 230,000 gold-ranked experts who fought full-time fought against the sky at the same time, and the strongest one The size of the Lund people has exceeded three kilometers. If his power can be fully released, it is enough to easily change the surface of the planet and cause destruction at the level of star destruction. This level of Lund people is rare even in the entire Lund Alliance civilization. There are only eight similar level existences in the thirty-three worlds, and each of them can match a void fleet.

But now, this powerful Lund is cursing—he flies at a speed close to thirty times the speed of sound, and the terrifying electromagnetic force even distorts the planet's magnetic field, causing obvious ionization in the atmosphere of half the world, and further electromagnetic Sparks fly through the gray clouds, but to no avail. This powerful Lundman didn't fly too high. Soon, he felt as if he had been hit hard, and his whole body fell obliquely, dragging endless sparks to the ground, but a layer of gray mist supported the huge body. The iron ball, so that its fall will not really cause any damage to the planet.

Similarly, with more than 200,000 gold, the extreme-level Lund people were knocked down almost at the same time, and the illusory flashes and mist of knowledge that knocked them down, all the Lund people who were illuminated by the flash of silver flames felt as if they were being used The optical cable transmitted countless garbage information, and the central processing unit went down in an instant, and the Lund people who came into contact with the fog directly lost control of their bodies. turned into a rapid decline.

"I curse you, evil vandals, damned intruders!"

And on the way down, the most powerful Lund Giant Sphere cursed wholeheartedly, and the furious soul shook the atmosphere, and messages full of hatred and regret were transmitted from it to the heart of the owner of the gray cloud.

Even, this emotion of hatred and remorse condensed into a substantive 'power'. Following an extremely powerful electromagnetic pulse, it broke through the obstacles of the silver fire and the gray cloud, and fell into the giant hand that kept closing.

Of course, this curse doesn't make any sense. The Lund strongman who issued this curse has been submerged in the gray mist, he has fallen into a 'system dormancy', his soul has been paralyzed, and he has entered a real 'dream', but even in this dream, he is still roaring and cursing , sending out extremely unique electromagnetic pulses.

In this regard, the owner of this hand is too familiar and used to it: the black wave turns, and in just an instant, the furious extraordinary electromagnetic pulse sinks into a certain deep "soul abyss", and in this soul abyss, similar to The curse and malice of the gods are everywhere, and there is a tsunami of endless vicious spirits and soul fragments. The number of these malicious spirits may even exceed the total population of the Lund civilization.

The curse of the Runds is not worth mentioning at all, they have never been cared about.

Therefore, Joshua van Radcliffe did not have any emotions about this. The giant god who was clenching his fist didn't smile, nor frowned, nor was he angry—in essence, he just grabbed the home planet of the Lund civilization with a random grab.

"Okay." He said so, not knowing who he was communicating with: "The storage of Lund's home planet has been completed, and I have already included this planet into the first protection area-these guys are really hard to talk about, and they don't make sense at all .”

Having said that, the four-armed giant raised his head, and he looked at the star about four light minutes away from him: the sun that was called the "Cyclops" by the Lund civilization. Joshua sighed and said, "These guys don't even know that the disaster is imminent, the change of the sun is already so obvious."

This is a massive star, its lifespan has exceeded half, but it is still in the most stable period, the yellow-orange light is very dazzling, but the giant god's eyes can penetrate this light, penetrate its luminous shell, and the surging inside The hot gas dissects the seemingly ordinary structure of this star and looks directly at its essence.

The egg of a super void behemoth - and about to hatch.

Yes, this star is the egg of a super void behemoth. In other words, this world is the offspring of a certain super void behemoth 'split'. According to Joshua and others' speculation on the void behemoth, the ancient dragon, and the world's galaxy circulation, this is not a strange thing At the end of its life, the ultimate Void Behemoth would have transformed into one or split into many worlds, at the cost of its own life, to carry out the world cycle of the galaxy.

But no matter how wonderful the circulatory system of the galaxy is, in the final analysis, the void behemoths are also life, so it is not surprising that they have descendants. Maybe some of the worlds that were split at the beginning contained the eggs of behemoths, and they may be buried in the "earth" The bottom of the body, maybe the inside of the body is the sky and the earth, maybe it is... the stars.

Elementality, energy, incorporeal void behemoths—a good subject for study. Joshua had the thought in his mind, maybe Emperor Amos got inspiration from this void behemoth, so he cast his nebula body? It has to be said that the multiverse is indeed very wonderful. Even the glorious civilizations of the past have not seen all the scenery, just like this super void behemoth that can turn eggs into stars, they have never encountered one in the past.

It may also be that there is no in-depth investigation, so it cannot be discovered... After all, the lifespan of stars is too long, and civilization seems to be nothing in front of them. In addition, among the many galaxies, there are tens of thousands of times the difference in time traps. It is very likely that civilizations were born at the same time, but one has just passed a few years, and the other has passed tens of thousands of years, but even so , Many civilizations may not be able to see the slightest change in the stars until they are destroyed.

In any case, this time is a memorable event—on February 1, 847, the Starfall Era finally discovered a new thing that was unknown to the Glory Era, and was recorded in the unified information base. The elemental super Void behemoth, this is an epoch-making discovery, enough to be recorded in the annals of history.

"It's about time."

After Joshua forcibly 'guarded' the home planet of the Lunds who knew nothing about it, he had no intention of leaving. In fact, as early as eight minutes ago, he sent a stimulating pulse wave to this massive star. Now, what should have happened four minutes ago should now follow the light from the distant star. Get here.

It can be seen that in the light, the star is 'fragmenting'.

The first sign is that the star is rapidly aging and turning red. The massive star seems to lose most of its mass in an instant. After the high-heat gas in the outer layer loses its gravitational restraint, it begins to expand rapidly like a red giant star—— But this expansion only lasted for fifteen seconds. After fifteen seconds, the mass returned, and the majestic gravity pulled the expanding gas back again. This time, it seemed as if the stars were being torn apart, causing a large number of stars to collapse. The gas irregularly overflowed in the vacuum, and brought endless glare, violent electromagnetic shocks and gravitational waves, as well as an extremely angry 'tweet'.

With the chirp, the star's outer layers of gas began to peel off—like an eggshell. The huge ionization caused by the runaway thermonuclear fusion turned a large amount of helium into carbon, which turned into a layer of black "carbon shell" covering the entire surface of the star. In the next moment, a helium flash broke out, and this layer of carbon shell shattered. Regular circular arcs of light extend from the 'eggshell', they intersect, intertwine, and finally turn into a pair of 'bird'-like wings!

This pair of wings looks like the light belt of the aurora, and it also looks like water plants floating in the sea. The golden light is half empty and half solid, sweeping away all the carbon shells caused by the helium flash, so that Joshua can see Clear each other's face.

a bird.

An extremely huge 'Phoenix' made entirely of fire and light - a 'Phoenix'.

Legend has it that the phoenix lives forever, but it has a time when its lifespan ends, but before its lifespan expires, it will choose a nest, light a big fire, and then be reborn in a burst of fire, nirvana.

"But no one ever said that the phoenix fire was actually a supernova..."

Whispering to himself, Joshua has already seen the birth process that this 'Phoenix Void Beast' was supposed to go through - in the beginning, what was left by the original super Void Beast was really just a A huge star world, but within the stars in this star world, there is an egg of a void behemoth. This egg will absorb the star energy left by the mother beast, that is, the 'egg white' grows up and gradually replaces the energy of the star. All functions...then, when it sees 'right', cause the star to decay rapidly and be born from the ashes in a grand supernova explosion.

No matter what Joshua was thinking at this time, this giant beast was burning with a monstrous rage - due to the stimulation brought by the arrival of the soldiers, it woke up a few days or months earlier, which made it not fully absorbed Lose the energy of the star, and then be born in a supernova explosion a few days or months later, at this time it is simply an incomplete body, which greatly lengthens its future growth time and danger in the void! You know, according to the inheritance runes in the core energy structure, it was originally a descendant of a super void behemoth with star-level energy at birth.

But now, I'm afraid it's just a few grades stronger than ordinary void giants, which immediately makes it dangerous from a situation with almost no natural enemies.


The phoenix chirped loudly, and the fluctuations of magic power and elements shook the entire star world. It spread its 'wings' and transformed itself from a compact star sphere into a huge figure like a real flying bird. It opened its own observation organs , conveying his anger with the most angry voice: "Qing———————————————————————————————————————— Clang!!"

However, it guessed wrong.

What the phoenix saw was not the 'fleet of little people' it had guessed.

In fact, what it saw was a "big man" who was several sizes bigger than it, and kept getting bigger and bigger, with a white glow all over its body.

"Hello, little bird." The adult made a strange voice, which he couldn't understand: "You have caused me a lot of misunderstandings."


The angry voice of the giant beast gradually softened. Facing the terrifying four-armed giant god who leaped over at unknown time and had already come before him, the sun god bird closed its mouth, closed its observation organs, and unfolded the original unfolding in a self-evasive manner. He folded his wings, trying to restore himself to the original stellar fireball—but it was too late, the giant god patted the stellar remnants that were constantly gathering on his legs, and then the lower left hand gathered the gravitational change field, and grabbed this thought. Want to be the phoenix neck of an ostrich, and then fly towards the outside world with it without hesitation: the scream of the phoenix is ​​very shrill and helpless, its inheritance does not have the knowledge to deal with the relevant situation, it is still A child, how would he know how to deal with a tyrannical God of Steel?

To be reasonable, what kind of inheritance will there be?

So it was dragged away like this. At the same time, it was forcibly taken away by a whole planet of Lund civilization, tens of millions of Lund people, and more than 20 branches in the void arrived lately, planning to surround Qiao Xiu Ya this 'damn Mrs. Mikrow who attacked our home planet' Void Fleet. Gods of the Seven, they didn't figure out what was going on at all, they saw an unbelievably huge four-armed giant walking out of their already dim mother world dragging an equally unimaginably huge flame bird. The Lund people realized that their mother world had been extinguished, and began to grieve. They were all dealt with, and Joshua forcibly 'guarded' them into the first protected area.

The entire star field suddenly became quiet, leaving only a few worlds carefully turning in the empty void.

"Another endangered planet was protected."

A few days later, on February 4th, Starfall 847, Joshua handed over the larvae of the Void Giant Beast code-named 'Phoenix' to the God of Life after he had suppressed his sanity and imprisoned him in a yellow K-type star. At that time, the god whose face was shrouded in a veil raised his head more than once, and looked at the incarnation of Joshua, who was only the size of a normal person. The god's gaze was direct and strange, which even made the warrior feel uncomfortable.

"Protecting life is a good thing... It's just that the relationship with the Lund people may not be so easy to repair. You forcibly broke into their territory, broke the barrier of their mother world, and forcibly accommodated all the colonial space stations along the way, even theirs. mother star."

Noticing Joshua's puzzled eyes, God of Life coughed before the stars and in the vacuum, and said somewhat euphemistically, "I'm afraid they have misunderstood us deeply. Especially since they think you have destroyed all their void fleets." in the case of."

"They will understand." Joshua naturally wouldn't care about this misunderstanding. Although the Lund people are iron-headed, they are not incapable of thinking. They will soon realize that they saved the lives of everyone on their home planet. ——God knows how long it will take for this super void behemoth to be officially born, and then burn the planets of the entire galaxy world.

Although patrolling the star fields, inspecting the star fields around the space-time hubs of different galaxies, and observing the possible threats was originally Joshua's work in the past few months, but encountering such a powerful descendant of the void behemoth is also a challenge. It's a matter of luck, if Joshua hadn't happened to pass by this time, I'm afraid that in a few months, the people of Lund would have to face a real stellar-level void behemoth.

"Let's not talk about this matter, Your Majesty the God of Life."

Joshua didn't think too much about similar issues. He had done too many things like saving the world, and he got used to it. Naturally, he didn't care much about the thanks of the rescued. Now he noticed that the god in front of him obviously had something to say. To put it bluntly, the Void Behemoth and the Lund people were just a way to stir up the conversation. He was not used to too many pleasantries, so he asked directly: "Do you want to ask me for something?"


The God of Life didn't continue talking too much. He knew Joshua's character, so after sighing, he said directly: "According to reliable information, it seems that Amos Royal Court has encountered some kind of trouble—yes, I Knowing it's not news, but it's the latter that is the most surprising."

Speaking of this, the tone of the God of Life suddenly became serious, and His veil became golden under the brilliance of the stellar corona not far away, and the tone of the god became low: "And just as King Amos When the court encountered unknown troubles, the Thakur Oblivion Sect didn't make trouble—they didn't do anything."

"Joshua, this is big news."

For the scene where the phoenix was born, I recommend everyone to watch a video. Just search for 'helium flash' on station B, and the first one will be it. Number av911306

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