Soul of Burning Steel

Chapter 897: Change and the Last Stand

It is not an easy matter to join the joint expedition fleet hosted by the Mycroft civilization. Don't talk about how the Shalts, Shepherds and Abyssal Demons select the elite of their own clan, but only talk about Mrs. Microroe herself.

The personnel selected to join the expedition fleet are impeccable in terms of strength and identity. They may have had many experiences of exploring the void, or they have been determined to have excellent talents and are very suitable for void navigation, so that they can become fleet members. reserve crew.

And these selected excellent reserve crew members will have experienced time-accelerated indoctrination learning and practical operations in reality in the spiritual terminal and in reality. In just four months, a large number of experienced crew members The Void Crew was 'made' in this way—although most of these crews simply knew how to operate, but under the leadership of some skilled crews from the Shepherd and Shalt civilization, these crews were carried out in the spiritual world. The crew members who have been assessed many times can successfully display their virtual experience in reality.

Now, the training of the fleet is over, and carefully selected crew members from all over the world, who even have to undergo mental testing, begin to assemble and are sent to the Ten Thousand Realms Sacrifice Field by one void transport ship after another, and the ultimate purpose of their transmission The land is a group of pioneer fortresses located at the edge of the world's galaxy.

It can be seen that on the side of Mycroft's world facing the sacrificial field of ten thousand realms, there are dozens of light spots lit up, and then hundreds of light spots. A long trajectory was drawn out, like obvious strings, shaking with the fluctuation of time and space.

At this moment, countless people are watching this scene.

In the void next to the Ten Thousand Worlds Sacrifice Ground, the teacher of nature watched this scene, while the Holy Sword Envoy and the Rune Master stood aside, and they happened to be working in the Ten Thousand Worlds Sacrifice Ground, and they saw countless light spots flying towards their direction ——This seemingly unremarkable scene made these legendary powerhouses who have been famous for many years feel gratified and moved.

"Ten years ago, I could never have imagined this scene."

The holy sword envoy whispered to himself, he was subconsciously stroking the long sword he was carrying with him, and his tone was complicated with a touch of emotion: "At that time, I was still playing hide-and-seek with those cultists in the Western Mountains. In the crowd, with ordinary people as shields, I originally thought that my whole life would be spent playing chivalry and playing hide-and-seek with this group of garbage. Unexpectedly, a few years later, the cultists jumped out one by one like crazy , was wiped out by us, and I also lost the reason to wander, and life suddenly became peaceful and boring."

"Soon, we are going to the alien galaxy."

Barnier, the rune master, stroked his beard, and he said absent-mindedly: "Your hyperactivity disorder will not be boring soon - there must be a lot of things in that place that you need to cut, and you will definitely have a good time. .”

"Swords are for stabbing and cutting, not for slashing. Don't talk nonsense if you don't understand weapons." The holy sword user didn't have the heart to quarrel with his old friends at this time. Somewhat playful: "Speaking of which, ten years ago you were still looking for Gu Long everywhere, right? Now that you have found it, it has become boring—after all, you are just like me."

"At least I won't wear tattered clothes all day long, make my holy sword look like a rusty iron sword, pretend to be a pig and eat a tiger everywhere, I'm so vulgar."


The teacher of nature did not quarrel with the two old things next to him. At this time, Galannord was recalling his ten years ago, a hundred years ago.

What was she doing ten years ago? She is worried about the future of the elves, deducing a new way of nature, she is thinking hard, trying to find the direction where the father of nature left from the ancient books, living hard and confused.

One hundred years ago, it was even longer. At that time, she was still assisting the Elf Queen to subdue the major elf nobles in the Lake of Eternity, and gathered the rights scattered among the twelve clans in the royal court. She fought with other great virtues day and night Ruy compares the background of the way of nature, and lives a hard and happy life.

But now, she doesn't have to think about anything, she doesn't have to worry about anything... She has found a way for the elves, and then, whether they follow this road or start a new path by themselves, it doesn't matter. There are things she needs to think about. The natural tutor can finally think about life for herself and the future for herself.

"Ha, ten years ago, could I have imagined this kind of life?"

Talking to himself, Galannord shook his head.

Of course not—no matter who is in the world of Mycroft, it is impossible to imagine it.

Ten years ago, Mrs. Micro was still living an ignorant and ignorant life on the eve of the industrial age. Farmers had to go to the fields by themselves, and after paying taxes on the harvest of a year’s hard work, they could barely make ends meet. Craftsmen, hunters, and everyone else As long as the job brokers do not have extraordinary power and become professionals, they will definitely be trapped in the local area, and they must be careful not to be preyed by monsters even when they go out of the city.

At that time, Mycroft didn't have the slightest trace of the glorious civilization of the Glorious Era. Although he was called the successor, he was just a primitive man living in the ruins of the other party's destruction.

But now, everything is different.

Thinking of this, the natural teacher turned around and looked behind him in the center of the Ten Thousand Worlds Sacrificial Field, those extraordinary powerhouses living in satellite cities and ordinary people serving them.

The current Mrs. Mike Luo has lived a very relaxed and happy life. Their life is something that I never imagined ten years ago. Each of them can have enough food, leave the city at will, and travel to various places. As long as they have enough money, They can even hire superhumans to take them on a trip to another world.

Farmers don’t even need to rush to plow the land before the season. They only need to borrow money to buy a set of agricultural magic armor. Even a sixty-year-old man with half his teeth lost can manage the field in one day that the whole family can barely manage in a week. And the miners who work so hard and even occasionally have to sacrifice their lives are not even as cheap and easy to use as the puppets that have been popularized too much. Most of them have changed from laborers who go to the ground in person to technicians who take puppets to inspect the mine and reinforce the passage.

Except for some rural areas where mana technology has not yet been popularized, almost everyone has a spiritual terminal. In their spare time, they can go to forums, play games, and hone their spirits with entertaining colleagues. If they are confident in their own skills, they can even Challenging the difficult dungeon of the Continent of Disputes, and being strengthened by feedback in the real world—this kind of life was absolutely unimaginable for everyone ten years ago.

It was even unimaginable for a warrior in his previous life.

The changes that the technological explosion has brought to the world are really incredible.

Although the emergence of a large number of magic armor and puppets has caused many people to lose their jobs, this does not mean that there are fewer jobs-the disappearance of the lowest-level labor jobs has instead contributed to the conflagration of the upper-level processing industry and service industry , the vast majority of ordinary people who sell their strength learn their skills in the virtual courses set up in the spiritual terminal, and use another job that is easier but requires more wisdom to support themselves.

And beyond that, the concepts of nation and race are disappearing.

Thinking of this, the natural teacher looked at the two legendary experts from Xishan.

Leaving aside the fact that there was no barrier between elves and dwarves, the idea of ​​the four major human gathering places is gradually fading away. With the retreat of the Black Forest and the eradication of monsters, the original uninhabited wilderness has also begun to appear. A variety of new villages and cities have been opened. The border between the Western Mountains and the Northern Empire is no longer just the Banerte Plateau. In the northwest of the southern fortress group of the Empire, a small plain corridor originally covered by the Black Forest has appeared. It has now become a channel for large-scale trade between the two gathering places, and the southern part of the empire, which had declined slightly due to the disappearance of the Kuroshio, suddenly became very expensive again.

Because of the cooperation of the top powerhouses, it is also a last resort to join forces in the face of stronger enemies, which has led to the entire Mycroft civilization gradually beginning to move towards an "alliance"—just like the newly-rising Roman Emperor in Xishan, right? After the Neng family made a compromise, the Roman emperor successfully merged many small countries and unified most of the Xishan area.

If it was the original, this should be the embryonic form of a great power called the Xishan Empire similar to the Northern Empire, but unfortunately, it is no longer the age of the empire—Natural Teacher still remembers that the Emperor Roman was brought to The Ten Thousand Realms Sacrifice Ground, after receiving the information about this galaxy and the multiverse from the hands of the legends, the wonderful expression on the face.

He was shocked and surprised. He never thought that the civilization he was in was once so great, and the enemy he was about to face was so terrifying—he never thought that outside the bright world, there is almost endless of darkness.

However, everyone who can do great things must not be a weak coward. The former Grand Duke Roman and the current Roman Emperor cheered up after knowing the truth of the world. He was a little decadent because of the fulfillment of his life's wish , but the brand-new truth of the world made this big man who felt that "things have been done" regain his fighting spirit.

The strong are not the ones whose vision will be restricted by the small land——Roman sent almost all the elites in his nascent country to join the expeditionary force, and he himself began to practice hard, hoping that one day in the future, he would not be based on Not as the leader of a certain local force, but as a legendary powerhouse, he officially joined this big stage.

At the same time, the Vanguard Fortress community.

Joshua and Nostradamus stood side by side at the forefront of the fortress group. They were at the edge of the world galaxy, looking at the end of the world galaxy in the distance.

It can be seen that in the depths of the dark void, there is an obscure silver band of light, that band of light is misty and illusory, extending faintly into the extremely dark void... It seems to be just a little energy cloud brought by the great demon tide , but both Joshua and Nostradamus knew clearly that it was not the energy cloud brought by the great demon tide, on the contrary, it was the unmistakable light of the stars.

"There is where the fleet will depart."

The old mage stared at the silver light belt in the distance, and said softly: "The shepherds landed from there - a long road completely composed of the broken wreckage of many worlds, a long star cloud layer composed of countless steel particles , there is the dividing line between the 'dark void' and the 'world galaxy'."

Inside the light belt is a bright world galaxy, and outside the light belt is a dead void of nothingness.


Joshua also stared at the black void, and after a while, the man closed his eyes.

"That's the last stop before we leave the galaxy."

The second change, asking for a monthly ticket

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