Song of Adolescence

Chapter 262: Moon watching

Wearing a green robe, smiling slightly, with fluttering hair, gently fluttering, it is actually gentle.

It turned out that the figure that Sagong Qianluo Wuqi saw that day was really her.

Ye Ruoyi, the daughter of Ye Xiaoying.

No wonder she said that she would be able to watch the stars. She was a half disciple of Qi Tianchen, the superintendent of Qin Tian.

"Why did you come here?" Tang Lian asked Tang Lian. His tone was not too good. Although they had known each other and even experienced life and death, the attitude of Ye Xiaoying in Lei Jiabao made him vigilant.

"Naturally it is to help him." Ye Ruoyi looked at Xiao Se, and said lightly, "I don't know what father thinks, I just want to help him return to the Apocalypse."

"Because I helped you when I was young?" Xiao Se asked.

"No." The sea breeze blew Ye Ruoyi's hair, and she gently fluttered, "Because we are friends."

"Yes, you are friends." Lei Wujie finally intervened, "It is also right to travel thousands of miles for a friend to help each other. Come and come, let's discuss when to leave."

Sikong Qianluo gently pressed the tip of his spear against Lei Wujie's back waist: "You are really happy."

Ye Ruoyi looked at Lei Wujie and smiled slightly: "It's been a long time."

Lei Wujie blushed and scratched his head: "Yes, it's been a long time. You are still so beautiful."


In an instant, this embarrassing atmosphere solidified on the entire ship.

Even Mu Chunfeng, who has read thousands of books, doesn't know how to continue this sentence, but Ye Ruoyi was taken aback for a while and smiled: "You are still so cute."


It's even more embarrassing.

"Hahahahahaha." Mu Chunfeng smiled awkwardly, "I have a question, why are all the masters I got here for you? This girl came when I was recruiting stargazers. Although young and gentle, his ability surpasses those masters who have been immersed in stargazing for decades. It really surprised me a lot."

Xiao Se turned around, ignoring him: "Let's go."

Mu Chunfeng didn't mind, "Brother Xiao, how many days shall I wait for you here?"

"According to your guess, how many more days can I live?" Xiao Se did not stop.

"Five days." Mu Chunfeng replied simply.

"Then wait for me for seven days." Xiao Se got on the boat. It was already the largest ship on board the Jincuo, and it was not much bigger than the ships that fishermen used to fish in the sea. In the vast sea, it looks a little small. Everyone walked from the Jincuo to this small boat, and they were a little uneasy.

"From Sansnake Island to Penglai Fairy Island, it is said that in one day, our boat should not be overturned by the waves, right?" Lei Wujie whispered.

"Shut up!" Sikong Qianluo and Tang Lian were said to have broken their minds, and they turned their heads to curse at him.

"Brother Xiao." Mu Chunfeng, who was standing at the wrong number, shouted at them.

Xiao Se raised his head and looked at Mu Chunfeng.

"We must live!" Mu Chunfeng shouted.

Xiao Se nodded, and whispered, "I will."

Lei Wujie slowly shook the oars, and their small boat went out slowly.

Everyone sat on the boat, but did not speak, but their mood was the same. The boundless sea, a small boat, and an unpredictable way forward, this is a completely different experience from the previous trip to San Snake Island on the Jincuo. Even Tang Lian, the big brother who had always been calm, was full of anxiety at this moment.

It was like this for most of the day, first with Lei Wujie at the helm, then with Tang Lian, and then with Lei Wujie. The sky was getting darker, Ye Ruoyi looked at the stars in the sky, occasionally saying a few words to make them adjust their positions.

"You can distinguish the north, south, east, and west by looking at the stars. It's really a long experience." Lei Wujie put down the sway and walked to Ye Ruoyi's side. Tang Lian sighed, and stepped forward to take the scull.

"When can we reach that dark tide?" Sikong Qianluo said uncomfortably.

As soon as the voice fell, the ship began to shake violently. Tang Lian pushed forward with a palm, using the palm of the wind to make the boat retreat instantly: "It seems that it has arrived."

Xiao Se and Ye Ruoyi were silent, but looked up at the sky.

Lei Wujie followed and looked at the sky, and said with a smile: "The moonlight tonight is beautiful."

This is the line he sees from the book "Late Coming Snow". A man in it asks the hero how to express his love in his heart? The hero asked him, what do you think? The man said, "I want to see you, so I like it very much, or I want to be with you for a lifetime, and go to the end." The former talks about love at first sight, while the latter talks about everlasting, different intentions, and each has its own merits. But the male protagonist said that there is no need to say, just go to the night path with her. During the period, he raised his head and said: The moonlight is beautiful tonight. That's it.

Unfortunately, this is not the time to fall in love.

Ye Ruoyi nodded: "It's really beautiful."

Xiao Se frowned: "I can't see that star."

"Almost, I can see it vaguely." Ye Ruoyi said.

"What are they talking about?" Sikong Qian was puzzled.

"That day, Mr. Xie said, this dark tide will stop for one night every seven days, mainly to watch the stars in the sky flow. When the full moon, Dongsheng Yaoguang, Xisheng Emperor, we have to wait for that moment. But, Miss Ye Will you know?" Tang Lian was puzzled.

"The tides of the sea are originally based on the movement of the stars under the sky. If you say that this dark tide will stop, then it must be related to the movement of the stars under the sky. I calculated the final result after three months. Dongsheng Yaoguang, Xisheng Emperor , It's tonight." Ye Ruoyi still looked up at the sky, frowning.

Tang Lian suddenly realized: "No wonder Xiao Se is so anxious."

Xiao Se shook his head slightly: "But Yaoguang has already risen, why has the emperor been so late to see him."

"The star of the emperor is dim, and Apocalypse is afraid that something bad will happen." Ye Ruoyi said thoughtfully, "but this is not something we should care about now. Brother Tang, please hurry!"

I saw a faint star flashing to the west, presumably the star of the emperor.

"It's half an hour later than what I deduced." Ye Ruoyi said worriedly.

"Rising late, I'm afraid it will end early." Xiao Se continued.

Lei Wujie stood up immediately, pushing both palms toward the direction of the stern, Tang Lian also accelerated the speed of swaying. Suddenly the ship moved forward quickly.

"Does it mean that if the emperor star falls, we all have to die here?" Lei Wujie asked.

Xiaosi nodded: "Yes!"

Lei Wujie speeded up his palm, then turned his head to look at Sagong Qianluo who was sitting there in a daze: "Senior Sister Qianluo, help!"

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