Skynet Architect

Chapter 186 Famous!

"Are you really willing to let me be the security director of your company? According to my information, the people who have held management positions in Skynet from its inception to now are those who followed you back then. I don't know if I am qualified."

"However, my previous identity should not be on the recruitment list of Skynet, because I found that there is a strong enough combat power here, such as your bodyguard." I shivered.

Si Fan laughed immediately: "Haha! This is my full-time bodyguard, I will not let him do security work. If you want to do our company's security work, you can recruit as many people as you want to work overseas! We can apply for any equipment and certificates."

He is confident now. Those who have energy have the right to speak, and now Si Fan holds the future energy in his hands.

George considered it for a moment, then nodded in agreement.

"I crawled out of hell in the Siberia training camp. I managed to kill a brown bear with my bare hands in the final test before leaving! I didn't expect to be solved so easily today. I want to challenge him once a year!" George said in Chinese He spoke in a straight voice.

Si Fan nodded: "It's okay. If you like being abused, be abused! I don't object at all."

He said it easily, but George on the opposite side looked at the Terminator with a bit of stubbornness.

But after talking to Si Fan, he quietly took out his phone and made a few random calls.

It can be heard that these people are mercenaries from all over the world, and they used to belong to a security company. This company is the most famous in the world, but was forced to dissolve for some reasons. Now it has appeared here again.

When Si Fan heard it, he was also a little excited. But soon he was not in the mood to listen to these things. Because the screen is constantly swiping on his mobile phone.

In such a short time just now, it seemed that something huge that affected the world suddenly broke out.

The most direct impact is that everyone in the manor seems to be crazy, and the people who have spent more than a million dollars in an instant are almost full.

On the other hand, there have been more than 30 auctions in a row outside, and the price each time has not been lower than one million US dollars, and there are even several million US dollars of investment.

Such a huge influx of funds not only benefited Si Fan, but Ahmed, who was holding shares for nothing, made a lot of money.

In such a short time,

Tens of millions of dollars were credited instantly. It is the people who drive the entire area to seize the third area, and some people have already set their sights on the second area.

As for the first area, it is a big pit. Only after careful consideration will someone actually go there!

After all, it is a consumption of 100 million U.S. dollars, even if you live in it permanently in the future, you will still have daily consumption.

But what shocked Si Fan was not their arrival, but why these people came suddenly.

Soon, not only Si Fan but also George next to him became restless. Every time he made a call, he would look back at Si Fanna before continuing to call the next person.

Even he himself was a little unbelievable with such continuous phone calls.

"What's the name of the manor we're in now?" His voice changed a little, as if his legs were limp.

Si Fan immediately knew the reason. It must be that the previous auction really started to have an effect. Otherwise, it would be impossible for so many people to go crazy together.

But he never expected that this time things would be so crazy. Scientists all over the world have gone crazy.

Just as he was speaking, he was connected to the most authoritative technology weekly in the world!

This kind of extremely professional weekly magazine has never been of much interest to Chinese people. At most, a few names flashed symbolically in a year, and only those who have won awards will be on the cover of a weekly magazine.

It is even the monument of a scientist's life, but today is different. Today, the same person is on the cover of these magazines at the same time. This person does not even have a formal photo, only a photo of a doctor who graduated from school.

And this person is not a super scientist who shocked the world. But an architect!

That's right! Architects actually appeared on the covers of the most mainstream and authoritative technology magazines in the world. This is something that has never happened since ancient times.

Now it has come true for the first time.

The headline in the Nature Weekly reads a very prosaic title - Inspirational Mentor!

On Science Weekly - Inspiration Developer

On the Lancet, there are even long and mixed comments—a devil who sells the future and sells the soul!

The first half of the sentence is beautiful, and the second half is horrifying, but it is difficult to hide a fact! That is the kind of inspiration that can be bought and sold.

That is there is a price.

So many weekly journals all putting one person on the front page is enough to attract the attention of the scientific community all over the world!

The reason for this is that dozens of laboratories have developed new research results at the same time in a short period of time, carried out patent protection and published papers.

There are even several forked roads in the same direction in the same field that many research institutes have blazed their own paths.

There is only one truth, but the road to truth is infinite, and human beings are walking on this road.

However, the reason why Si Fan received so much attention was because of the praise of those scientists for Si Fan.

All the same compliment. A crazy businessman who sells inspiration! !

This title made Si Fan dumbfounded. He is not a philanthropist, so why would he let you live here for free? It was built with hundreds of millions of cash invested.

If the capital is based on the sale price, it must be more than one billion, which is really cheap.

Si Fan didn't care about the currency exchange rate at all, and looked at the news with ease.

It was precisely because of these news that Si Fan became angry! It really became popular all of a sudden. Some people said that he built the manor at the gate of heaven.

Some people say there is Pandora's box! Some even say that there is hell buried beneath it.

All kinds of languages ​​surround Si Fan, but he doesn't care, the house is built here anyway.

However, some people put it on the manor itself, and the luxurious architectural features are always so attractive.

Even if it is the Chinese style, it incorporates a lot of Western details, but the general direction is still the Chinese style. Even though the patterns are somewhat different, it still makes those who love Huaxia a little bit excited.

What if the house they live in is like this?

Since someone needs it, someone wants to contact Si Fan.

But Si Fan wouldn't care about it! Because now George was looking at him with a strange look.

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