Skynet Architect

Chapter 122: Buried Pile

The earth roared, and amidst the vibrations of the sky collapsing and the earth sinking, the project finally started! It is completely different from the construction method in the impression of ordinary people! It even surpassed Si Fan's usual imagination. After a night of geological changes, the entire port seems to have dropped a bit. This is just a superficial phenomenon. The sand is poured directly on the beach. Since Si Fan does not control the quality of the sand, most of the sand is loaded in the nearby desert and sent directly. The drivers are t400 construction terminators. The ground has been refilled.

Every hour, Si Fan will make the control range of the machine the closest.

By noon the next day, Si Fan finally completed the most basic geological transformation! But this time is so different! Its hundreds of huge support columns have long been buried deep in the ground, and the once soft ground has completely fused the support groups to the ground under the gravity, and it can no longer move a little.

"Yawn!" Si Fan, who was on the construction site early in the morning, looked at the ground around him and felt as if he had passed away. The busy night, under the double protection of earplugs and eye masks, did not disturb his sweet dreams at all.

But when he opened his eyes and looked over, the surroundings turned into high walls, only he himself was buried deep in the ground and became the toad sitting in the well and watching the sky.

"Who will save me! Get me out." Si Fan yelled with a dumbfounding voice, more to inform the Skynet system.

The voice in the system sounded.

"The host please wait for 1 minute and 13 seconds." The voice was cold and heartless.

But Si Fan didn't care too much about it anymore, this thing has no feelings, whoever let the cute and arrogant Red Queen fall asleep and still hasn't woken up now.

"I don't know how far it has come. Before going to bed, I just buried piles in advance. It is too easy to drive piles on sandy ground. But all I need are deep piles. Now the Terminator directly uses a simple pile driver from another space. The effect is definitely No way." Si Fan was worried about all this. But obviously he was thinking too much.

After more than a minute, he had already appeared outside the cave, and finally knew what he had done.

"It turns out that you are so buried."

The depth of buried piles is the depth of normal construction. It does not directly destroy the pile body, but bury it in advance, and then wait for the pressure to compact the ground. Instead, the pile will be fixed and squeezed deeply into the sandstone. Integrating into it, this is even stronger and more stable than normal piling.

Surrounded by solid piles to form the outline of the entire building, it is the power of the system to build it overnight. Si Fan would never be able to complete such a great creation by himself.

But now the project has stopped,

All the terminators slowly gathered around him, waiting for his order, and the external t300 terminators stood around to ensure that no one would disturb them.

Now is not the time for them to show their talents.

"Just execute the next step plan, I want to see how efficient you are." Si Fan is looking forward to the completion of these equipment. I didn't even expect that my own building system would have such a complete set of equipment.

"The host please leave the construction site." The Skynet system issued an order to evict the guest without hesitation.

Sure enough, at this time, the terminators were all standing in some very corners, completely leaving the central area.

Looking at this situation, Si Fan knew what happened no matter how stupid he was.

Just as he was leaving, he suddenly found that the money in his bank account had dropped rapidly. The speed of the drop made him feel scared, for fear of being discovered.

The bank's capital flow is well-founded, and such a large amount of money will never disappear inexplicably.

Next, he saw an exciting scene, as countless machines suddenly appeared on the ground. Most of these machines have even been installed, that is, they have been transmitted as a whole.

Then came more machines.

During the teleportation, the terminators rushed forward to help connect, especially the machinery around the pillars needed a second connection to connect all the pipes and equipment above.

I usually see the function of the Terminator, but now it seems to have evolved into a worker, who is very skilled in connecting devices.

But... Si Fan was completely dumbfounded when he saw these machines. This was beyond his knowledge. He could only recognize what was a conveyor belt, what was a pipe, and what it was for. Then I don't know.

In the end, he could only rub his head and retreat in defeat.

This is completely beyond his ability.

Gradually withdrawing from the screen, Si Fan casually found a place on the beach to lie on the soft sand.

I haven't eaten yet early in the morning. The echo from his stomach embarrassed him.

"It seems that I suddenly forgot that I still need to eat. Hurry up and find a place to eat!" Si Fan reminded himself in a low voice, then looked up at the road... there was no ghost.

Looking at the vehicle again, I was a little dazed.

Not a single car was left to myself on the road. Terminators don't need to eat, but he does.

Si Fan, who wanted to cry but had no tears, had the urge to strangle Ahmed to death.

"Why! I really want to eat!" Si Fan felt bitter. Sitting on the ground flipping through the things he brought.

There was almost nothing in it, but I found a lighter, and then looked at the beach.

"Do it yourself...I'm sick." Si Fan looked at the beaches and then at the Terminator and t800 Terminator who had nothing to do.

"It's up to you!" Si Fan waved to t800: "Go help me catch some edible seafood. You should be good at hunting, right? Get a few fish from the sea to eat." Si Fan pointed in the direction of the sea .

With almost no hesitation, t800 reached the beach in a few steps, and dived into the sea. It disappeared in an instant.

Taking advantage of this time, Si Fan instructed the other t300s to find something like dead wood that could live, while he himself turned on the phone he carried with him, found the hotel and asked them to send a car to pick him up, and then watched the news. .

There are quite a few surprising things in the news, but the one that shocked Si Fan the most was one of them.

This news is not very important news. So in the corner of the news, but Si Fan saw the news at a glance, and was deeply attracted.

The palace where the once-powerful Prince Pei lived in ancient times has been demolished. The original site will be cleaned, and the cultural relics management agency will excavate it. After confirming that there are no remaining cultural relics, development will be carried out.

At that time, it will not be known whether to build a community or a business district. But Si Fan paid more attention to the palace itself.

A palace...will there be that unreliable soul?

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