Sky Dungeon

Chapter 66: Kill me and my knights

   Jingle! The system prompts, please choose your question: 1. What is the relationship between these and the history of the knight? 2. What can I do for you? 3. Who is the one who robbed you of your soul and turned you into an envoy?

   Although these are things that Yu Yan desperately want to know, the system only gives her the opportunity to choose a branch. She quickly chose the second route.

"My Knight Order is the first army in human history that betrays the country and race. After becoming a witch, I lost my mind. Young knights, although I can't turn back time, I can send you into a parallel world. , I just ask you to kill me and my knights in the parallel world. Before we become the tools of the demons, let us retain the glory that a knight deserves. Unfortunately, there can be no two in the parallel world. I, I can’t go with you, our glory is left to you, this is my prayer.” A hot flame ignited in Joan's eyes, and her voice became extremely excited. .

Needless to say, Yu Yan chose to accept, and the two were quickly introduced into the story dungeon. This is a small town called Sandia. It seems that the saint and the knights were trapped here, wearing armor in the distance. The Knights of the Order are particularly conspicuous, of course not only because they neatly hold the huge shield and the battle flag spear, but also because they stand upright on the low town wall, as if bathed in supreme glory.

   Jingle! System reminder: The mission of "The Prayer of the Saint" enters a 60-minute countdown.

Obviously this is a time-limited mission, and as the saint said, they must all be beheaded before they are demonized, which means that after 1 hour they will drink blood and wine and become the lackeys of the demons again. .

This is also a mission to kill monsters, except that it is a rough-skinned knight. Jing Tian didn't think much, and there was no need to think about it. This stage of level 23 is the novice stage, and the novice tasks are relatively straightforward. No bends will be set, and it can be completed smoothly according to the prompts.

   "Don't you think that this mission is a bit strange, killing companions, is this what a knight should do? Is it that only death can make glory last?" Yu Yan's second illness broke out again.

However, Jing Tian had a helpless smile in his heart, but he honestly persuaded him: "Uh... the task is just the plot planning and the programmer’s consciousness presentation. You don’t have to pay attention to chivalry. There is not much reason to study. For example, since the saint can send us into the parallel world, why not send us before she enters this encirclement? Wouldn’t it be easier to stop it? Wouldn’t the setting be more reasonable? ?"

"You are sure that the saints who are eager to win and who are proud of the world will listen to our persuasion? You see, these NPCs are not red-named monsters, and there should be a second branch to go." Yu Yan changed her way: Secondary Two Treat people with illnesses.

   Sure enough, you shouldn’t be reasonable with secondary disease!

"Then what do you think we should do to be a real knight?" Jing Tian didn't think it mattered. Anyway, today he promised to go according to Yuyan's choice. A gentleman can't chase after a word, not to mention a woman's intuition. Very accurate.

   "Maybe they can be rescued, isn't that also preventing them from becoming demons? It is the knight's duty to save justice."

"Uh...but, the entire town is sealed by the space barrier, and even a bird can't fly out. How can we save them? Do we have the ability to break the barrier? Do you have the skills to burn space?" Jing Tian Even if I knew the plan well, I couldn't think of a second way out for a while.

"Since the demons can come in, it means that the barrier is not absolute! The sky is not good, the underground is always okay? Wasn't it the secret way you took me last time? Maybe there is a secret way here!" Yu Yan is right. The way I went to Xinghua Village today was still fresh in my memory, and I thought: In such a big town, you can definitely find similar big rocks.

"It is possible that there is really no enchantment in the underground. Every town often has a secret passage for escape. But this Sandia town is a special copy of the map after all, and it has not appeared on the world map. No one knows whether there is a secret way." Jing Tian also replied lightly after careful thought, not perfunctory. What's more, although he was once the main strategy of the game, he has now vaguely discovered: In the hands of the chief strategist behind Tengyi, the game settings have taken a step further, and there may be many unexpected settings.

   "Well, don't look for it, don't get close to the city wall, lest you really enter a hostile state." In Yu Yan's elegant voice, there was an inexplicable smell of the queen ordering the soldiers.

   "Okay, time is Let's go find it separately, pay attention to safety, and send a message if something happens."

   The two soldiers divided into two groups and began a carpet search from house to house. The time passed in one minute and one second, and after half an hour, the two still found nothing.

   The two again extended their search to the house under the city wall, but they still found nothing. No wonder the saint said that she exhausted all the methods, it seems that there may be really no secrets here.

"I'll take a look on the roof." Jing Tian operated sitting on Jing Guantian and jumped on the wall of a low house, followed the wall and quickly climbed to the roof, and then jumped to another taller one. On the roof of the house, he immediately looked around and looked at the surrounding city walls. There seemed to be nothing special. When he swept through a dry well not far from the city wall, he felt a little in his heart. What's wrong?

   Jingtian thought about it seriously, the next moment he suddenly realized: "The dry well over there may be tricky!"

   "Should you not find a big stone?" Yu Yan muttered in her heart. She seemed obsessed with finding another stone spirit who could heal.

   The two swiftly approached the dry well under the city wall. The dry well was so dark that they could see nothing.

   "You are sure there is something tricky here, what can I do if I can't get up there, and commit suicide?" Yu Yan's elegant voice obviously contained a little teasing.

  The corner of the mouth of the well sky raised a strange arc, and he asked confidently: "Don't you schoolmaster think the location of this dry well is a bit weird?"

"What's weird, after all, it's an abandoned well. It doesn't matter where it is. Wouldn't you be a frog, a well fetish? The programmer is just full of food and supports it, and just put the data model randomly. "This time I changed to Yu Yan and doubted the programmer's IQ.

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