Sky Dungeon

Chapter 564: Anti-cheating means

   "Oh? How do you feel, is there a way to cheat?" Liu Yaya said proudly.

"I really want to cheat, look at my poor output, plastic surgeon, thank you for the bottom, I have already calculated, this time you will definitely be the bottom of the line." Bai did not understand Hei wanted to cry without tears, finally Don't forget Jin Chengwu's nausea.

  What is the bottom line?

   Is the guild hegemony contest drawn from the worst member?

   "No thanks, courtesy."

   Jin Chengwu bit his teeth and swallowed in his stomach. Everyone is a treatment profession. Is it necessary to hurt each other like this?

   is really: I was born from the same root, so why is it too anxious to be humble!

   Ding bell, the system's clear prompt sounded, and everyone received corresponding experience rewards based on the output.

   "It's really unfair, I am an auxiliary class, and the output value should be a bonus to me. No way, I should double the output before I am right!" Yang refused to accept.

But at the moment when Yang Miaomiao’s complaint was over, the system seemed to understand his words, and a system prompt popped up: "In the next minute, all player characters will uncontrollably cast assistance and healing skills. , The skill effect will be calculated according to the special calculation method."

   "My hexagram shows that we must be blessed if we survive a catastrophe, and indeed this blessing is here!"

  You are clearly the queen of the dead!

  What does it mean to survive in catastrophe? Just now unilaterally exporting pilings, where did the suffering come from?

   This minute is definitely a nightmare for output occupations. Almost all output occupations stand still in place from beginning to end!

   Although the character is motionless, it does not mean that the player’s mouth is motionless, cursing is everywhere, and the scene of endless saliva rolling in is self-evident.

   "Haha, the system is really awesome!"

Yang Miaomiao jumped for joy at this time. Even though none of the top three were him, the top three were naturally plastic surgeons and white who don’t understand black and one-eyed Aries. However, the fourth healer who did not eat mice also gained a lot of money. Experience rewards.

   A few zero output careers, the expressions on his face are really wonderful, somehow in my heart, I just don’t want to eat the mouse, this little alien is not pleasing to the eye, I really want to rush to kill him.

   Everyone must make him feel painful, and remember not to be so crow-mouthed in the future!

However, Nangong Lingxi is probably the one who has benefited the most. She relied on the many spirit puppets to have good output, but also showed on the support. Even the repairer's spirit puppet’s healing ability is also effective, and the experience value jumps the fastest. The most surprising.

Before everyone’s anger raged further, the system prompt sounded abruptly again: “Everyone’s performance is recorded as the team’s score. In the next 10 minutes, players are asked to manipulate the character attack by themselves. This time, the team’s output score will be recorded. But if the player deliberately releases the water, the system will cancel the experience rewards of the players of the team. Don’t forget, the system counts the output ability of each player for 1 minute, and calculates the team’s 10-minute normal output bottom line through the formula. If it is low If the guild’s cheating team reaches a certain limit, the final list of participating teams will be randomly generated."

   is ruthless!

   Jingtian had such two words in his heart, he had to praise the anti-cheating method of kicking Tiannongjing.

   In traditional online games, there is no consideration of whether to go all out or not, but this will somewhat lack the spirit of competition and make people lack the fighting spirit to compete all-out.

   In fact, the game cannot completely prevent cheating, but through vague descriptions and experience temptations, most players will definitely make most players consciously play a normal level, consciously follow the spirit of the competition, and may even break out and perform abnormally.

   Now, even if guild elites want to play, guild management cannot sacrifice the interests of all guild members and let ordinary players release water.

Moreover, the system also clearly reminds that if there are too many cheating teams, representative teams will be selected randomly, and the probability of drawing elite teams will be greatly reduced. The consequences of cheating are not simply the loss of the overall strength of the guild. If the team of the competition is too weak, it will naturally affect the influence of the guild, and lose face in front of the world players, and the future development will naturally not be so smooth.

There may be unexpected situations in the game, and abnormal performance is excusable, but it is really reasonable to determine whether the pure output is cheating. Where players in the world dare to neglect, naturally they resorted to eating in the next ten minutes. The strength of the milk output, for fear that the experience gained from the lack of output, is even more afraid that the guild's power will be delayed because of an accident.

Of course, there are also teams that have been judged to have not done their best. Without exception, these teams are directly deprived of the right to receive experience rewards. Most of them are due to problems with individual members of the team or deliberately disturbing the test. These people are naturally scolded by their In fact, many of these races are deliberately taken care of by the management of the guild and act according to the wishes of the management.

  The guild managers hope to pass some tests to test the bottom line of the system and formulate future countermeasures.

   Of course, these teams that were convicted of cheating have also become slaughterers, and for a while, the guild managers no longer use their crooked brains.

   Since this output test is based on the team, the output rewards are equal to the team members, and the rewards will not be differentiated due to the output difference between team members. When everyone predicted that the next level would be a major test of the team's auxiliary ability, no one thought that the next level would not be a competition of ordinary auxiliary treatment, but a frightening torture.

Just listen to the system prompt and sound: "Is the experience very rich? It is the sympathy for everyone this week. But it will not be so easy to get rewards. The guardians of the ancient ruins will recover and treat you Launch a fierce siege with your team. In the next three minutes, all you need to do is find a way to survive! Only laugh happily until the end, don’t give up, don’t be judged by the system as suicide, because this is the same Will trigger anti-cheating sanctions!"

   The seven-second countdown of the system is over. As everyone expected, the terracotta warriors and horses in front of you are like toppled dominoes, bursting into light one after another, flocking to the player characters!

   Before, everyone was completely paralyzed by the previous level, and even forgotten that these terracotta warriors are not lifeless statues, but living monsters!

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