Sky Dungeon

Chapter 1819: Report player

Apart from the shameless and indecent people who scolded mercenary creeds one by one, these fans still thought of a clever way: report.

Yes, it is the report player function. Although this function is slow to work, if many players report a player at the same time, the system will give priority to the person’s words and actions to the feedback center of Tengyi Company. Deal with it all at once.

After seeing the fans gave this method, Yang Mimi didn't hesitate, and smirked, "Hey...we can report these scumbags. Yumian mobilized fans to report together. There are so many people and powerful. What will happen later."

   "Okay, all of them must be reported and blocked, preferably permanently. The bad things these scumbags have done are countless. We are doing harm to the people! Hmph, everything is the power of Internet celebrities!"

"Sister, shouldn't you be possessed by aliens? Meow? You turned out to be smarter than me once. It's incredible! Reporting seems very interesting. Let me report them one by one and try to get They were punished into monsters and abused every day!"

   The player who was reported to have this kind of operation!

   Is your sister always smarter than you?

   Have you always thought you were smarter, an alien?

   Which planet are you confident from?

Do whatever it takes. Everyone has reported these unruly guys. The players who watched the live broadcast were even more unceremonious. Some people kept uploading live screenshots through the official report channel, refreshing the list of reports, and the male players who had not waited for the mercenary creed to approach and kept backing Everyone in Jingtian, they received the system's frozen account notification one by one!


   Even reports should not be handled so quickly!

   What's more, everyone hasn't made any illegal actions, and they have not responded so much to being reported that they are not clean.

   Yes, the system freezes accounts for this kind of harassment of players, and often freezes punishments for different periods of time according to the severity of the circumstances.

   However, the punishment for rudeness is not severe. Sometimes it is just a fine or something, and a small amount of reward and compensation is given to the whistleblower.

   The reporting center received so many reports from players at the same time, and the reporting channel was blocked, and the staff was no longer able to work normally. As the leader of the reporting center, the leaders of the reporting center would naturally not be soft, and they were punished by freezing their game accounts for 48 hours.

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}   After all, they have not had time to do anything wicked, let alone cause any irreversible mistakes, so they won’t freeze for too long.

   However, after so many people report at the same time, the adverse impact is still quite large. Then the situation should be reported, and the higher-level department should study whether to increase the freezing penalty for them.

   After seeing the notice from the guild members in front of them that the guild members were offline, the bright spring cheeks of the chairman of the night looked like a layer of frost, and she began to petrify...

   What the **** is this?

   This group of guys are not playing with themselves, right? Who made them offline at such a critical moment?

   Could it be that they were bought over by Sit Jing Guantian?

   You shouldn’t, even if you get bought, you have to say hello to me!

   We don’t have any friendship, we can tell each other purely when we exchange money!

However, after the next breath, she heard the cowardly voice of Black Knife: "President, my account has been frozen by the system... for 48 hours. The reason is that a large number of player reports have been received. Please pay attention to your own words and actions. Games, healthy games."

   That's it!

  Chairman Ye Se finally understood what had happened. The members who were affectionate about themselves were all arranged to report them!

   I originally wanted to use words and some provocative behaviors to induce the other party to use the killing mode, even if it was reported, it would not be handled so quickly.

   It seems that I underestimated the nature of live broadcasts, and that I underestimated the power of internet celebrities!

   The most embarrassing thing now is that the male players have all been reported offline, and now there are only a team of female players, the president of the night, the milkless sauce and the team!

   That’s right, the players who watched the live broadcast still have this habit. They would pity Xiangxiyu, or did it deliberately, wanting to see how Jing Tian cleans up a few women?

   is really nasty!

   Can't you report these women too?

   The momentum on the court has changed for no apparent reason!

"Uh...President Ye Se, you always fight and kill on weekdays. Why did you play Wendou today? Why, are you having a good time? Be careful about what you say wrong, even you will be frozen later! I really don’t know that the game company is still pitying and cherishing jade. It’s really bad fun to keep you women here!"

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}   Even if Jing Tian understands that it is the evil taste of the majority of players, he can't provoke the anger of everyone!

   Jingtian was talking, but the corners of his mouth couldn't help but a sneer arc appeared on the ground. This is the face of the president who is naked in the night!

  What does it mean to shoot yourself in the foot?

   This scene can be made into a textbook!

   What a shame!

   However, Ye Se couldn't leave in a dingy manner. She had to finish the order she received and check the time. Only one-third of the estimated time was completed.

   Actually, Ye Se never thought that she could completely hinder the Cloud Riding Guild with this kind of provocative action. Her mission this time was just delaying time.

   She thought that as long as one of them couldn't help but use the killing mode, then this single task would be completed directly.

   Although this probability is relatively low, as long as everyone's mouth is smelly and the actions are exaggerated, there is nothing impossible...

  Unexpectedly, the male players in the guild had just begun to tease. They hadn't said any filthy words, but they were directly frozen by Tengyi Company. Now they want to let the other party use the killing mode, the possibility is almost zero!

  Even if his daughters are now the fish on the display board, Jing Tian has absolutely no interest in cutting it. He will definitely dislike his stench...

Decisively gave up the plan to provoke the other party and let Jing Tian and the others start the killing mode. Ye's complexion changed. He put away the previous astonishment and helplessness, and said with a bunch of smiles: "Haha, the old president Qiyun, it seems you and Tengyi The company has something to do. Otherwise, it’s impossible to freeze their accounts so quickly. The previous rumors don’t seem to be rumors. There are a bit of inside information in it. If you are reported, you can’t deal with it for an hour or two. I didn’t deal with it in an instant. I don’t know, can you also let us be the trust of the game company, what dirty work we can do, and we don’t want life to be so tired! Really, I would like to do everything, only You can't think of it, we can't do it without us, we promise to satisfy you!"

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