Since 1983

Chapter 602

On the first day, the boss gave a speech, followed by a symposium.

Xu Fei stepped into the venue again, touched the teacup, and shouted again: "Comrade? Comrade?"

"Do you want jujube?" The young lady asked with a smile.

"Well, add two."

Han Sanping was embarrassed yesterday, but when he saw him today, he said, "Give me one too."

"OK, wait."

Everyone in the room squinted and squinted again. Mr. Xu held jujube tea and was very happy as usual.

Not long after, the symposium began. Leader Sun of Radio and Television presided over it, saying: "Yesterday, comrades xx and xx both gave important speeches. Today we will conduct a comprehensive discussion around the content of the speeches.

Let me talk about it first.

In recent years, with the influence of various ideological trends in society, the mainstream of film creation has often been disturbed. Some works are far away from the real life of the masses, pursuing non-mainstream, marginalization, and cultural consumerism.

Downplay patriotism, heroism, and collectivism, and even turn the film into an outlet for personal extreme emotions or an illustration of narrow concepts.

There are also works that blindly cater to the vulgar emotions of some audiences, have low aesthetic taste, and so on.

The reason is that the problem of "what kind of spirit should the film promote" has not been resolved, and the problem of the distinction between high and low film artistic tastes and literary and wild distinctions has not been resolved. "


Xu Fei was spinning his pen underneath, thinking about other things in his mind.

In the mid-to-late 1990s, the sixth generation collectively appeared. Except for a few people such as Guan Hu, the rest were all banned, so-called "marginalized".

These directors are also unwilling to submit for trial.

In fact, many works can be shown in operation. For example, "Suzhou River" tells a pitiful love story. The hero who looks like a bad guy dies in the end, which is in line with evil and evil.

Bad luck, just hit this period. If it was the beginning of the second millennium, what would "Suzhou Creek" be, it would have passed the trial directly.

This is also the reason for the sharp decline in the production of domestic films: it is not easy to pass the review for other films, there is no subsidy, and they still lose money, so they simply do not shoot.

After Leader Sun finished speaking, everyone expressed their opinions, mainly focusing on "improving quality and producing more high-quality products".

The director of Changying Factory said: "If there are high-quality goods, there will be a market, and if there is a market, there will be benefits. The current problem is that there are too few high-quality goods to form a shock wave. So we will fight to the death and produce more high-quality goods."

The director of Beijing Film Studio read his draft.

The Emei factory also said: "Nowadays, radio is cold, TV is hot, and movies are difficult. The driving force must be to produce more high-quality goods."

Xiaoxiang Factory said: "A high-quality film is a symbol of a country's film development level and represents the direction of film prosperity. It is imminent to catch high-quality films!"


Teacher Xu couldn't help clapping his hands, saying well.

Then discuss the standard of high-quality goods, what kind of movies are considered high-quality goods.

The new director of the Film Bureau Liu said: "The content must be refined, the art must be exquisite, the production must be excellent, and it must be loved by the masses. This year we will produce about 30 excellent films, and 10 of them must be called high-quality works."

The great director Xie Tieli said: "Comrade XX is very accurate, the unity of ideology, art department, and appreciation!"

Guizhou Film Studio said: "Movies must be realized through the intermediary of aesthetics. Movies with pale characters and rough art will not be liked by audiences even if the ideas are correct.

Therefore, it is necessary to appreciate both refined and popular tastes, blending emotion and reason. "

Zhang Zi'en was also present, and belonged to Xiying Film Studio. He said, "Movies are spiritual products as well as commodities. They must be made to look good."

Huang Jianzhong, the director of "Chinese New Year", said: "To produce high-quality goods, we must go deep into life and get close to the masses. There is no other shortcut."


Xu Fei was bored and jotted down a few paragraphs in his notebook.

say what? It's entertainment!

He didn't dare to talk about it, he only said that he wanted to make good pictures.

After discussing for a long time, Leader Sun was also recording and found that most of them were similar, so he called them by name and said, "Xiao Xu, you can talk about it as a representative of the private sector."

"Uh, what the teachers and seniors said is correct. It's just that I have some doubts, and I would like to ask you for advice..."

Everyone is cautious, why are you confused again? ? ?

"Why don't we assume that the scene is a preparatory meeting for a high-quality film. What do we need to prepare?"

"That's good, proceed from reality." Leader Sun agreed.

"Then I'm going to throw a brick to attract jade. Since we want to make a high-quality product, we must first have the main theme. Revolution, heroes and models, the masses, and realistic themes all count.

If I want to apply for various subsidies, will it be inclined to the revolutionary theme? "

"We have a fine tradition and rich experience in producing works with revolutionary historical themes, and the cost is different, so we will give appropriate support."

"Then what content do we shoot, and what is the basis for our selection?"



"The crowd loves it."

"Okay, how do you know the crowd likes to watch this?"



"I think this logic is a bit reversed. It is only when the movie is released that we know whether the public will like it. It has not been filmed yet, so we know that the public will definitely like it.

I agree with director Huang Jianzhong's statement that to understand deeply, at least investigate and investigate, and then talk about the masses. "

"Xiao Xu, you may not understand well. Now some audiences don't have a high aesthetic taste and like vulgar and harmful things. We need to guide their value orientation!" A leader said.

"Well, I have little experience."

Xu Fei nodded and said, "Then we have prepared a high-quality film that is highly artistic, rich in spirit, and loved by the masses. Is its box office one of the criteria for measuring its success?"

"Xiao Xu, you are commercialized."

"There is a lot of private capital, and the thinking is like a businessman."

"Yeah, movies can't be based on the box office."

"But we knew that the masses liked it before we filmed it. Why is the box office still low if the masses like it? Isn't this a paradox?"


"OK OK."

Leader Sun smoothed things over and said: "We have always emphasized the unity of the three natures, and the main theme can also be beautiful and make the audience like it. This is recognized by everyone..."

He paused suddenly, and said, "Xiao Xu, you've asked so many questions, it seems like you have a work in preparation?"

"Uh, just a half-baked idea."

"Let's hear it, didn't Director Xie also say at the meeting that he was going to shoot "The Opium War"?"

"Don't dare, "The Opium War" is a huge work, and I can't compare it."

"Hey, too much modesty is pride."

Leader Sun is really interested in this guy who produced "Love Call Transfer", "Sunny Day" and "Party A and Party B" with a cumulative box office of 150 million.

There was no other way, Teacher Xu could only say, "I'm considered a mid-level production, hey, does the spy war theme count as the main theme?"

"Of course!"

"Underground workers are more worthy of our praise."

"That's good. I plan to cooperate with Hong Kong filmmakers to co-produce a theme work. I can't say it's a high-quality one. It's a little bit of my own heart, and pay homage to those unsung heroes."

"Do you have the title?"

"The Sound of the Wind."


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