Since 1983

Chapter 265 Seahorse Seahorse

Wang Shuo's daughter-in-law went into the back room with the child in her arms, and the other people left, leaving only six or seven writers plus Zheng Xiaolong and Xu Fei.

He chattered, Lao Ma exchanged glances with several people, and continued to ask: "Then do you think there is a way out for making movies now?"

"It depends on the situation. In terms of the general environment, domestic sales and purchases are unified. Actors can earn some, screenwriters can earn some, and directors can earn some, but the film studio can't make money. The producer of a movie can't make money, it has to be shot. , because there are indicators.

This system may have worked in the past, but it is now outdated. So from a commercial point of view, making movies has no future at all.

But from an artistic point of view, it is a good time for the rise of the fifth generation and the popularity of art films. They are all big names in the literary world. Teacher Mo Yan is the best, so you can give it a try. "

He didn't say it bluntly, but everyone knows that movies are famous and international.

"Then what do you think of the TV drama environment?" Liu Zhenyun asked.

"Thriving, it's definitely better than a movie."

"That's interesting. TV dramas don't sell tickets, so why are they better than movies?" Wei Ren asked.

"The form of communication is different..."

This involves the scope of the media, and he tries to make it easy to understand. "Although TV dramas do not sell tickets, the number of TV sets is increasing exponentially. It is said that there are tens of millions of TV sets now, and it may exceed 100 million in the future. And the coverage area is large, with hundreds of TV sets in the city. 10 million, 10 million provincial TV stations, 1.1 billion CCTV.

At the same time, the domestic economy is growing, the number of enterprises is increasing, and the competitive environment is fierce. If you want to get ahead, you have to be famous.

Therefore, there is a natural bridge between TV stations and enterprises, which is advertising, which is determined by the nature and needs of the two. 24 hours a day, the effect of the advertisement is not the same in different time periods.

When a company realizes that a hit drama can have unimaginable influence, it will hold money and let you film. Because in this time period, the advertising effect must be the strongest. "


The words made everyone ponder, Zheng Xiaolong said: "But there is a prerequisite, your work is excellent, so that the company has confidence."

"That's right, the alley is just the beginning..."

Xu Fei made a gesture, and Zheng Xiaolong understood, which means: "Longing for Sixteen Years" has this potential, and the subject matter has the widest audience.

After a while, Ma Wei asked Wang Shuo, "How is it?"

"Must, this kid is the most clear-cut one I've ever seen."

He asked Mo Yan again, "How is it?"

"I feel good."

The old horse asked around one by one, reached an agreement, and said: "Didn't you just ask for your help? That's what happened. The few of us are going to set up a creative center to specialize in film and television. There are currently 12 people, all of whom are from the literary world. .

We belong to different industries, except Master Shuo who has some experience, no one else understands it. You and Xiaolong have a unit, and it is not easy to join, so I ask you to be a consultant and give guidance. "

These words are very face-to-face.

Everyone here is a big boss, he is a young man in his twenties, and he talks about guiding and guiding.


Xu Fei looked at Zheng Xiaolong first, and then realized that since the other party was present, it was tantamount to acquiescing. He thought for a while, and said, "Teachers, tell me about this creative center. Shall I first get to know it?"

So the old horse began to explain.

This idea was conceived by Kan Dashan. Both Wang Shuo and Ma Wei took the lead and wanted to form a creative group in the nature of a literary and art salon. The name is all ready, called Haima Film and Television Creation Center.

There are also Liu Yiran, Wu Bin, Su Lei, Ge Xiaogang, etc., a total of 12 people. Wang Shuo is the legal person and chairman of the board, and Ma Weidu is the secretary-general.

Xu Fei felt pained when he heard that, and asked, "Are you a company or an industry association?"

"Civil society. It is inconvenient and restrictive to engage in companies and industries."

"Then do you invest in it yourself?"

"Let's see, let's talk about it. It's a little dark at the beginning, so I invited the two of you here."

have to!

After Xu Fei heard it, he just said two words: playing tickets.

Turning stories into printed characters is a sense of accomplishment; turning printed characters into images is another sense of accomplishment. This group of people is fresh and fun, so they set up such an organization.

"I'm telling the truth, whenever a group of people get together to tinker with things, apart from being like-minded, they must also want to earn some benefits.

Now there is a shortage of scripts, movies and TV series, and the teachers are all everyone, so there must be an advantage in writing.

The movie has nothing to say, the system is there. In terms of TV dramas, it is better for us to set a precedent. Market-oriented production, sell scripts according to quality and demand. "

"Tell me specifically." Su Tong said.

"For example, if we feel that the audience will like this theme, we will take the initiative to contact the TV station. After the negotiation is completed, we will produce the script and they will pay.

In other words, if the TV station wants to make a drama, but lacks a good script, we can also take the job.

How much per episode is based on quality. You can even add companies together and start talking directly from the sponsorship link, so that all parties can benefit. "

In fact, TV stations are shooting movies now, and they follow this path. The key lies in quality and demand. With so many writers together, they are naturally influential, and initiative is also key.

At the beginning of Haima's establishment, it was very loose and purely for fun. After "Longing" was broadcast, everyone saw that the upper limit of the TV series was over, and the hot money from the company also came in, so they burst into enthusiasm.

From 12 people to more than 40 people at the peak.

But it was disbanded later, the main reason is that the return of income was too slow, for example, an episode of 300 yuan was paid after it was broadcast, and it took a year or two to wait.

There are also writers with great personalities, and it is fine to write alone, but it is easy to have conflicts when they cooperate, and it is difficult to reconcile.

Xu Fei felt it was a pity. If Haima was really developed, the status of domestic screenwriters would not be so low.

No one knew what he was thinking, but he listened to everything he said. To make money, who thinks there is too much money?

"Okay, then it's settled."

Ma Weidu patted his thigh, "14 people, two named consultants, will open in a few days to pick up customers."

"Vulgar, that's called greeting guests with a downside down."

"Shaojie is poor, I'm hungry after talking so much, Master Ma treats me, why don't I have another meal?" Wang Shuo said.

"Success, let's go."

The old horse looked at his watch, and before he knew it, it was evening. He called everyone to get up, and found another restaurant.

The place is rich and the prices are amazing.

Good wine and good food, eating and drinking, and another meal of godly talk. Writers are not the same as writers, there are those who can speak like Wang Shuo, and those who are reserved like Liu Heng, who just listen.

Xu Fei kept looking at his watch, and suddenly waved: "Boss, can the TV be turned on?"

"Yes, you want to see... Ouch!"

The boss hurriedly transferred to Beijing TV, "I almost forgot, today I will be broadcasting Hutong."

"Hutong? Oh, the second part of "Hutong People", right?" Liu Zhenyun said.

"This drama is good, and the day is well chosen." Liu Heng said a rare word.

"Is it double happiness?" Su Tong asked.

"Forget it, definitely count it!"

A group of people had been drinking for a long time, and they just wanted to rest, so they turned to the TV in unison.


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