Since 1981 Health School

Chapter 722 Price Alliance Does Not Reduce Prices

Hearing that the first catalog was for 64-slice CT, many medical representatives who were eager to try it sat down quietly. Everyone focused their attention on Dongmenzi, General Motors, and Xizhi.

There is a difference between good and bad CT machines. Generally, the distinction mainly depends on the configuration parameters of the CT machine. The most common parameter is "row".

The number of rows refers to the number of arrays of CT scanner detectors, which generally include 2 rows, 4 rows, 16 rows, 32 rows, 64 rows, etc.

The higher the number of rows of CT detectors and the greater the number of detectors, the shorter the scanning time for the patient, the lower the radiation dose, and the higher the imaging quality.

The most advanced CT in 1990 had 64 rows. Later, 128 rows, 256 rows, and up to 512 rows will be gradually introduced.

In this era, only a few top hospitals in China have 64-slice CTs. Anyway, there is not one in Haidong Province, only the old model with 16 rows, which is a second-hand product that Chen Qi got from Mayo.

Chen Qi is very eager for the most advanced CT machine, because the diagnosis of many common diseases relies on CT machines.

Compared with 16-slice and 32-slice CT, 64-slice CT allows clinicians to see more precise details, and lesions as small as 0.5 mm can be seen clearly at a glance.

For example, CT can be used for head examination and can distinguish ischemic cerebrovascular disease, hemorrhagic cerebrovascular disease, intracranial space-occupying disease, etc.

Then brain surgery or neurosurgery can be opened and related surgeries can be performed.

If nothing else, if brain tumors can be detected and treated in advance, the possibility of cure is still very high.

Another example is stroke. CT examination can accurately locate the bleeding site, and then surgery can clean up the blood stasis. Perhaps the patient can be brought back to life and avoid paralysis.

In addition, CT can be used in cardiology departments, which can perform coronary CTA examinations and evaluate coronary blood vessels.

For example, if there is no CT or digital subtraction angiography machine for the most common myocardial infarction, one is difficult to diagnose and the other is difficult to treat.

Then doctors have almost nothing to do about myocardial infarction and can only watch the patient die.

When CT is introduced and digital subtraction angiography machines are introduced, a new cardiac surgery department can be built, interventional surgeries can be performed openly, and most patients with myocardial infarction will not have to die. How many people can this benefit?

In addition, CT also plays a very important role in physical examination.

For example, in the case of lung cancer, ordinary X-ray machines cannot detect tumors within 1cm, but CT can.

The treatment of cancer is not surgery + radiotherapy and chemotherapy after discovery, but early detection and early treatment. This is the key to saving life. At this time, the role of CT is highlighted.

Therefore, in clinical medicine, whether machines or people are more important? This is a false proposition that laymen like to debate. It is meaningless. If you don’t have a good machine, are you going to rely on a hanging wire to diagnose your pulse?

As soon as Chen Qi finished speaking, the venue fell silent instantly.

During the procurement meeting process design, each company representative has a small sign with numbers written on it. Whoever wants to bid can raise it.

However, the scene was silent for two minutes, and no company raised a sign, which seemed extremely abnormal.

Chen Qi and Lao Guo looked at each other, and their hearts skipped a beat.

The leaders on the stage, Principal Li in the audience, and even the domestic media reporters were all a little confused. Why did the venue, which was so bustling just now, become silent when it came to the bidding process?

Chen Qi had done his homework beforehand, so he looked at several powerful medical companies in the front row.

"The best manufacturers of 64-slice CT are General Motors of the United States, Dongmenzi of Germany, and Nishiba Corporation of Japan. I wonder if the three companies have any expectations of bidding?"

At this time, the GM representative smiled and took the lead in raising a sign: "Our bid for a 64-slice CT is US$1 million."


Representatives from major international pharmaceutical companies at the scene were all in a panic, whispering among themselves.

A representative from Dongmenzi also raised a sign: “Our bid for the 64-slice CT is also US$1 million per unit.”

The representative of Xizhi smiled brightly and politely. While holding up the sign, he also quoted a price of US$1 million.

After Chen Qi listened, the information in his hand was pinched hard.

The leaders and the media in the audience looked at each other with confusion in their eyes. They didn't know what was going on, but they knew that there must be something unexpected about this quotation.

Chen Qi took a deep breath for a long time, then put a smile on his face again and said:

"Three representatives, I have previously inquired about the purchase prices of various medical equipment and drugs from many international hospitals. For example, I have inquired from the Mayo Clinic, the University of Tokyo Hospital, St. Thomas Hospital in England, etc. The latest data available.

Their purchase price for the 64-slice CT machine is US$500,000. The data you reported to us at Yuezhong Hospital has doubled, so I hope the three representatives can quote a suitable figure to facilitate our cooperation. "

The representative of Nishiba Corporation was a little arrogant:

"Dr. Chen, you are also an internationally renowned expert. You should understand the importance of 64-slice CT machines for clinical work. We sell them cheaply abroad because these hospitals have long-term cooperative relationships with us and purchase huge quantities. That’s why we can offer a favorable price.”

The red-nosed representative from Dongmenzi also laughed and said:

"Whether the price is expensive or not depends on whether the machine is worth it. We are still under great pressure to export the most advanced medical equipment to China. After all, it involves high-end equipment.

Chen Qi thought to himself, isn't it just a few pieces of medical equipment? As for relying on it in some uncontrollable direction?

But when it comes to business, Haidong people are born to do business. There is always a bargaining and a counteroffer, so Chen Qi is prepared to endure it.

"Then, three gentlemen, let's talk about the actual price. What is the lowest you can give?"

It was the medical representative from Xizhi Company who was the first to jump out:

"The price of US$1 million will not change. After all, our 64-slice CT technology is currently the best and cannot be produced by other companies. Moreover, our research and development expenses are quite high. For the benefit of the company, we have to increase the price. , maybe in the future when the volume increases, our prices will be cheaper.”

The smart people at the scene had already heard the word "we" in the mouth of the Xizhi representative, which meant that a price alliance was formed.

This is also the favorite tactic of monopolies in international business wars. Who can leave others helpless?

There was a lot of discussion in the auditorium for a while. No matter the leaders at all levels on the stage, the medical staff in the audience, and the media reporters behind the stage, everyone was furious.

What's outrageous is that these three pharmaceutical giants have discriminated against and extorted Yuezhong Hospital to the point of showing results, and they have no intention of respecting Party A at all.

But at the same time, I felt a deep sense of powerlessness. If I couldn't create something myself, I would feel aggrieved.

According to Lao Guo's temper, he would have thrown a cup and got angry by now, but today Lao Guo was even more worried that Chen Qi, who was presiding over the purchasing meeting, would get angry, which would be an international scandal.

So Lao Guo quickly wrote a note and told He Jia to pass it to Chen Qi quickly.

Chen Qi had been thinking of countermeasures in his mind, but his train of thought was suddenly interrupted: "Dean Chen, this is the note given to you by Guo Shuji."

When I opened it, there was a sentence written on it: "64-slice CT is not yet a necessity for us."

Chen Qi woke up instantly.

Yes, I just stepped into a corner. In fact, 64-slice CT is also in the promotion stage abroad. It is definitely a good thing, but we can live without it.

Nowadays, Yuezhong Hospital uses second-hand goods that have been eliminated by Mayo and belong to the 16th row. Yuezhong Hospital is still envied and hated by major hospitals in the country.

The newer generation, 32-slice CT, can also meet most of the current clinical needs.

If you really meet those special patients, isn’t there a bedside CT machine in his space? This is a top-notch configuration with 256 rows. Who in the world has it?

Thinking of this, Chen Qi relaxed and had a countermeasure, but now he knew that it was impossible to get a 64-slice CT at a normal price.

He tolerated this tone for the time being, but sooner or later, these three monopoly medical companies would vomit three liters of blood.

The smile came back to Chen Qi's face after he relaxed, which confused the three medical representatives who were already confident of winning.

On the contrary, medical representatives from other countries are also eager to try. As long as these three CT manufacturers succeed in "blackmailing", they will follow suit and join this extortion gang.

Chen Qi tapped the microphone, and after the venue quieted down, he said:

"As you all know, I am a director of the International Society of Gastroenterology and the vice president of the Endoscopy Branch. I am also a director of the International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery. Within the society, I still have a certain reputation in the international medical circle. Small impact.”

It felt like he was bragging, but Chen Qi looked at the three CT manufacturer representatives and said it.

Those who become business elites are all people with superior IQs. How could they not hear the words of the Huaguo dean?

Many people immediately realized that this person on the stage was not just a bumpkin dean. He was an international person. Is it worth offending such a person?

To promote a new product, pharmaceutical companies often need to cooperate with medical associations at all levels. Recommendations to member hospitals through international medical associations are often more authoritative, and sales can be significantly increased.

As a director, Chen Qi's level is just lower than that of the president. It may be difficult for him to successfully promote you at this level, but it is easy for him to cause trouble in the middle.

He can say that there are not enough successes and more than enough failures.

Therefore, many medical representatives in the audience were immediately confused.

But obviously Chen Qi's warning is not over yet...

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