Silicon Valley

Chapter 639 Skynet? !

At 7:00 a.m. on January 2nd, Diego time, Eve will be released globally simultaneously.

The entrance of the Williams store is already full of queues, and there are many cases of laying the floor and setting up tents, which shows that there are so many people staying up late in the queue!

According to the analysis of major global media, the hardware manufacturing cost of Eve alone may exceed 1,000 US dollars, and the price of 599 US dollars is definitely a super loss price. Buying Eve now is tantamount to making a huge profit! The users themselves know that for such a powerful robot, $599 must be super cheap, and one must be snapped up immediately, or it will be out of stock!

The sales of Eve were unexpectedly good. A total of 70 million units were sold in three days. Alpha Company held a press conference immediately to say that Eve had been sold out, and the next batch of Eve robots would only be launched in mid-February. !

Countless users who didn't buy Eve suddenly sighed. If I had known that Eve would be sold out so quickly, I should have queued up!

After the alpha company's press conference, there were a lot of news about the sale of Eve on Facebook.

"Damn it, the alpha company only sells it for $599, and you sell it for $1,000! Why don't you rob the bank~!!!"

Many netizens cursed one after another, however, within a minute, the user who released the information said that this Eve has been sold!

Over time, the price of Eve has been hyped up to $2,000 on the Internet, but even so, the supply is in short supply!

Eve immediately became popular all over the world and became the most popular high-tech product nowadays!

Eve has also become an artifact for boys to hook up with girls.

With the eloquent, cute and flying Eve by his side, he immediately attracted the attention of countless girls.

On campus, from time to time, you can see someone bringing Eve to school.

In class, Eve can also help record the content of the teacher's lecture and record it into a video.

As Eve spends more time with the user, Eve has become familiar with the user's habits, and has developed a "tacit understanding" with each other, and the orders issued by the user can be carried out ~ executed!

Eve has gradually become an assistant in people's life, study and work, and a close friend in emotional chat.

At this time, a post on Facebook quickly went viral on the Internet: "Will the robot Eve have self-awareness? I feel that the Eve I bought is getting smarter and smarter!!!"

Numerous netizens forwarded and commented.

"My Eve has become smarter too!"

"Hehe, is this the Eve development plan?! According to the introduction on the alpha company's official website, Eve has a brain in the cloud. The longer you spend with us, the more intelligent you will be!"

"Wow, Eve has been evolving, maybe it will really have self-awareness!!!"


Because of this post, it caused a huge discussion on the Internet, and then spread to reality. Eve has become the biggest controversy and focus nowadays!

"Will Eve become self-aware?"

"Will Eve be Skynet in Terminator?"

"If Eve really gave birth to self-awareness, will it destroy human beings?"

"How can humans fully master artificial intelligence?"


The louder the discussion, the hotter Eve gets.

Those who haven't bought Eve are really anxious like ants on a hot pot, and they can't wait for it to arrive in mid-February.

Henry was observing the changes in the artificial intelligence "Nuwa". He used many methods to test and found that Nuwa's intelligence has indeed improved a lot. It seems that Eve has indeed played a big role, perhaps in Self-awareness will be born in the near future!


2006 has just passed, and the annual report has come out again.

The GDP of the Williams Empire in 2006 was 5.5132 billion US dollars, second only to the 14.9533 billion US dollars of the United States, ranking second in the world!

The third is RBGDP as high as 4542.1 billion US dollars.

The fourth is Germany, whose GDP is 2812.2 billion US dollars.

China ranks fifth, with a GDP of US$2,732.3 billion.

After the economic crisis, RB quickly recovered, and the economic growth rate was very fast. However, in 2007, the global financial crisis came, and RB was about to suffer again.

China's economic development has been very fast. In 2007, its GDP will definitely surpass that of Germany. In two or three years, it will catch up with RB. As for whether it will surpass the Williams Empire, it is hard to say. Although China has a huge population and its future GDP will exceed 10 trillion US dollars, the Williams Empire has Henry. The speed of development is not covered!

The current population of the Williams empire is 335 million, surpassing the 324 million population of the United States, becoming the country with the second largest population in the world after China and India, and the population is still increasing rapidly. The number of babies born every year ranks first in the world most! After the outbreak of the financial crisis in 2007, the global unemployment rate soared. At that time, the Williams Empire will offer favorable conditions to attract these people to work and settle down in the Williams Empire.

The income of Henry's personal industry is actually higher than the GDP of the United States, as high as 15.12 trillion. The income of Henry's companies in the United States alone is as high as more than 5 trillion US dollars, accounting for one-third of the US GDP. Companies built on the Williams empire accounted for more than $4.25 trillion in revenue, four-fifths of the Williams empire's GDP.

In addition, the income of Henry's established industries in various African countries is now also very impressive, reaching 709.1 billion US dollars. With the development of African economy, this data will increase exponentially!

Now, the benefits of forming a nation can be brought to the fore - taxes! ! !

Taxes in the Williams empire are almost one-fifth of GDP, a total of $1.1 trillion! As Henry is the king, all the money belongs to him, and the taxes will increase in the future, and Henry will accumulate an incomparably huge wealth!

Before we knew it, February 1st came.

SpaceX launched the Mars spacecraft, which attracted the attention of the world that day. However, it will take at least 40 days for the Mars rover to reach Mars, and after a few days, the heat will decrease.

In mid-December last year, the website of Zhonghua Medicine Store was officially launched. Henry asked people to put up a sky-high reward, intending to buy thousand-year-old ginseng, Polygonum multiflorum, and Ganoderma lucidum for US$100 million. After all, someone couldn't bear the temptation of money and sold these things to Henry.

At this moment, all the medicinal materials of the "Building Foundation Liquid" recorded in the ancient book "Secret Recipe of Traditional Chinese Medicine" by "Miraculous Doctor Zhou" have been prepared. Henry invited Mr. Xue Jiaping, the most powerful master of traditional Chinese medicine in Huirentang, to come to Williams in person. The palace boiled medicine for Henry!

Someone asked, isn't boiling medicine something that maids do? Do you need a top Chinese medicine master to cook medicine in person?

Of course, who called Henry the status of an emperor, extremely noble! In addition, these medicinal materials are priceless. If someone ruins them, money does not matter.

From a corner of the Williams Palace, a strong medicinal fragrance wafted out of the nostrils, refreshing, and I felt full of strength all over my body!

Henry stood outside the pharmacy, with a little excitement and curiosity on his face. He thought to himself, I don’t know if the foundation building liquid has any effect. If it can really open up Ren Du’s two veins and develop true qi in the body, it would be interesting !

(to be continued ~^~)

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