Silicon Valley

Chapter 612: Landing on the Moon Successfully

The hatch of the lunar module opened at this moment, and everyone watched intently.

When the United States landed on the moon that year, technology was underdeveloped, televisions were not popular enough, and there were no Internet, mobile phones and other communication channels, but even so, it caused a great sensation in the world! ! ! However, people only know that the American Apollo spacecraft successfully landed on the moon, but little is known about how to land on the moon. Many people even suspect that the American moon landing was faked.

SpaceX's moon landing is an event involving the participation of the whole people. You can learn about the movement of Zeus through the live broadcast almost every moment. It is true and reliable, and it touches people's hearts! Under the watchful eyes of everyone, four astronauts stepped out of the hatch one after another. The moment they set foot on the surface of the moon, the whole world couldn't help being excited and cheering!

More than 90% of television stations around the world are reporting that spaceX astronauts have set foot on the moon.

At this moment, there is only one news headline in the world, and that is that spaceX successfully landed on the moon!

More than 3 billion people around the world are watching the live video of the moon landing. At this time, the first astronaut who stepped on the moon inserted the flagpole in his hand on the moon. Since there is no wind on the moon, he threw it When the flag was flying, what everyone saw was the flag of the Williams Empire! ! !

Immediately, all those who watched the live broadcast heard the impassioned and passionate national anthem of Williams Empire - "I Love Williams Empire"!

Accompanied by the rhythm of the music, countless Williams people couldn't help crying like rain. These are tears of incomparable excitement and tears of pride for the country! All Williams people sang along with the music, in Madagascar, in Comoros, in Somalia, in Yemen, in every corner of the Williams Empire, there seemed to be singing!

At this moment, it seems that the hearts of all Williams people are united!

"I'm proud to be a Williamsian!!!"



At this time, many people in the Zeus moon landing live broadcast room of "National Live Broadcasting" frantically swiped gifts to express their feelings at the moment. In just a few minutes, four or five billion gold coins were swiped for gifts!

"There are so many local tyrants in the Williams Empire!!!"

People from other countries couldn't help but click their tongues secretly after seeing it.

"Hi everyone, I'm Wang Xing, the captain of the Zeus. I'm in the command module of the Zeus. Behind me are my three crew members. On the left is the beautiful Ms. Lindsay Richard, and in the middle is Wesley Kerry. Mance, Henry Joel is on the right!" At this moment, the live broadcast screen changed and appeared in the command module of Zeus.

"Hi everyone!" The three smiled and waved to the camera.

Suddenly seeing the captain of the Zeus and the other three astronauts appearing in the live broadcast, I was immediately excited, and quickly greeted them.

"Hello Captain! Hello Crew!"

Wang Xing waved his hands and smiled, and said: "As you can see, the spaceX Zeus landed on the moon successfully! The first spaceX astronaut to step on the moon is called Blake. His full name is Blake Bacon. He is 30 years old and is William. Williams people! The other three are Peter Grant, Zhou Yan, and Johnny Bob. Among them, Zhou Yan is a female astronaut of Williams Empire Chinese descent. In addition, there are two astronauts in the lunar module, respectively It's Edwin Marshall, Joyce Helena! Next, spaceX is preparing to build a temporary base here, and the construction process may shock everyone!"

As soon as the voice fell, the screen of the live broadcast also changed accordingly.

A dozen or so small drone detectors suddenly flew out from the hatch of the lunar module, and then scattered in all directions. Then two different robots came out of the hatch, both of which were quite big, bigger than ordinary cars, and could just come out of the hatch.

The first robot is a bit like a mining robot, with all kinds of guys on it, such as electric drills, saws, hammers, shovels, tentacles, etc., it walks in the front, leveling all the uneven roads. The one behind it looks like a very bloated fat robot, and I don't know what it does yet.

After a few minutes, the astronauts selected a relatively spacious place, and then gave the order to the bloated fat robot to come over.

As for the mining robot, it was wandering around. A pair of robot eyes blinked and glowed red, as if they were scanning the surrounding environment. At the same time, he also acted as a pioneer and collected some lunar ores and soil by the way. Finally, he ran to the bloated robot and leveled the uneven surroundings. The audience on the earth couldn't help but feel amused when they saw the cute and terrifying appearance of the mining robot.

After the bloated fat robot arrived at the designated place, it stretched out four tentacles, and when everyone was puzzled, it suddenly sprayed something! In less than a minute, at a speed visible to the naked eye, more than ten square meters of silver solar panels appeared on the ground. Next to the solar panels, a large energy storage battery in the shape of a box also took shape!

The audience was stunned, "Hey, what's going on here? It feels so awesome! You can make things by spraying them through a tube. It's too black technology!"

"Black technology wool, this is 3D printing technology, which has been around for a long time, but I didn't expect that spaceX's technology is so mature and advanced, and it has left countless other companies behind!!!"

"3D printing?"

"That's right, the principle is actually the same as that of an ordinary printer, except that instead of toner, other materials are placed in the 3D printing. Then, through the computer program setting, what you want to print, the 3D printer can print what, super Awesome technology! So, that bloated fat robot should be a 3D printer robot! Now it is printing solar panels to provide a steady stream of electricity for the future! If I guess correctly, the solar panels must be graphene materials, the whole The power supply system should still be wireless charging! The moon is a vacuum, and the range of wireless charging will be greatly expanded. The robot can be charged at any time, which is very conducive to working on the moon! In addition, the space of the lunar module is not large, so it is impossible to It is too big to hold things, but through 3D printing, it perfectly solves this problem!"

"Nice, spaceX has provided new ideas for future space development!"

An hour later, more than 400 square meters of graphene solar panels appeared on the ground, next to rows of two-meter-high energy storage batteries, and then the astronauts installed some equipment and set it to wireless charging mode. During the period, the material reserves of the 3D printer robot ran out once, and the astronauts brought three bags of materials from the lunar module.

At the same time, at the place where the solar panels are separated by 30 meters, the graphene inflatable house has been installed, and the astronauts can rest in it at night. It not only prevents the harm of cosmic rays, but also oxygen, food and water, as well as an air purifier, which converts the carbon dioxide exhaled by the human body into oxygen for recycling. The energy used is naturally electric energy.

(to be continued ~^~)

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