Silicon Valley

Chapter 578 Universal Graphite Producer Company

Williams Electronics Group released the Galaxy S1, Hongnian Technology released Xiaomi and Blackmi mobile phones, but Apple also released the iPhone1-plus and the first tablet computer iPad1.

iPhone1-plus is purely for making money, so no major changes have been made, only the configuration has been improved. After the release of the ipad1 tablet computer, it was quite amazing, and the world couldn't help being shocked by it! Although some people say that ipad1 is just an enlarged version of iPhone1, for Apple consumers, ipad1 is very cool. It is not only easy to carry, but also has a relatively large screen, which is very convenient for watching movies and doing office work. Once the ipad was released, it led the trend again, and the supply exceeded the demand.

On the day of the "October 1" global shopping carnival, only 4.5 million ipads were sold on Amazon! Originally, each unit was priced at US$399, but today it is discounted to only US$299, which is a full US$100 cheaper, attracting countless people to snap up it! And after the release of the iPhone 1-plus, there were also many people rushing to buy it, and Apple made a lot of money!

Although Apple is not listed, senior Wall Street appraisers believe that if Apple is listed, its market value can definitely be ranked among the top 10 in the world. However, even if Apple is listed, it is also listed in the Williams empire. The Digo Stock Exchange is under preparation and will be officially operational in the middle of next year. At that time, the shocking moment will come when the world's top ten market capitalization companies are listed on the Digo Stock Exchange! ! ! !

The east wind blows, the war drums beat, and the foreigner's eyeballs fall out! Yes, that's right, it will definitely make everyone dumbfounded!



According to the statistics of the Williams Imperial Geological Survey, graphite production in China, India and Brazil accounts for 90% of the world's total output!

Super Materials has made many technological breakthroughs in the production of graphene, and Henry is planning to acquire graphite mines around the world! In 2005, graphene batteries will be officially launched, not to mention causing a global sensation, which will inevitably lead to a rise in the price of graphite, the raw material of graphene! At present, because of the difficulty in manufacturing graphene (for other companies), people usually only use graphite as magnesia-carbon refractory materials, aluminum-carbon refractory materials and crucibles. The commercial use value is low, resulting in a very low graphite price. It's a good time for Henry to buy the bottom!

Henry needs to manufacture a large amount of graphene to be used in space elevators, graphene super combat suits, robots, graphene computers, spaceships, satellites, rockets, airplanes, tanks, ships, cars, mobile phones, bicycles, graphene solar photovoltaic panels As well as a variety of batteries, etc., almost everything that can be thought of can use graphene.

Graphene is both the thinnest material and the strongest, with a breaking strength 200 times stronger than the best steel. At the same time, it has good elasticity, and the stretching range can reach 20% of its own size. A piece of graphene with an area of ​​1 square meter can be made into a hammock, and its weight is less than 1 mg, which can bear a cat of 1 kg! Such a powerful material can be called the "king of new materials" in the 21st century! ! !

And graphene can become a substitute for silicon, making ultra-miniature transistors, used to produce future supercomputers. Replace silicon with graphene, and computer processors could run hundreds of times faster.

Zimbabwe produces about 5,000 tons of various types of natural graphite, which was bought by Du Henry at a price close to that of cabbage!

Madagascar's graphite ore reserves rank first in Africa, especially with very scarce flake graphite deposits. The size and quality of its flakes are highly respected by the industry! This really made Henry very happy. Madagascar is self-sufficient even without buying from the outside world! However, as graphite is a future strategic resource, the country must dig less and use it as a reserve.

Henry then asked people to set up a company called "Global Graphite Producers Company", which specializes in acquiring graphite mines around the world.

China's graphite production ranks first in the world, reaching 840,000 tons, followed by India, whose graphite production is only one-seventh of China's. Naturally, the main acquisition target of Universal Graphite Producers is China's graphite mines. However, considering that China may introduce a policy to ban graphite exports in the future, Henry still dare not put all his eggs in one basket.

India, Brazil, and Australia are also the main targets of the "Global Graphite Producer Company", and they are relatively close to the Williams Empire, so it is convenient for sea transportation! There is an island country in the lower right corner of India, named "Sri Lanka". According to the survey of the Williams Empire Geological Bureau, Sri Lanka has the world-famous largest vein-shaped deposits. The graphite deposits are located on the western and southwestern edges of the island. The only high-quality vein deposit with highly graphitized ore! Henry has to take this mine down no matter what! In addition to these countries, how can there be no graphite mines in the huge Africa? It’s just that they haven’t found it for the time being. These African countries are very poor, their exploration technology is weak, and they don’t pay much attention to graphite mines. So, so far, they haven’t heard of any large amount of graphite mines. But Henry will send geologists to explore, and buy it after finding it!

In mid-October, the establishment of Global Graphite Producer Company was completed and began to purchase graphite mines worldwide.

"Your Majesty, we have sent 100 acquisition teams to all parts of the world to purchase at the same time, and try to acquire graphite mines at a low price at lightning speed before the news spreads!"

The person talking to Henry was Anna Tuttle, the CEO of Universal Graphite Producer Company, who was previously a vice president of Williams Mining Group. She had blue eyes, blond hair, a tall, thirty-nine-year-old professional woman, and now transferred Come and be CEO.

"100 acquisition teams to acquire as different companies?"

"Yes, Your Majesty!" Anna Tuttle nodded and replied.

"If you can't buy it, you can also sign a supply agreement with them! Williams Empire's demand for graphite will be a huge number!"

Universal Graphite Producers is a subsidiary of Super Materials Corporation, so Anna Tuttle took over Universal Graphite Producers to understand the business development of the group company.



China, Jixi Liumao Graphite Resources Company.

"Mr. Hopkins, hello, you said that you want to bid 150 million US dollars to acquire Jixi Liumao Graphite Resources Company?" A middle-aged man with a big belly asked in surprise. At present, the graphite market is not good, 1,000 yuan per ton. Jixi Liumao Graphite Resources Co., Ltd. is one of the two largest graphite production companies in China. The annual output is about 40,000 tons, and the annual sales are at most 40 million yuan. But the profit is very low, less than 8 million yuan, so it is considered good not to lose money.

"Yes, that's right! Are you selling it or not? The day after tomorrow, I have to go to other places!"

"This, we need to discuss with the local government to decide!"

"Okay, call the government leaders to discuss it now, and let me know right away if you've made a decision!" After speaking, the foreign man named Hopkins got into a black car and left.

The middle-aged man with a big belly yelled at the people around him: "What are you looking at, why don't you hurry up and call the mayor and the others over!"

After speaking, he walked to a rock under the big tree and sat up, then took out a cigarette from his pocket and lit it, puffing on the clouds slowly. "150 million US dollars is 1.2 billion yuan, which is much more profitable than mines!"

An hour later, the mayor hurried over in a special car.

"Taozi, is there a foreigner who wants to buy Jixi Liumao Graphite Resources Company at a high price?!" The township chief asked loudly to the middle-aged man sitting on a rock smoking a cigarette after getting off the car.

The middle-aged man flicked out the cigarette, stood up, walked up to the mayor, and said, "Yes, he said that the price is 150 million U.S. dollars. He asked us to discuss it. After the discussion, answer him immediately, because he will leave the day after tomorrow!"

"So urgent!" The mayor couldn't help frowning.

The middle-aged man with a big belly leaned into the mayor's ear and said in a low voice: "Mayor, our Jixi Liumao Graphite Resources Company doesn't make any money at all. In my opinion, let's just sell the company. 120 million US dollars is a lot." Le!" After finishing speaking, he did not forget to wink at the village head.

The mayor coughed twice, pondered for a while, and said, "Well, it can be sold, but the price needs to be increased a bit, and the local people must continue to work here. The company can't sell it. , let everyone lose their jobs, right?"

"Yes, yes, the mayor is right, then I will contact Mr. Hopkins!"

"En!" The mayor nodded in response.

That night, Hopkins sat down for dinner with the local government and entrepreneurs. After the meal, the business was negotiated.

Hopkins added another 10 million US dollars to acquire Jixi Liumao Graphite Resources for a total of 160 million US dollars, and promised not to dismiss the original workers. On the contrary, it will recruit more workers, purchase advanced equipment, and expand Mine capacity!

The government of Liumao Township, Jixi City is very satisfied with this transaction. Not only has it received a huge amount of foreign investment, but the other party will also vigorously develop the mine and promote the local economy. It is very good! ! !

However, within a few days, the price of graphite skyrocketed from 1,000 yuan per ton. News of the acquisition of graphite mines came from all over the world, which attracted media attention.

"Reuters" reported: "According to Reuters statistics, starting from October 15, within a week, 103 graphite mining companies around the world were acquired, with a total acquisition price of about 8.5 billion US dollars! Obviously, this It is an acquisition plan for graphite, and there must be a huge company with strong capital behind it! But we believe that it will not take long before this hidden company will finally surface!!!”

At this time, the industry was greatly surprised.

"What's going on? There are companies buying graphite mines in large quantities? Graphite is not worth much..."

Liumao Township, Jixi City, China.

"Major, the price of graphite has skyrocketed from 1,000 yuan per ton to 3,000 yuan per ton now, and it is still rising. We may lose money!!!" The middle-aged man with a big belly said bitterly.

"Well... According to my analysis, it may be that international speculators want to secretly manipulate the price of graphite, and then throw it away when the price of graphite rises to the highest point!" The mayor paused, and said in a very firm tone, "Hope Kings may be one of these international speculators!!!”

"As expected of the township head, you are really astute, and you can see through their plots at once!" The middle-aged man with a big belly complimented him.

At this time, a female college student who had just become a village official and was ignorant of the world suddenly asked: "But the mayor, I heard that Mr. Hopkins has purchased a large amount of advanced mining equipment from abroad. If only for Hype, he doesn't need to spend this money at all?"

When the township head heard this, he immediately became very embarrassed. The middle-aged man with a big belly on the side scolded the female village official who was a college student: "You, a college student who just graduated, know what a fart. Only after buying the equipment can we make a better hype!"

(to be continued ~^~)

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