Silicon Valley

Chapter 454 The new technology is a bit against the sky

In early July, a large number of optical gene sequencers with a price of less than US$300,000 suddenly appeared on the market, and those institutions or companies conducting gene sequencing research were immediately ecstatic, and hurriedly raised funds to buy them frantically. Many well-known technology media around the world are also scrambling to report on this matter.

Many people are full of doubts. Why did the price of the gene sequencer suddenly drop by half?

As the world's largest manufacturer of gene sequencers, Gene Umbrella has naturally received inquiries from all over the world. In this regard, Gene Umbrella remained tight-lipped.

The chip gene sequencer is a huge leap in gene sequencing technology. Once you hear about it, the optical gene sequencer will basically not sell. People have to wait until the chip gene sequencer comes out before buying it.

In addition, Henry does not plan to put the chip gene sequencer on the market in a short time.

Good things naturally have to be kept for their own use. By opening gene sequencing services to the outside world, a monopoly situation will be formed first.

Because, in the name of service, it is actually collecting human genes and creating a DNA database!

Big data is not only very important in the field of the Internet, but also in the field of genetics. There are tens of thousands of human genes, and the genes are different from person to person. It is impossible to know which genes are normal genes, which genes are mutated genes, which genes are beneficial to the human body, and which genes are harmful to the human body. . Only by analyzing a large number of comparative data from the side, some clues can be obtained. Then use some special techniques to track these genes to study how they work.

Genes, to put it figuratively, are a kind of code, that is, through programming, to control the synthesis of proteins. Protein is the basic substance that constitutes human cells. Without protein, there would be no life. The T substance in Henry's mind was actually a protein...

Time passed quickly, the development of the chip gene sequencer was completed, and Henry immediately ordered mass production.

At the same time, Henry gave the researchers a week off, and after that, he continued to conduct research on the third-generation gene sequencing technology. Henry has always had a grand plan to collect the genes of all living things in the world. Although it is a bit exaggerated, with Henry's strength, at least many known biological genes can be collected. At present, limited to gene sequencing technology, it is not advanced enough, so Henry's plan cannot be implemented at all!

If we say that gene sequencing technology is developed enough, and can develop hand-held gene sequencing equipment. At that time, let users buy this kind of equipment, and then collect biological genes, as long as the data after gene sequencing happens to be not in the DNA database, then this gene sequencing data can be uploaded successfully, and at the same time, the user's account will be Receive a sum of money. That is, people can make money this way!

The Gene Umbrella Company saved a lot of manpower and reduced huge expenses.

After the gene sequencing successfully uploads the data, the user will be rewarded with a sum of money, but the user needs to spend money to buy equipment, which is equivalent to reducing the pressure on the gene umbrella. Henry believes that there will be many people crazy to collect biological genes, and millionaires will inevitably be born because of this.

The success of these people will certainly inspire many people.

With such an easy and easy way to make money, who wouldn't want to do it? Flowers, trees, birds, beasts, insects, fish, etc., wherever the eyes can see, are all "gold"! Maybe you can become a rich man after traveling to Amazon...

Naturally, the number of people who are motivated to buy hand-held genetic sequencing equipment will only increase, and many of them must have no time to collect biological genes. And over time, the DNA database will also grow larger. The probability that gene sequencing data can be uploaded successfully will become less and less, and many people will not even be able to earn back the cost of purchasing gene sequencing equipment.

Of course, at this time, a new policy has to be introduced, and there is an increase in incentive funds. In the past, a successful upload was rewarded with $10, but now it may be $20 or $30, or even more. In short, the rarer the gene, the more the reward. In this case, someone must be willing to collect new biological genes!

Henry has no doubt that one day in the future, a kind of "gold-playing team" similar to online games will appear. The Gene Umbrella Company will also organize such a team to conduct more professional work.


Another month passed, and Gene Umbrella finally sold out the remaining optical gene sequencers. At the same time, a thousand chip gene sequencers were produced.

At this time, Gene Umbrella held a global press conference to announce to the world that Gene Umbrella officially launched the personal gene sequencing service.

On August 5, Henry attended the conference and gave a speech on stage.

"Welcome to the Gene Umbrella press conference. The specific process of the personal gene sequencing service launched by Gene Umbrella is as follows. The first step is that customers need to register and place an order on the Gene Umbrella official website, and then we will mail a blood collection needle to you; In the second step, after the blood is collected, send it back to the Gene Umbrella Company; in the third step, within one month, the customer can receive the DNA report sent back by the Gene Umbrella. In addition, the customer can log in to the Gene Umbrella official website and view it in the personal center. DNA report."

“DNA reports allow customers to understand their probability of developing a certain disease (including cancer), so as to take preventive measures. If a customer’s relatives are also using the service of Gene Umbrella, Gene Umbrella can check it immediately and send an email. Notify each other. This is undoubtedly a huge boon for relatives who have been separated for many years!"

clap clap clap! ! !

As soon as Henry's voice fell, there was thunderous applause, and the people in the audience all showed their shocked expressions!

"Mr. Williams, how much does a gene sequencing cost?" Many people couldn't help asking.

Henry smiled and replied: "At the moment, it is 10,000 US dollars for the time being. However, don't worry, we will make a huge adjustment in terms of price when the scale comes up! At that time, ordinary families in the United States can also afford it. !"

Anyone who knows something about gene sequencing will suddenly change their expressions when they hear the price.

In addition to the gene umbrella company, the research of major institutions or companies around the world has only completed the sequencing of the 22nd pair of chromosomes. It is conceivable that the price of a complete human gene sequencing is bound to be extremely expensive, and even 100 million US dollars is less. But now, the Gene Umbrella Company actually promised to complete a gene sequencing for $10,000. How is this possible? ! !

In fact, if Henry did not point out the general direction of the research, the Gene Umbrella Company could only explore slowly like other companies, and in the process, it would take many, many detours.

At this moment, in the face of everyone's doubts, Henry answered very calmly: "It's very simple, because we have developed a new generation of gene sequencers, whose efficiency is two thousand times that of optical gene sequencers!"

What? Two thousand times! ! !

Everyone couldn't help but turn pale with shock, this news was too shocking to the world.

At this moment, all major research institutions or companies around the world who are watching the live broadcast are all shocked. It is no wonder that the Gene Umbrella Company is frantically selling off cheap optical gene sequencers. It turns out that there are better ones... At the same time, also Deeply feared by the powerful scientific research strength of Gene Umbrella Company!

Immediately at the press conference, someone asked: "Mr. Williams, does Gene Umbrella intend to sell this new generation of gene sequencers?"

"Not yet," Henry shook his head and said, "mainly because the production is too low, and the Gene Umbrella Company is not self-sufficient yet, so how can it be sold?"

"When does Gene Umbrella plan to sell this gene sequencer? I believe that institutions or companies that study gene sequencing all over the world must be looking forward to it!"

Henry thought for a moment, and then replied: "Gene Umbrella's production plant will expand its production capacity, um... After half a year, it should be available for sale!"

Answering the entire question, Henry also announced the official end of the conference.

That day, the major media headlines were news about Gene Umbrella and gene sequencing.

A reporter from the "Nature" magazine said: "The gene umbrella company, the overlord in the biotechnology industry, is against the sky, and its gene sequencing strength is 2,000 times ahead of the current world!"

"The Times": "Unraveling the secrets of human genes is no longer out of reach. Biotechnology giant Gene Umbrella held a press conference this morning to announce that they will launch a cross-generational personal gene sequencing service, so anyone can know their own. What are genes!"

USA Today reported: "A new era is coming!!!"

PS: There is time to code words, so from tomorrow, stick to 3 more.

(To be continued ~^~)

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