Silicon Valley

Chapter 295 WPS Office Software

Facing the fall of the Chinese market, the European and American markets were eroded.

In order to keep its own market, Microsoft has cut the price of the system by half to $50!

Bill Gates said at a conference: "The Linux system has developed rapidly since its release, and we must speed up the pace! We must develop a better operating system to end it!"

"The windows95 system is our secret weapon. From now on, we will invest more manpower and material resources in the development of the system! We will increase the number of developers of the system to 100,000, and we will develop windows95 at the fastest speed. In January next year , I hope the logo of our operating system windows95 will be in Times Square!!!”

"Piracy is rampant in the Chinese market. Although we have not been able to make profits in China, we cannot allow the system to arbitrarily seize our market." Bill Gates flashed a glimmer of light in his eyes, "Ballmer, you immediately organized people to build Microsoft China technology in China. Center to provide technical support for Chinese users! We want to retain users by providing better services!!!”

"Yes!" Steve Ballmer said quietly.

Microsoft's strategy is to bind the software to the system and drive the sales of the system to the software.

Microsoft's more famous software is the database SQL server and the office software office.

Microsoft's database software SQLserver can compete with Oracle's oracle database and IBM's DB2 database. The office software is basically a monopoly, unshakable. In 1990, Microsoft Corporation completed, becoming the dominant product in the word processing software sales market. In 1993, Microsoft integrated and integrated in the package software, so that it can share data with each other, which greatly facilitates the use of users!

With these two powerful tools, SQLserver and office, Microsoft's operating system can also be invincible!

As a public company, Microsoft must disclose any major decisions.

When they announced that they would set up Microsoft China Technology Center in China. Henry understood that Microsoft has not given up on the Chinese market!

It is an indisputable fact that the number of third-party software developers of the system is much smaller than that. And Microsoft's two major software databases and office software office. Can't keep up with the horses! The database is good, with the support of oracle company, and the office software, especially the Chinese office software. So far there is no such work!

However, Henry is not impatient, because he knows that there is a company specializing in the development of Chinese office software!

This company is Kingsoft Software Corporation!

The predecessor of Kingsoft was Hong Kong Kingsoft. In 1988, 24-year-old Qiu Bojun joined the company to develop the word processing system WPS. Zhang Xuanlong, the CEO of Kingsoft Corporation in Hong Kong, recognizes heroes with a discerning eye. Then invest in Qiu Bojun. In 1994, Beijing Jinshan Software Company was established,

Kingsoft was officially established!

Because of this, there is no copyright dispute! Otherwise, ask for the WPS system developed by Bojun in Hong Kong Jinshan Company, then, WPS should belong to Hong Kong Jinshan Company, not Jinshan Software!

After the release of WPS, the market share once exceeded 90%, completely crushing Microsoft's office. The main reason is because WPS is Chinese. Since Microsoft has not given up the Chinese market, Henry can only further enhance the competitiveness of Linux!

Obviously, WPS is a good choice!

Jinshan's WPS has been ups and downs several times. It was brilliant at first, and then disappeared. Later, "Prism ~ Mirror Gate" appeared, and WPS found an opportunity to re-emerge and become the government-designated office software!

Henry did some research on Kingsoft. WPS has been unknown since then, but it was actually pitted by Microsoft! Previously, Microsoft's office was hanged by WPS, and then Microsoft was thinking about how to turn over. So, Microsoft went to Kingsoft, hoping that Kingsoft would share the WPS format with Microsoft, and that the two would be compatible with each other. Microsoft said: "Look, everyone has office software. How about if the two sides sign an agreement, and both sides can read each other's files through the middle-layer RTF format of their own software?"

What does it mean for the WPS format to be open to Microsoft? It means that Microsoft has seized the Chinese market with almost no effort. The user thought, "I used WPS software before, and many files were in wps format, so I had to buy wps software. But now, since it can be opened with word, why bother to buy wps software? Microsoft is not bundling it. Office software, and it's still pirated!!!"

Microsoft has found that it is impossible to sell genuine systems and software in China. China's intellectual property laws are not perfect, and there are many pirated copies. Therefore, it simply condone piracy, and then killed other competitors, Kingsoft is one of them. And this time, Microsoft's conspiracy almost made Kingsoft close down!

WPS office software has been unknown since then.

Henry decided that he wants to smash Microsoft's conspiracy, and he wants to invest in Kingsoft!

"Microsoft is conspiring, condoning piracy, and I don't know how many Chinese software companies it has cheated. My investment in Kingsoft Software is to help justice and save Chinese private enterprises!!!"

Afterwards, Henry ordered someone to initiate a shareholding request to Kingsoft Software, preparing to raise 10 million US dollars to hold 55% of Kingsoft's shares!

Ten million dollars was almost RMB 100 million at the time, which shocked both Zhang Xuanlong and Qiu Bojun! They never thought that Kingsoft Software Company was so valuable! 10 million US dollars is only 55% of the equity, the company's total market value is close to 200 million yuan! ! !

Zhang Xuanlong was already moved. He just established Kingsoft Software in early 1994. He invested 2 million yuan in Qiu Bojun at that time. He never thought that the company was just starting, and some people wanted to invest, and he invested nearly 100 million yuan but only 55 million yuan. % stake!

Zhang Xuanlong said: "Qiu Bojun, agree, we will raise 10 million US dollars. The development speed of Kingsoft Software is far from what it is now. We can develop more software and expand channels!"

Ask Bo Jun to think for a moment. Said: "The other party's company is called Hongnian Technology. Although it is a company registered in China, the parent company that controls this company is a foreign company, Williams Electronics. It is the company of the world's richest man, Henry Williams! "

"That's right." Zhang Xuanlong nodded and said, "Before, Hongnian Technology launched Hongnian Computer and used the Chinese system. It seems that Henry Williams is preparing to enter the operating system. A layout in China!"

Zhang Xuanlong looked at Qiu Bojun and asked, "Do you want WPS to go abroad? Maybe this time is an opportunity!"

"Going abroad?" Qiu Bojun was stunned for a moment. this problem. He never thought that wps is a Chinese office software, how to go abroad?

Zhang Xuanlong said: "We can develop WPS English version, French version, etc., but without a promotion platform and allies, it is impossible to challenge Microsoft's position in the office software industry anyway!"

"You mean, Henry Williams can help us!" Qiu Bojun asked.

"Who else is there besides him?" Zhang Xuanlong said with a smile, "Henry Williams masters the Linux system, and has strong financial resources and strength. He is the person most likely to challenge Microsoft!"

When Qiu Bojun heard the words, he showed a hint of heartbeat, but he still had some scruples. He said, "But 55% of the equity means we lose the controlling stake in the company!"

"Yes, but as the saying goes, there are gains and losses. For Kingsoft to develop into an international company, we have to pay more! The system bundles office software, which puts a lot of pressure on us. Now, we must find Backer!" Zhang Xuanlong said with a serious look on his face.

As an investor, Zhang Xuanlong naturally hopes that the bigger the company grows, the better, so that he can obtain higher returns. The controlling stake in the company is of no use to him. Therefore, I strongly persuade Qiu Bojun to agree to Hongnian Technology's shareholding!

Qiu Bojun thought for a while, and finally nodded.

After Qiu Bojun agreed, Hongnian Technology immediately signed a contract with Kingsoft Software and completed the transaction. After the financing of Kingsoft Software, the shareholding ratios are 55% of Hongnian Technology, 30% of Qiu Bojun, and 15% of Zhang Xuanlong.

Soon after, Hongnian Technology and Kingsoft Corporation held a press conference. At the press conference, the two companies announced the financing contract, and then announced the next development plan: "WPS will log in to the system, and the software will be free. However, the WPS software on the windows system will still be charged! However, the wps on the windows system will still be charged. The file can still be opened normally in the system!"

As soon as the news of the press conference came out, it immediately caused a sensation in China. The main reason for the sensation was that Hongnian Technology had raised nearly 100 million RMB to Kingsoft. At that time, 100 million RMB was equivalent to an astronomical figure. The average person only earned a few hundred yuan a month. How many years would it take to earn 100 million RMB!

The saliva that countless people envied left behind.

When Microsoft got the news, it was very surprised. Inadvertently, Hongnian Technology actually won the Kingsoft software company that occupies the largest share of China's office software market, thus posing a great challenge to Microsoft!

In particular, the WPS software is free on the system, but it is charged on the windows system, which is forcing the user to choose the system!

"Oh, ****!" Bill Gates couldn't help scolding when he heard the news!

Steve Ballmer said in a low voice: "Bill, our office software office must launch a Chinese version!"

"Well," Bill Gates nodded and said, "Next year, when Windows 95 is developed, the Chinese version of Office will be bundled into the system together!"

Ballmer said with a smile: "As long as our windows95 defeats the system, WPS is nothing to be afraid of!"

Bill Gates heard the words, nodded and laughed: "Yes! WPS will have no chance of winning under the strong combination of our windows operating system bundled with office software!"

Bill Gates personally participated in the development of windows95, he is full of confidence in this operating system! Windows95 has made a great improvement on the original system, it will have a more powerful, more stable and more practical desktop GUI! In his previous life, Bill Gates did not hesitate to spend more than 300 million US dollars to promote Windows 95. It is conceivable that Bill Gates would have made such a crazy move if his confidence in the Windows 95 operating system had not been shattered. !



In the Chinese market, a system-to-system war is being staged.

Open source, piracy, the struggle is inextricable, the momentum is like fire and water! However, due to the introduction of cheap computers by Hongnian Technology, the number of users of the system has increased. Microsoft is very helpless about this!

After Henry asked Hongnian Technology to become a shareholder of Kingsoft, he did not stop. There are relatively few third-party Chinese software on the system, and Hongnian Technology is going to win or acquire more software companies!

At this time, in June, the World Cup football match has already begun, and this session is held in the United States!

ABC broadcaster's espn sports TV channel has won the broadcast rights of the 1994 Football World Cup in South America and North America, and Asia TV has won the broadcast station in Asia! At the same time, RealNetwork has obtained the exclusive broadcasting rights of the network!

The European broadcast rights were snatched by Murdoch's News Corporation!

After the start of the game, countless fans did not expect that at the halftime of the game, the huge screen of the stadium even played a 20-second advertisement for the two football games "FIFA 1994" and "FIFA Football Manager"! 3D graphics, dynamic music, real game experience, detailed player data, etc., all arouse the interest of fans!

"Oh, these two football games are so fun!"

"It's so cool, just seeing the game screen, I can't help but want to play!"


Just when people were wondering which company made this game, a line of words appeared at the end of the advertisement screen.

"Firefly Game Company!"

(PS: I have guests today, and I only updated two chapters, and I couldn’t do it, so I will add more tomorrow. This chapter has more than 4,000 words, which is not too small. If you have tickets, you can support it. Just a moment!)

(To be continued ~^~)

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