Silicon Valley

Chapter 177 Panavisian Company

PS: After coding this chapter, my eyes are a little tired. I will rest for a night and continue to do more tomorrow...

Although Carl Zeiss knew that Silicon Valley Electronics Group was playing tricks on them, but the contract had been signed, and there was nothing they could do. Then again, though, working with Silicon Valley Electronics Group isn't necessarily a bad thing. When Carl Zeiss announced a partnership with Silicon Valley Electronics Group, shares rose 9 percent on the day.

The industry is generally optimistic about the cooperation between Carl Zeiss and Silicon Valley Electronics Group, and believes that through this cooperation, Carl Zeiss will join forces with Silicon Valley Electronics Group's micro-hard drive and Carl Zeiss' lens technology to further seize market share and establish a brand. Reputation!

This time, Silicon Valley Electronics Group spent 150 million US dollars to obtain more than 20 technical authorizations from Carl Zeiss. Although the price is a bit expensive, Henry is still very happy. Camera lenses and cameras will be widely used in the future. Such as computers, mobile phones, monitoring, etc., the market potential is endless! ! !

So, after getting the technology, Henry asked Williams Lab to set up a lens technology research institution, simply named it "Lens Technology Research Institute", and then recruited outstanding talents in the field of lens technology to join, spending huge sums of money ,Focus on the development!

Now that he has the technical support of Carl Zeiss' lens, Henry can use the technology to more places, such as film shooting...

In the future, Panavision will become the world's top film equipment company. Founded in 1954, the company is a large international company, a brand of self-manufacturing shooting equipment, including photographic equipment, lighting equipment, mobile mechanical equipment; among them, in the field of camera lenses, it is the leader in the world!

Henry decided to acquire this company because it would strengthen the strength of Williams Labs in lens technology! ! ! In addition, the company acquired Panavisian, and later Henry's name was Galaxy Films. Or Asia TV can get the most advanced shooting equipment to shoot, and the natural shooting effect is far better than other companies, which undoubtedly enhances the competitiveness of the film company! ! !

Workers want to do good things. It must be sharpened first.

Henry's layout of the pan-entertainment industry really needs a helper like Panavision!

Although Panavisian was established early, its current market value is not high, and Henry has great confidence to acquire it. The moment for Panavisian to really take off is next year. They transformed Sony's HDW-900 camera into a new device that was extremely popular and became the new icon of digital cinema in North America that year! ! ! After that, another product of Panavision, genasis, was a handy tool for second-generation filmmakers, and was used by Warner Bros. for the latest film, "Superman Returns." Since then, Panavision has been promoted to a world-class film equipment company! ! !

However, Panavision is very good. Always rent and not sell! But business was booming. Often in short supply! It doesn't matter if some small film companies have no money, don't even think about using Panavisian's filming equipment!

For such a company, it is natural to acquire it before it catches fire!

Without further ado, Henry immediately sent someone to Panavisian.

"Are you going to buy Panavision?" The shareholders of Panavision were surprised.

Panavision has not yet caught on, and because it only rents movie equipment, it can make little money every year. Generally speaking, the big studios have their own film equipment and don't need to rent it from outside. Only small studios rent film equipment. But small studios had no money. Presumably you won't be able to make a lot of money from them either. What's more, there are many competitors, and thus less money is made.

Henry sent someone to do an investigation and learned that the current profit situation of Panavisian company is only average, the annual income is only about 30 million US dollars, and the profit is less than 5 million US dollars! Staff wages, equipment maintenance and development, etc., are all a small amount of expenditure... Among them, equipment development accounts for the highest proportion.

Unlike other equipment rental companies, Panavision does not buy all equipment from film equipment manufacturers, but insists on developing or transforming film equipment independently!

"Yes, you can make a price!"

"Which company are you from?"

"Silicon Valley Electronics Group!!!"

The crowd heard. Slightly shocked.

Not long ago, Silicon Valley Electronics Group reached a cooperative relationship with Carl Zeiss, a world-class camera lens company. ! !

"We need to think about this matter!" said the CEO of Panavision.

"Of course, before we came, we have hired a professional appraisal company to value Panavisian. They think your company's market value is $50 million..."

Several major shareholders of Panavision Company flashed a trace of resentment, obviously not satisfied with this valuation! Panavision's profit is not high, but it has three branches and a large number of film equipment. In addition, Panavision also has some technical patents. How can these things add up to only 50 million US dollars?

The negotiator of Silicon Valley Electronics Group smiled: "However, we Silicon Valley Electronics Group are willing to spend 80 million US dollars to acquire Panavisian! This price is 30 million US dollars higher than the price given by the evaluation company, which is enough to show our sincerity! Of course, if Panavision accepts financing, that's fine. However, Silicon Valley Electronics Group will hold an absolute controlling stake in Panavision! As for the day-to-day management of the company, it is still handed over to the original management. Silicon Valley Electronics Group will not take it lightly. intervene..."

"Think about it, please reply to me tomorrow!"

"Here's my business card with my phone number on it!"

After the representative of Silicon Valley Electronics Group finished speaking, he handed the business cards to the top management of Panavision Company!


The representatives of Silicon Valley Electronics Group came and went quickly!

"What to do, sell the company? Or accept financing?" The company's major shareholders discussed.

"Sell it, they give a lot of money!"

"I think it's better to accept financing and let Silicon Valley Electronics Group become a shareholder, and we can hold a part of the equity! I think, with the support of Silicon Valley Electronics Group, Panavision will be able to develop rapidly, and in the future, maybe we will hold shares in our hands It will be worth more than it is now!!!”

"Well, that's right, everyone should look a little farther and accept financing from Silicon Valley Electronics Group. Didn't they say that although they will hold absolute controlling rights, the daily management of the company will still be handed over to us!"


"Vote everyone!!!"

(To be continued ~^~)

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