Sign In to Cake Island, Start With Top-Notch Haki

Chapter two hundred and sixty-two crazy attack

Chapter two hundred and sixty-two crazy attack

The red-haired Shanks also knew that this place was not a place to stay for long.

If you want to settle accounts with these guys, you can only talk about it later.

There is no need to fight them all the time.

Therefore, Ye Yi and the red-haired Shanks also coincided, fighting and retreating at the same time.

And these guys are crazy to attack.

But because Ye Yi and the red-haired Shanks are too strong, there is no good way to say it.

Helplessly, Ye Yi and red-haired Shanks broke through the encirclement.

However, it wasn't long before the red-haired Shanks and Ye Yi rushed out.

More men in black were killed behind.

It appears that an addition to this secret Celestial Dragons stronghold has arrived.

The 12 skills of these black warriors are also very powerful.

If the red-haired Shanks and Ye Yi were surrounded again, it would be too difficult to escape.

Therefore, these two people are also running wildly, don't let this circle close again.

"Thank you so much brother just now, your skills are really strong."

While the two were running fast, the red-haired Shanks suddenly said very emotionally.

"It's nothing, you'll be stronger in the future. 33

"I hope so... To be honest, the knife before was really dangerous, I didn't expect you to be able to dodge it, brother, at least for the time being, you are much stronger than me.

The red-haired Shanks said with a wry smile.

"Oh that's no big deal, it's Observation Haki, you can have it later."

" Observation Haki? What is this? 99

The red-haired Shanks asked in confusion.

"This thing is specifically... not good! They're going to be surrounded!"

Ye Yi was about to explain to the red-haired Shanks what was going on with the Conqueror's Haki, but more black warriors ran over at this time.

Unexpectedly, there are so many masters in this small town.

At this time, Ye Yi's scalp was numb.

Ye Yi also wanted to explain to the red-haired Shanks well, what happened to these Hakis.

The masters of this mirror world must have this potential.

Ye Yi remembered that after explaining the three types of 8 episodes to Whitebeard before, in the next battle, the Whitebeard father actually awakened Armament Haki.

So Ye Yi understands that if he can give this red-haired Shanks a good explanation of the three types of Haki, then maybe he will understand it very quickly.

Ye Yi is quite willing that the masters in this world have this ability.

In addition, Ye Yi also hopes that this red-haired Shanks can awaken Conqueror's Haki.

After all, there is no such Haki Ye Yi yet.

If the red-haired Shanks can awaken this Conqueror's Haki, then Ye Yi can also gain this powerful ability by signing in.

But the problem is that 007 has no time to explain this thing now.

Now more black warriors have been surrounded.

It seems that if you don't use that thing, it's really hard to get away.

And while these black warriors have not completely encircled.

Ye Yi summoned the somersault cloud directly from the storage space given after the system upgrade.

Then jump right up.

At the same time, it also directly pulled the red-haired Shanks.

To be honest, Ye Yi was a little suspicious that the red-haired Shanks couldn't ride this somersault cloud.

But I didn't expect that after grabbing this guy, he actually lay on top of this somersault cloud.

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