Chapter 207 Once upon a thought!

But at that time Ye Yi had an idea of ​​doing business.

Anyway, Ye Yi had some plans in mind at that time, and he thought it was a more mature plan.

Ye Yi remembered very clearly that when he was in the third grade of junior high school, things like cotton candy were basically impossible to find on the street.

I don't know why not many people are willing to set up a stall to sell him with such delicious food.

Maybe it's because the hygiene of this thing is not very optimistic.

So with the development of the times, isn't it abandoned by everyone?

—— Ye Yi thought so at that time.

So in fact, the biggest dream at that time was to open a shop selling cotton candy.

Do it according to the decoration specifications of the West Point room.

12 Anyway, Ye Yi is really embarrassed to think about it now.

This idea is really too simplistic.

Ye Yi remembered feeling like he was about to make a fortune at that time.

After all, it was such a great business idea.

Ye Yi's plan is to make this store a transparent kitchen as much as possible.

Try to use floor-to-ceiling transparent glass to surround, and all kinds of white sugar, flour, etc. are all brand-named.

And then these cooks have to wear hats and gloves or something.

In short, I can't wait to achieve the production process of sterilization.

Then there is another point, Ye Yi remembered that the marshmallows he ate when he was a child had a taste.

Totally the taste of the sugar itself.

But Ye Yi thinks that if he were to open a store like this, he would launch dozens of flavors.

For example, strawberry flavor, durian flavor, watermelon flavor, banana flavor, apple flavor, cucumber flavor.


Ye Yi felt that the business should be very hot.

Maybe soon I will become rich.

This marshmallow shop will become more and more popular, and he will become a very rich man.

There may be hundreds of chain stores in less than 5 years.

Anyway, Ye Yi remembered that cotton candy was a dollar a piece when he was young.

They are all open-air, especially simple mobile stalls.

But I definitely plan to sell it for 10 yuan in my own store.

Although the price is a bit high, it is very hygienic after all.

And there are multiple flavors to choose from.

Anyway, at that time, Ye Yi thought that his business plan had no problems at all.

Because Ye Yi is certain, the reason why there are so few marshmallow stalls now is because everyone feels that this thing is not very hygienic, so it is slowly abandoned by the times.

But it's actually quite a gimmick.

It's kind of delicious and fun.

So if that's the case, wouldn't it be alright to run your own business on a regular basis?

In fact, Ye Yi's 833 business consideration is quite reasonable to a certain extent.

It's like spicy strips, which, to be honest, were made by small factories before.

There are even some folk workshops.

But later, a big company made the production line of spicy strips very large, very hygienic, and the business was not very good?

Therefore, if some traditional things can be packaged with capital, they can be operated.

Then business will be very good.

But of course, this specific idea of ​​selling marshmallows must be full of loopholes.

Because this thing is not so attractive to everyone.

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