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Chapter 671 Technology and Magic

UFO detected.

While Stark was testing the Mark 85 steel suit, Jarvis' radar detected someone approaching New York.


Jarvis couldn't speculate what the other party was.

"how so?"

If it is the previous Stark, he must think that there is a problem with Jarvis' radar system.

But after one disaster after another.

Let Stark have a new understanding of the current universe.

They are not alone in this universe.

Humans are never alone.

It's just that with their technological level, they can't escape from the parent star.


dimensional creatures.


This has been proven time and time again.

According to Stark's judgment, this incident is likely to be the same.

Thinking of this, Stark suddenly had a bad feeling in his heart.

"Jarvis, contact Xu."

For safety reasons, Stark immediately thought of Xu Fan.

The supreme mage of the earth.

Maybe he can figure out what happened.


Stark has never been a withdrawn, timid person.

He is a superhero.

It's Iron Man.

While asking Jarvis to contact Xu Fan, Stark took a deep breath and quickly boosted the power of the Mark No. 85 steel suit.

Then it flew towards the flying object.

"Mr Stark,

Unable to get in touch with Mr. Xu. "

As Stark gets closer to each other, Jarvis brings bad news.

Although Jarvis tried every means, Xu Fan could not be reached.

This means that this time, I am afraid that Stark can only solve it by himself.

"All right."

Stark rolled his throat and sighed.

"Hopefully they're here to visit Earth."

However, just as Stark's voice fell, Coulson's call came in.

It must be the agent of the S.H.I.E.L.D. who also discovered this extraterrestrial visitor.

After thinking for a second, Stark decisively answered the phone.

"Hey, do you have any good news for me?"

Stark joked.

Although he was rushing at full speed towards the guy who didn't know if he was friend or foe, he looked very relaxed.

"Looks like you already know about it."

Coulson had a video call with Stark.

After seeing Stark's expression, Coulson immediately reacted.

And Stark also found through this video that many people gathered around Coulson.

Chief Fury.

Captain Rogers.



Black Widow.

They were solid teammates during the New York War.

However, this also means that this incident has attracted the attention of S.H.I.E.L.D.

For the sake of global security.

This is not a good thing.

"Where's Xu? Have you got in touch with Xu?"

Stark blurted out, but he soon realized that the question was a bit redundant.

If Coulson and the others found Xu Fan.

I guess I won't find myself again.

"Not yet." Rogers took over, and then let someone share the satellite image with Coulson.

This time, the uninvited guest came from outer space.

It's a small spaceship.

Even Fury tried to communicate with the other party.

Unfortunately, the other party did not respond.

"The landing site for this ship is probably in Queens, Stark. It's up to you now."

Rogers said worriedly.

They are also superheroes? But they have no experience in dealing with such things.

Not to mention? Stark is a super genius on Earth.

The technology he masters is at least twenty years ahead of S.H.I.E.L.D.

"I see."

Stark nodded slightly? Said that he would find a way to deal with this matter.

However? Rogers and others did not intend to sit idly by.

After telling the ins and outs, they also set off quickly? Heading towards Queens.

"I see it."

After about five minutes of continuous flight, Stark finally came to this passenger who visited the earth.

no one else.

It is Star Lord and others.

"Jarvis." Stark took a deep breath? Trying to get in touch? Hope they can follow their lead and don't land in a place like Queens.

First, the population here is very dense.

It might hurt innocent people.

Second, there are enough disasters in New York.

Not long ago? Queens has seen a large number of cases of cars disappearing.

Although Stark guessed who the "real murderer" is? But I have to admit that this brought great panic to the people in Queens.

Now let them see the aliens come out of the spaceship.

Probably not something that can be easily tolerated.

However, the Rockets did not respond to Stark.

It's not that he doesn't want to, or doesn't understand Stark's language.


In order to get to Earth before Sanctuary 2, the Rockets and his party deliberately crossed an asteroid belt? As a result, the spacecraft was damaged.

Support here is almost to the limit.

Therefore, the current rocket cannot control the spacecraft at all.


Seeing the rocket's ship headed straight for the center of Queens? Stark's face turned pale.

In a hurry, he had no choice but to dive down? He competed with the rocket's spaceship for speed.

Pedestrians in Queens also noticed this huge behemoth that fell from the sky, and they were all frightened for a while? They fled for their lives in a panic.

Traffic all over Queens? Once again paralyzed.

Seeing the time when the spaceship was about to hit a tall building? Stark had to choose to shoot.

Of course……

With Stark's experience, the technology on the steel battle suit alone cannot stop such a big guy.

As for weapons...

Stark has not yet figured out the purpose and identity of these guys.

So he didn't dare to attack lightly.

So Stark raised his arms, opened his palms, and chanted the magic spell he had learned from the Sanctuary of New York.


White magic energy burst out from his palm.

In fact, Stark technically reinvented the Mark 85 steel suit.

In addition to traditional technological weapons.

He also integrated some magical tools into this battle suit.

Not only can it help him shorten the time for casting magic, but it can also increase the power of magic.

without any exaggeration.

Tony Stark is now taking the route of dual cultivation of technology and magic.

"Stop for me!"

With Stark's explosion, the magical energy he released completely enveloped the rocket's spaceship.

Hover it abruptly in the air!

Failed to hit Daxia, a high-rise building in Queens.

Otherwise, countless innocent people will die in this disaster.

"This is……"

The once frightened Rocket opened his eyes slightly at this moment, his pupils dilated rapidly, revealing an incredible expression.

"what happened?!"

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