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Chapter 667 I have what you want

outer space.

Sanctuary number two.

As soon as the whereabouts of the Infinity Stones were captured, Thanos took the Vanguard Guard out of the nest.

However, by the time Sanctuary II arrived on the scene, there was only one small spacecraft.

It is Star Lord and others.

They shuddered when they noticed Thanos' Sanctuary II.

Especially Gamora, she knew the horror of Thanos and wanted to flee the scene immediately.

With their speed, how could they escape Thanos' Sanctuary II?

Within minutes, Sanctuary Two caught up with them, sucking their small craft inside.

Thanos ordered his subordinates to bring the people in the spaceship to him.

When he saw Gamora, there was a hint of surprise in his eyes.

"It looks like my daughter got what I want." Thanos smiled, then stretched out his hand to Kamoru, hoping she could hand over the Infinity Stones.

Star-Lord, Rocket, Groot, Mantis, and Destroyer Drax were all controlled by the magic of Ebony Maw, unable to move.

You can only look up at Thanos with a kind of kneeling.

" Thanos, if you have the ability, let me go and fight me!" Drax shouted without thinking.

He has always been a single-celled creature.

"Lengtouqing from there." Ebony Ma couldn't help complaining, and then directly sealed his mouth with magic.

He didn't even think about it, what qualifications did he have to challenge the great Thanos!

Also, Thanos doesn't waste his energy on pointless duels.

He stared intently at Gamora, hoping she would hand over the Infinity Stones in a hurry.

As of now, she has no hope of resistance.

"Give her to me, father." Nebula took a step from the crowd and assured Thanos.

I must make Gamora hand over the Infinity Stones.

However, in the face of Nebula's volunteering,

Thanos wasn't even interested in looking at her.

"It's none of your business here, step back." Thanos said in a low voice.

"Yes." Although this made Nebula feel unhappy, she honestly backed away, looking at Gamora with a trace of resentment in her eyes.

Even now, Gamora understood.

It was impossible for them to escape from Sanctuary Two.

Thanos is not Ronan's kind of trash.

He is the biggest nightmare in this universe!

"The Infinity Stones are not in our hands." Gamora took a deep breath and said the truth, "If you don't believe it, you can search."

"But you'll never find them."

Ebony Throat denied Gamora's answer on the spot.

They clearly detected the whereabouts of the Infinity Stones? And there are no galaxies here.

Ebony Throat doesn't believe it? It's just a coincidence.

"The Infinity Stones did appear, before you came? There's an Ego star here."

"It's just that it was destroyed!"

As soon as these words came out? Even the expression of Thanos became incredible.

If what Gamora said is true, then the person who destroyed Egg Star? The strength is probably no trivial matter.

"I only know that his name is Xu? He is the supreme mage on earth."

Gamora saw that Thanos didn't stop her? She simply continued.

She and Xu Fan were not friends anyway.

And he was the one who killed Star-Lord's father.

No matter from that angle, Gamora had no reason to hide it in order to protect Xu Fan's safety.

The most important thing is that Xu Fan has the strength to destroy Ego Star.

Maybe, the tyrant who finds Xu Fan will be counter-killed.

"Even Ronan was wiped out by Xu."

"he is……"

"Collect Infinity Stones!"

Gamora growled these words? Her eyes were firm, not the slightest bit confused.

Because everything she said was true.

"This is impossible!"

Instead, Nebula refuted Gamora on the spot.

The civilization level of the earth is very low, and the people there cannot even escape from the mother planet.

How could anyone possibly collect gems? Also destroyed Ego.

"At least that's what he said, and I don't know him? I just repeated what he said. As for whether he is an earth person? How can I know?"

Gamora glanced at the nebula, her momentum unabated? "I only know? The Infinity Stones are in his hands!"

Looking at Gamora's performance? Thanos' eyes narrowed slightly.

He couldn't see a lie from his daughter.

Then, Thanos turned his head and asked Ebony Maw, "Is what she said true?"

"I'm afraid... yes."

Ebony Mow nodded slightly, and when Gamora uttered the first sentence, he stared at her with special magic.

If Gamora told a lie, the magic of Ebony Maw would sense it.


I didn't feel anything.

That's enough to prove that Gamora wasn't lying.

"A Supreme Mage from Earth is collecting Infinity Stones."

The corners of Thanos' mouth rose, and he was very interested in this kind of thing.


Thanos ordered his subordinates to go to Earth at full speed.

No matter what the price was, he would snatch the Infinity Stone from Xu Fan's hands.

"Speaking of which, Loki also failed when he captured the Earth."

Thanos suddenly remembered.

I gave Loki the psychic scepter, let him conquer the earth, and then brought back the universe Rubik's cube to himself.


All the armies of Loki and the Chitauri were smashed to earth.

The whereabouts of the Cosmic Cube and the Mind Scepter are all unknown.

Looking at it now, it is very likely that the person Gamora said collected them.

Then in the process of researching them, the secrets of the Infinity Stones were obtained.

Eventually came the idea of ​​wanting to collect all the Infinity Stones.

"Gamora, welcome home."

Thanos leaned back, all he really cared about was Gamora.

As for her friends.

"Kill them."

"Wait a minute!" Gamora immediately stopped when Thanos wanted to kill Star-Lord and others.

"Let them go, as long as you let them go, no matter what, I can promise you!"

Gamora said without thinking.

Although she has not been with Star-Lord and others for a long time, she cares about them very much.

Even for Gamora, Star-Lord's life is more important than himself.

However, the mouths of Star-Lord and the others were all sealed by the ebony throat with magic.

They couldn't do anything but watch Gamora, let alone make a sound.

"No, you don't have the capital to make a deal with me." Thanos shook his head, rejecting Gamora's request, "and I don't want to make a deal with you either."

Gamora knows the character of Thanos very well.

She clenched her teeth tightly, watching when Ebony Maw and the others were about to execute Star-Lord and others.

She finally made up her mind.

"Okay, I have what you need, Thanos!"

In desperation, Gamora could only compromise, "I can tell you the whereabouts of the soul gems, but... they must be released!"

After hearing this sentence, Star-Lord's expression showed that he didn't believe in Thanos.

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