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Chapter 297 (Auto Generated Chapter Title)

303. Planet Devourer (Part 2)!

Planet Devourer's spacecraft has been spotted by one of the "observers"!

- This is an ancient group that is responsible for observing and recording major cosmic events, like the "historian" of the Marvel universe


The observer landed the planet-devourer's spacecraft to his own planet and studied it.


Observers have discovered a vast and growing force within the ship that will eventually have to consume the world's energy to feed its hunger....

Learn about the dangers of planet-devourers to the -universe.

The observer intends,

Eliminate the Devourer of Planet before he reaches full power!

But this way,

But it violates the non-conflict oath that observers must abide by.


He let the growing planet eater leave his ship.

Growing up the Devourer of Planets, learned how to use his mighty powers, and built a suit of armor so that he could manage his powers.


He recaptured his ship and transformed it into a sort of spherical incubation chamber, in which the planet-devourer spent centuries orbiting to his final form.


The spherical spaceship entered-into the inhabited planet of Archeopia in global orbit.

at first,

Archeopia did not disturb the strange ship.

But after a few years,

The planet Archeopia was attacked by a fleet of interstellar pirates, and the planet Devourer ship, which was hovering near the planet, was thought to be the weapon that attacked them, so they attacked him.

at the moment,

The evolution of the planet devourer is complete.

full form planet eater, hooked into the universe and destroyed all fleets, because of starvation he absorbed the first planet in his life,


The people of this planet are probably the first - only eaten crabs, "negative teaching materials" in the crab family.

Why do you say you are going to provoke the planet devourer?

In short,

The planet devourer sucked up all the energy of the Archeopia planet, and tasted the sweetness, and his strength gained a huge increase.

From then on it was out of control!

In the next few rough years,

The planet devourer built himself a huge interstellar carrier, which he called Taa planet II, as big as the Archeopia star sun.

The planet-devourer begins to search for a planet that is sure to be rich in a large amount of unknown energy, and drain its energy to sustain his life.

During these countless can years,

The planet-devourers consume the uninhabited planets through perception of life-force, and many centuries pass by in the meantime.

•••0 for flowers...

In essence,

He is still a life-life thinking, and does not want to harm those life-life planets.

Anyway, as long as it is a planet, there will definitely be a huge amount of energy. There is no difference between life and life on it. He only devours the energy of the planet. Not a necessity.


Unlike Dormammu's "turn everything into darkness" approach.



The planet energy swallowed by the planet devourer has not been transformed into other existences, but expanded his body in the form of the original energy.

simply put,

Although the planet is destroyed, the total energy of the multi-universe remains unchanged.


He did not wantonly destroy the living beings.


Planet Devourer is not disrupting the balance of the multi-universe, nor is it alarming the Life-Life Court.

However, with age,

The time interval that the planet devourer needs energy is getting shorter and shorter, and the planet devourer finds that if he can't find other unmanned planets with the energy he needs, he himself must pass the perception racial life-life force to absorb the inhabitants. The energy of the inhabited planet to sustain his life-life!


The masters who voted must be over 188 in height, house, and younger brother! Workers.

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