Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 107: Proud

After almost half an hour, the outline of a city gradually emerged at the end of the road.

Qingzhou, here!

Looking at the city in front of him, among the convoy of seven or eight luxury cars, one of the strong masters of the Pei family has an excited look on his face. Today, this Qingzhou city will be stained with blood!

Pei Junlin, you have been arrogant for so long, it's time to welcome my Pei family's anger!

When the Pei family's convoy was huge and killed directly at the bottom of Maple Mountain, it was far seen that the huge Maple Mountain was full of black crowds, and people were almost going to occupy a small half of Maple Mountain.

On the spotless road, it has long been occupied by luxury cars, like a long dragon, which spared the entire circle of Fengye Mountain and blocked the entire road.

The Jiangbei Pei family's convoy had to stop when there was more than a thousand meters from the bottom of Maple Leaf Mountain, because it could not enter at all!

Even when their convoy arrived just now, people on both sides of the road who had been chatting idlely stopped and behaved and gathered their eyes together to their convoy. The look was clearly radiated by ordinary people. But somehow the grand masters in the car raised a little bit of jealousy.

It was that look, the hostility was too obvious!

In the luxurious RV, Pei Wantian also noticed the movement outside. Suddenly, a face gloomed: "Our ancestor, our road is blocked!"

The ancestor of the Pei family slowly opened his eyes, and once again the glare of electric light flashed away, and said lightly: "How can the ants stop the elephant's pace! Let's get off!"

Wow! !!

The doors of seventy-eight luxury cars opened one after another, and a magnificent figure came out of it, such as a mountain-like figure, a grand master who has the same strength, and the lowest strength is the realm of three masters, with up to thirty people!

This is the strong heritage of the Jiangbei Pei family as one of the hegemons in the Jiangbei area!

As soon as these great masters got out of the car, they could not help but radiate their due airs of their own masters, forcing all the people who were close to each other to move backwards, and they looked terrified.

After seeing this situation, a famous master of Pei's family disdain smiled. How can the fireflies fight with Haoyue? It is simply beyond their control and humiliation!

At this time, Pei Wantian accompanied the Pei family ancestors in the car, and the grand masters of the Pei family in Jiangbei bowed and saluted, and shouted in unison: "Have met the ancestors!"

The sound shook the wild, reverberating over the entire Maple Leaf Mountain for a long time, and it even made everyone around them dazzle with tinnitus, and his face was frightened again.

Surrounded by the strong, the ancestors of Pei's family raised their deep vicissitudes of eyes and scanned the wild at will. At last, their eyes fell straight to a crowded place some kilometers away.

That location is where Prince Wang Qiong, Mayor Tang Jicheng, Secretary Zhang, Director Zhao and others are located. Even if it is thousands of kilometers away, the eyes of Pei's ancestors are still like two lightnings, which hurt people's eyelids. , Many people can't help but change their faces!

Hong Tianlei and Yuan Molong are like enemies, their muscles are tight and their faces are dignified to the extreme.

Although it has long been predicted from the rumors that the Pei family ancestor may have broken through to the supreme innate state, the rumor is one thing, witnessing it is another thing, just a look just now, Hong Tianlei and Yuan Molong found bitterly that the two of them would not be the opponent of the Pei ancestor ...

The Pei family ancestor has really broken through to the supreme congenital realm, and since then has possessed strength and status far beyond others.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

At this moment, there was a shaking on the ground, and the situation was like the army rushing past, causing the ground to tremble. In the distance, a team from the Pei family in Jiangbei gathered around the ancestors of the Pei family and stepped towards this side. Come on.

It seemed to be a deliberate demonstration. When the footsteps of Pei's ancestors fell again, they even caused the resonance of the magnetic field on the ground, making the ground tremble with each step of his footsteps. There was only one person, but it was sending out thousands of thousands of horses Powerful momentum!

One person can compete against one team, this is definitely a terrible character, unfathomable.

But seeing the places where the ancestors of the Pei family went, the crowds who were originally congested on the road did not need to speak, but they were forced by the terrible momentum, and they retreated in horror and messed up.

This scene, in the eyes of Jiang Pei's strong family, is full of high-minded disdain. The ants are after all ants, no matter how many are gathered, in the face of absolute strength, everything is the past.

The crowd was turbulent. On the side of Wang Ziqiong, the face of a great master was also changed. Even if they were ready to fight hard, but in the face of absolute strength, fear was born, and no one was not afraid. !!

As for the three politicians around him, they are already unbearable. In addition to Tang Jicheng's reluctance to calm down, the Secretary Zhang and Director Zhao have already turned pale, and stood on the ground with all their willpower.

They are actually ordinary people, the only difference is the change of identity. Have you ever encountered such a horrible scene, is this ... still human power?

In the entire team, the only person who has not changed his face is Wang Ziqiong!

Seeing the Pei family ancestors who were far away from the distance with a group of fierce and aggressive teams, approaching constantly, Wang Ziqiong's unparalleled cheeky face revealed a stubborn pride.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The resonance of the magnetic field from the ground is getting stronger and stronger, making people panic and blood boil, many people can't help covering their chests with their hands, feeling like hypoxia, and showing endless fear .

Ahead, the ancestors of the Pei family led the team, getting closer and closer, and finally stood three meters away from Wang Ziqiong, with a pair of eyes in all directions, no one dared to look directly at it, it was like lightning, too dazzling!

"Who is Pei Junlin, stand up for the old man!"

The majestic voice of the ancestor of the Pei family sounded slowly, and there was silence all around, no one dared to respond to this question without authorization.

Finally, Wang Ziqiong still stubbornly raised his head, looked directly at the eyes of Pei's ancestor, and said, "Pei Junlin is not here for something. I am Pei Junlin's wife. What can you tell me!"

Ok? !!

The ancestor of the Pei family seemed very dissatisfied with this answer, and couldn't help narrowing his eyes. Suddenly, a horrible momentum broke out from his body, directly approaching Prince Qiong.


The harsh invisible collision sounded suddenly. Just as the invisible momentum was approaching the body of Prince Qiong, I saw the emerald necklace that was always worn on the neck of Prince Qiong, and a sudden burst of bright light erupted directly. Joan was wrapped inside.

"Huh? Defensive weapon?"

For the first time, the ancestor of the Pei family showed a little change of expression, staring at the string of emerald necklaces on the neck of Wang Ziqiong, and asked, "Little girl, where did you get this defensive weapon? Tell the husband, you may Can survive! "

In fact, Wang Ziqiong was also shocked. Since Pei Junlin gave her this jadeite necklace, she has been wearing it personally as instructed. Because she has always been safe, Wang Ziqiong is about to forget this jadeite necklace.

Unexpectedly, at this moment, a unique defense force was inspired, which prevented the first attack of Pei's ancestors.

"This is from my husband!"

Wang Ziqiong forcibly suppressed the shock in his heart and replied.

"Your husband ... Oh, is that Pei Junlin, isn't he? He will still refine?" Pei's ancestor was surprised again.

Wang Ziqiong shook her head. She really didn't know this. Things about Pei Junlin's refining alchemy were only recently known.

"Interesting, my husband is really more and more interested in this Pei Junlin!"

Pei family ancestor's deep eyes flickered: "Tell my husband, where is Pei Junlin now?"

Hearing the questions from the ancestors of the Pei family, all the people around him flashed their eyes, some of them simply lowered their heads and did not dare to look at those terrible eyes.

Wang Ziqiong shook her head again, saying she didn't know.


What kind of character is the ancestor of the Pei family, who has long noticed the abnormal atmosphere around him and can't help the terror of his body.

Once this momentum was distributed, suddenly, a strong master was around, and he flinched back, panic and irritability, with an incredible look on his face.

They couldn't even resist the momentum of Pei's ancestors!

At the same time, when the horrible momentum of Pei's ancestors radiated, the string of emerald necklaces on Wang Ziqiong's neck radiated again, colliding with the invisible momentum and crackling.

"A mere self-defense weapon, dare to arrogantly in front of the old man! Break me!"

The ancestor of the Pei family uttered a cold hum, and the momentum once again increased by three points. It is really Wang Yangbotao, endless!


Under the impact of this powerful momentum, suddenly, a jade bead of the jade necklace broke into powder, which seemed to be a tumbling flood that found the entrance to the dyke. In the next second, each jade bead was broken and finally The whole string of jadeite necklaces broke completely, disappearing and nothingness.

When the emerald necklace broke completely, the light of the protective layer on Wang Ziqiong also disappeared at the same time. Under the terrible pressure of the ancestors of Pei's family, Wang Ziqiong uttered a muffled sound, flew out, and fell hard On the ground, there is endless pain!

The beautiful face of Qingli Peer became pale as paper, and even a scarlet blood shed from the corner of his mouth!


"General Manager Wang!"

Seeing that Wang Ziqiong was injured, the surrounding great masters and everyone screamed in panic, even the mayor Tang Jicheng, the municipal party committee secretary Zhang and the director Zhang's faces changed!

On the other hand, Pei Wantian and others behind the ancestors of the Pei family raised their chins one by one, showing a strong and arrogant attitude!

This is the ultimate chassis of the Pei family ~ ~ No matter how many people you have, the ants are ultimately ants. How can they compete with the sun and the moon? !!

Pei family ancestors can push everyone!

"Old guy, we fight with you!"

Seeing that Wang Ziqiong was injured, the eyes of Hong Tianlei, Yuan Molong and others who had been entrusted by Pei Junlin were immediately red, and there was a strong and powerful momentum on his body, and he was ready to work hard!

"Stop it for me!"

Unexpectedly, at this moment, the prince Joan who fell to the ground gave out a rage, and then looked up with a pair of eyes, struggling to stand up from the ground.

Her stubborn cold eyes were still without any fear, staring directly at the eyes of Pei's ancestor, her chin lifted high!

This is her unique pride, because she is Pei Junlin's woman, how can she easily give in to her opponent?

PS: Today's four chapters are even more explosive, asking for all firepower support! How far Shura can go depends on everyone's support, thank you!

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