Show Off Once in Every World

Chapter 77: Rebirth Prince's Mind Reading Technique (8)

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Wen Ying returned to Chu Xiu Palace, and vaguely noticed that the small tail adorned behind appeared again.

Based on the information she knew, she did not know that the prince had arranged a person in Chuxiu Palace, but on the original track, this person generally followed Wu Yuzhen. In addition to monitoring, she also meant to prevent her from others. A protective effect. He is usually dispatched in various courtyards after listening, and his status is relatively free, and he can't be doubted about walking around.

But recently she discovered that this person suddenly loves to wander around behind her, which seems to be a message. At least Yu Wenhong's attitude has eased. Her previous approach touched his temper. But Jing Yuwenluo did not know what it would become.

She frowned unconsciously.

When Bi Yue saw her coming back, she quietly asked, "Miss, are you going to play with the six princes again?" When Wenying nodded, she said anxiously, "What can I do, Mrs. Grandpa means you want to marry the prince Your Highness ... "

"The crown prince Zhengfei has eight tenths and nineths is Wu Yuzhen, would it be impossible for me to force him to marry me?" Wen Ying asked back.

Bi Yue looked at her cautiously, "You know, a prince can not only marry a concubine. With our identity, if you have a heart, a side concubine is indispensable ... In the future 100 years after your majesty, the prince will reign, and you will have the position of concubine." Isn't it more honorable than the imperial concubine? "

Wen Ying observed her look, "What the **** do you want to say?"

"It's not that the slave-maid wants to say ..." Biyue muttered vaguely, unable to hold the master's line of sight, and said, "It's the lady who asked someone to bring a message, saying that since you have done nothing, she has found Wu on the other side. You ’re home, and you ’re waiting for it. ”

Wen Ying heard Weizheng, but this was unexpected.

Speaking of this, there are many sisters in Wen Ying's family. Her mother alone gave birth to five daughters, and at the end she got a male. Therefore, in Wen's family, the status of girls is not high. The original owner will not be valued and cultivated like Wu Yuzhen, and his mindfulness can be seen in all aspects. There are two sisters above her who are already married. She is a three-daughter and she is not dependent on both sides. The biggest use is just when the prince reaches the age of marriage. Needless to say, she also has a sigh of vigour to strengthen her mind.

Therefore, Yu Wenhong was not injustice to the original owner. Ruan Ling'er also stumbled on her foot in her previous life. When she fell into Yu Wenhong's arms, she was willing. Seeing Yu Wenhong not repelling, she took advantage of the chase and won him for a long time. like.

"This is in trouble."

Wen Ying leaned her forehead against the bedpost and kneaded the tassels hanging from the tent, a headache.

She still can't get out of the palace, Yuanshui can't save the near fire, she really can't stop what the couple wants to do. Will the Wu family be willing? As you can see from the previous life, the family has pinned each other and helped each other. The Wu family has already taken the bulk. Naturally, they score a little broth and give it to others to drink.

When she found that she thought of the prince as Tang Seng meat, she couldn't help but smile, and her lips were pursed again.

According to her idea, if the prince can be impressed by her, then marrying him is also a good choice. However, she discovered in her contacts that, based on restrictions such as identity and place, it was already very rare for her to create an opportunity to meet, and it was an exhausting effort to improve his view like this. So she made another preparation-to marry the sixth prince Yu Wenluo.

As the saying goes, distance creates beauty. After all, it used to be his woman. Sometimes, when it was generously given to others, he still had some thoughts. If she is still by his side, it is the mosquito blood on the tent, reminding him of his betrayal every day, and far away, seeing the other side of her, but may become a cinnabar mole.

Of course, there is a downside to doing this. The chance to meet is even rarer than it is now.

But if he was forced to serve him as a concubine, it was probably the worst situation.

Just thinking of this, someone suddenly knocked outside the door.

Bi Yue went to open the door, and it was Wu Yuzhen who came in, holding the gift box in her maid's arms. She opened it and sent it to Wen Ying. She smiled and opened the door, saying: "There seemed to be a gap between Miss Wen and me. I came here for reconciliation. This courtesy should be a guilt for Miss Wen."

With that said, take out a jade comb inside, with three flying swallows engraved on the comb handle.

Wen Ying just sat by the bed and didn't get up, lazily raised her eyes, "You accept it faster."

Needless to say, she also got the letter from her family when she went on this trip, and in the identity of the future official, Lu Zunjianggui greeted her.

"What did I say, I wanted to make Miss Wen earlier, but I just couldn't find time, it was just right now."

"Originally, I was afraid that I would contact the prince in private and **** your Zheng Fei's position. At this moment, if my family asked me to be just a side concubine, would you be relieved?" Wen Ying broke the words and thought that she wanted When angry, he said again: "Bi Yue, put away the gifts."

"Just accept the gift." Wu Yuzhen didn't blame her. Instead, she changed her face and smiled like a smile. The purpose was achieved. Seeing that this matter had been implemented, she returned to her residence.

As soon as the person left, Miss Bi Yuejian was still troubled, and could not help persuading, "Miss, if you are determined over there, you will not be able to do it again if you don't want to. You still want to open some more, and you don't have any contact with the Sixth Prince , I ’m afraid that Miss Wu will have a good relationship early. "

"Who are you talking to?" Wen Ying poked her forehead.

Seriously speaking, in the final election, it still depends on Yu Wenhong's own meaning. Wu Yuzhen has not yet become a concubine. Even if she becomes a concubine, the selection of the side concubine will not be her turn, or even the Wu family. Instead, she now wants Yu Wenhong to hate herself. Do n’t look at the pot and think about it. Let her settle the situation first.


That being said, when Yu Wenluo came to her, she did not give him a good look.

Before the two of them met, it was always that he found someone to send a message, saying the time and place, she wanted to go. But since he kissed her, she ignored her. When he saw the person he arranged to approach, she turned away, and the person who hurt him couldn't laugh or cry. She could only tell her master the truth.

So on this day, Yu Wenluo went to the classroom early in the morning and got into Wenying's small room.

Wen Ying returned to the room to rest at noon, only to find that there was an extra person in the room.

She immediately turned her face, "Six princes deserve to be six princes, good intentions, good scheming, it is better to shout a voice, tell everyone to come and see what is the relationship between us?"

"If you like it, I can shout."

He said, really clear his throat.

Wen Ying fluttered to cover his mouth, and said fiercely: "Can't you understand people?"

He took advantage of the situation and caught her hand with a smile in his eyes, pretending to be ignorant, "Did you mean that?" Seeing her more annoyed, he noticed something wrong, "Are you angry with me besides me? "

"Huh?" Wen Ying was taken aback for a moment, and withdrew her hand. "Well ... nothing."

She didn't expect him to be so keen, but she couldn't say anything.

He didn't catch much, but his eyes kept moving with her, and he heard "Oh" lightly without asking.

Wen Ying glanced at him.

Speaking of which, she and Yu Wenluo are quite interesting at this stage.

At first she approached him through his interest in herself. Later, even she had to admit that there was some tacit understanding between them. It was only explained by the combination of the aura, and it was easier and more comfortable to get along. But this person is undoubtedly very difficult to impress. On the surface, he has clearly expressed his love for her, but he has never said a word about wanting to marry her, and there is no expression on the surface. This caused the two to hide a lot of words without saying to each other.

Yu Wenluo did not force her, and in order to express his apology for the last time, he took her to the lake.

Wen Ying looked at Taiyin Lake the previous time, and there was ice on the lake, but this time he has cut a large area in a thin place for people to visit the lake to enjoy the scenery. In the daytime, Taiyin Lake has another open scene. The roof of the boat is covered by black tiles, and the left and right are mahogany windows. The rare glass is embedded. She sits inside and hugs Tang Pozi. She is also very comfortable.

However, after a while, she found that the ship was not moving.

It was Yu Wenluo who insisted on drawing by himself. Figure 1 was fun. As a result, a large piece of broken ice floated to block the road. He did not draw for a long time.

Wen Ying lifted the curtain of the bow and looked at him with sweating anxiously, and couldn't smile.

"You are happy now, if you can't go back in the evening, everyone knows you are with me." He raised her eyebrows at her, she was in a good mood, and she smiled and talked to him.

While talking, suddenly, Yu Wenluo seemed to see something, stopped, and shouted not far away, "Brother!"

When Wen Ying heard it, she lifted the curtain as soon as she let go.

The voice of the two was quickly heard outside.

Compared to Yu Wenluo's young and clear young boy's voice, Yu Wenhong was a little deeper, and he seemed to be a little sick, sometimes with a cough or two.

"How did Big Brother return to the lake when he was sick? When the lake wind blows, the illness becomes even more difficult." Yu Wenluo worried.

"It's okay, it's not a serious illness. I'm just busy and tired to enjoy the scenery and go back in a while." Yu Wenhong coped with two sentences. There were people who waited on his boat, as well as people who specialized in sailing, but he was helpless to the ice floe. So he said, "That's it, you go back in my boat first."

Yu Wenluo was slightly embarrassed, "This ..."

"Why?" He rarely saw such an expression on the other side's face, just showing a puzzled expression, and suddenly heard a woman's voice that had not been heard for a long time.

[... Alo, the fool, if he did n’t refuse, I would have to show up! 】

He stunned suddenly, coughing suddenly, flushing on his face.

Is she even here? !

An uncontrollable emerged from his mind many days ago. That day, he placed the eyeliner beside Yu Wenluo and told him the scene. When he learned that, his mood fluctuated, and he squeezed his pen in a blink of an eye. It took a while to calm down.

Of course the two of them will be together. What's so strange about this, he doesn't need to say that he knows it.

He reprimanded his eyeliner so he didn't have to pay attention to these little things of love between men and women, and drove him out. After this, he realized what he had done before, and he started to pay attention to a woman destined to betray him.

After rethinking, he withdrew the person in Chuxiu Palace and concentrated on doing things.

However, he did not expect that he would encounter them with his own eyes.

Seeing Yu Wenluo wanted to shirk, he didn't know why, and suddenly asked him quietly: "There are other people on your ship?"

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