Show Off Once in Every World

Chapter 46: The beautiful girl from the comics (8)

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Xia Yi heard who knocked on the door to see who was waiting for Jiang Tianye and Li Shu's face in the perspective frame glass on the door before she opened the door, but she put her hand on the door frame and stopped them from entering. Missy glanced at them squinted, "You also come to pay respect to the body of the Sleeping Beauty?"

Li Shu coughed loudly for a while, and Jiang Tianye really threw a mocking look.

He was ridiculed by the other party during the daytime class. How to say that the one who is lying is also a friend of a friend. It is really immoral for him to coax with people from outside schools. But it was irritating and curious, and the sister who looked the same as his goddess also said that she wanted to see it, and Master Jiang took them with ease.

Xia Yi drove away a few waves of curious, dedicated, and various people in these two days.

Even for others, she would never turn Wen Ying into a cherished object in a museum exhibition, so she refused to let in, and gave it to the infirmary during the class to prevent others from "visiting".

But Jiang Tianye-

"Come in." She opened the door.

A Tian Tianye came in, and another Li Shu came in. She was about to close the door, but a girl came in afterwards?

She was surprised: "Wait, why is there another woman?"

Wen Ying just wanted to say hello, but before the hand was raised, Jiang Tianye took it. He sideways because of holding hands and asked Xia Yi, "No?"

"... and I can't say no."

Because the two diagnoses in the hospital were in a sleep state, Xia Yi simply moved the person to the school medical office for immediate care. Right now, Wen Ying ’s body was lying on a white hospital bed, the body was slightly undulating, breathing evenly, There are even flushes on both cheeks that are healthy and sleeping well.

When Wen Ying saw another herself, she immediately felt that these worlds were wonderful.

It's like a holographic game where she can let spiritual power enter another world while keeping her intact. It is more amazing than the holographic game that she can appear in the three-dimensional as a comic character. Although it lasts only three days, it is also amazing.

Others do n’t know the truth like she does, but they also feel amazing.

Even if you do n’t eat or drink, you can lie there in a safe, fresh and beautiful appearance. No wonder people from other schools will say it is a “sleeping beauty”.

Xia Yi also stared at the hand held by Liang Liang, and for a moment thought, and then said uninterestingly: "What, I thought you like to smell cherry blossoms."

The other three were shocked by what she said!

Then, pretending to be uninformed, "Blue Bird" looked at herself in the hospital bed, and then looked at Jiang Tianye, and sighed: "It turns out that this is the girl A Ye likes."

"Don't follow her blindly." Jiang Tianye asked Xia Yi expressionlessly, "I said to you, where did this illusion come from?"

"I'm not talking nonsense, I felt it last time when Sakura Sakura fell. I can't tell you how helpful this person is, but look at you, the whole expression of that anxiety was wrong. . Obviously she is my friend, you still choke with me, you must hold her to go to the infirmary for an examination, or if you have a crush on her, I really ca n’t think of any reason to explain it. " I don't think my thoughts are absurd at all.

Jiang Tianye subconsciously glanced at Sakura and saw her having a lot of fun watching the drama, unreasonably uncomfortable.

He countered calmly: "It's just looking at your face. If your mind doesn't turn around in these messy things, it won't be stupid."

Xia Yi's eyes swept between the two of them, and he said, "Well, I won't reveal your bottom for the sake of your little girlfriend."

"I'm not his little girlfriend." Wen Ying smiled sweetly and moved Xia Yi naturally. "Compared with A Ye, I still think you are more adorable."

The beautiful appearance of Jade Bird's youth is almost a killing between men and women, and Xia Yi immediately felt that she couldn't breathe.


After the Sleeping Beauty "visited", Li Shu quickly retreated, leaving the three of them.

Xia Yi knew that Jiang Tianye had a way to invite the top well-known doctors in the country. He opened the door to him for the purpose, so he took the opportunity to tell him to go out and speak. Jiang Tianye did give her a face, and at the same time he was a bit concerned about Wen Ying's sudden movement to cover his eyes and the familiarity she gave herself. So the two went to a quiet place outside the medical office to talk, leaving the "Blue Bird" to watch temporarily in the room, so as not to be invaded by "visitors".

The two people who went out did not notice that Fang Ran entered the medical room from the other direction.

A large medical office walks into a passageway, with rooms on both sides, a hall on the right hand side, infusions and injections are here, a doctor's room on the left hand side, and three or four small rooms for temporary use. rest.

Fang Ran walked through the hall and quickly confirmed the room where Wen Ying was located through the perspective glass on the door.

Strangely, she found that the person sitting by the bed was not Xia Yi, but a girl who impressed her in the rehearsal field and had an ambiguous relationship with Jiang Tianye.

Just as she was about to knock on the door, she found that the other side suddenly reached out and touched Sakura's hand. The two people's skin shone strangely at the moment they touched, and then the girl's hand melted like a snow Sakura's hand back.

Afterwards, she seemed to confirm her and pulled her hand back. The whole process took only three seconds.

Fang Ran suddenly took a breath.

She is also not an ordinary person. Of course, she will not be surprised by the too magical picture in front of her. This just brings her a message-it turns out that in this world, she still has opponents.

Fearing to startle the snake, she quietly retreated from the infirmary, and only her mind continued to play back the pictures.

If she didn't guess wrong, this girl and Wen Ying are the same person. Although she doesn't know how the other party can do it, she knows clearly that if she performs well, she can get a lot from the 123 romance space. It's a pity that her ratings have always been low. She couldn't start again in one world after another, and she got a good ending. Often she didn't wait to complete the task, she was already seen by a certain character and killed.

So she wanted to stay in this relatively pure and peaceful world.

Unexpectedly, there was an opponent appearing so quickly, and it can be seen that the other party is the better one.

Jiang Tianye, a person she studied for a long time, has a hot and cold personality outside, it seems that she can say a few words with anyone, but if you really want to make a deep relationship, he will definitely take a step back, and then he will fade the outerwear wrapped in his smile. But in the same way, she knows that he has a preference for reading comic books, and people who love to read comics usually have a richer inner world and will expect some magical things to happen, so she wants to take the path of learning to transform into a beautiful girl. , As the first step in the beginning, caught his attention.

It's a pity that she doesn't seem to succeed at this step.

But let her admit defeat to Wen Ying now, she will not be reconciled!

The mysterious identity of the other party is not easy to check, but since the two are the same person, as long as one of her identities can be hit, she has a chance to turn over!


Wen Ying didn't know that her moment of playfulness would make her opponent discover. There was only one last day left for this appearance, and she only considered how to avoid wasting time.

So she dragged Jiang Tianye to the orphanage.

It was probably the "trouble" label that was given to her from the beginning. Jiang Tianye's ability to adapt to Wen Ying's difficulty was extraordinary. He has always been the leader. When he was with her, he was a passive person who wanted to follow her rhythm.

He stuck his trousers pocket with one hand and asked her why she wanted to go to the orphanage. Wen Ying dragged him with his other hand and walked back, replied with a smile: "I want to see the future flowers of the motherland ... In the end time Everyone knows that the population is shrinking sharply. Maybe sooner or later there will be a day of extinction, but they are overwhelmed. "

Jiang Tianye was noncommittal, "Even in peacetime, such examples are not uncommon, the family is difficult, or because of the child's natural problems and choose to give up."

"The family has the most profound influence on a person." She seemed to remember her own experience, and suddenly sighed, "If a person does not grow up in a healthy family environment, will her character grow into an annoying one? What does it look like? Most children in the society come from healthy families, which makes them a very few aliens. "

Jiang Tianye remembered the background of Jade Bird. She obviously came from a loving and healthy family of husband and wife. Why did she suddenly express such emotion?

They didn't come by coincidence. When they arrived, they caught up with a few children to bully a little boy.

The little boy was holding a piece of drawing paper in his hand and raised it high, his eyes stubborn, "You are wrong! I am not wrong, my eyes are not bad!"

"Your eyes are broken!"

"The painting is ugly, tear it off!"

The two quickly went up to stop it.

Wen Ying took a closer look, and a few pieces of drawing paper were thrown on the ground in the courtyard. The crayons smeared the blue sky, white clouds and green grass, and the grandfather Sun with a beard, very childish style.

Only when the bully boy painted the picture, Wen Ying held him in his arms and protected it, then he saw the picture on the paper.

The black sky can be understood as a cloudy cloud before rain, but the sun is dark green, the grass is gray and white, and the creek is a bright red. The colors are confusing, forming a sense of depression.

It can be seen from his attitude that he did not intentionally want to draw such a painting, but uncontrollably painted such an effect ... he probably knows that it is his problem, but he does not want to be alien, he can only desperately He shouted that he was right, he was the same as them.

Is it color blind? Wen Ying guessed.

Jiang Tianye, who held two bear children in one hand, saw that she suddenly laughed and asked the group of children: "Do you think he did not paint well?"

Everyone nodded collectively.

"Too scary!"

"Don't like it, so ugly!"

The children's straightforward and harsh criticism made the little boy bow his head sadly.

Wen Ying touched his head and said mysteriously, "In fact, this is a magic, you see."

She pointed her finger on the drawing paper, and the colored pattern suddenly rippled like a wave of water, and then a new wave was turned from the bottom of the water, and a new color replaced the original color. Eventually, the little boy's painting became as fresh and lovely as other children's colors, and even had a gradient layer, which was immediately highlighted.

The children looked intently and collectively exclaimed "wow", then immediately went to find their paintings and handed the paper to Wen Ying.

"Sister changes magic! Change magic!"

Wen Ying was so difficult, "But this magic is not what I changed. Is the painting the right thing for him? The magic is also his magic, I just see it."


"It turns out Mu Mu is so powerful!"

"Want to see magic, Mu Mu draw another picture!"

Wen Ying sees this boy named Mu Mu staring at the painting in his daze, and can't help but push him a bit, letting him notice the presence of enthusiastic friends.

Jiang Tianye looked at her side with fascination.

He knew why she didn't directly change Mu Mu's visual effects, just like coping with the haloblood problem for him that time. Because after she left, this "magic" would disappear. This is where she is smart and gentle.

The children's clamor attracted the teacher's attention. The teacher did not believe the magic in the children's mouth, only because they had any tricks to coax the child.

They only said that they are participating in community activities and are obliged to play with the children for a day. The teachers are of course very welcome.

This day passed quickly, and Wen Ying felt that it was almost time, so he went back to the apartment with him.

When she was about to go, she took Jiang Tianye's hand, "I still don't worry about Mu Mu, I don't know if there is a chance to come again, you help me see him more ..."

"it is good."

"Forgot to say, I also had a great time on this vacation." She blinked, "Thank you for accompany Mr. Jiang."

Her attitude was so relaxed, but he made him laugh, and after a short pause, she called her: "Bluebird ..."

"Huh?" She just uttered a sound, and when her eyes were still confused, her body gradually faded and disappeared.

When she left, he suddenly realized that two times, three days.


Similarly, the Sleeping Beauty who had been sleeping for three days woke up from the bed.

This time it was n’t Xia Yi who was waiting for her. The other party probably did n’t come. So as soon as Wen Ying woke up, the camera was aimed at her, and at the same time someone exclaimed: "Woke up and woke up."

She blinked uncomfortably.

"Hello, we are reporters of **** newspaper, because your illness is very peculiar, I would like to ask if you have time to accept our interview?"

Wen Ying didn't expect the school doctor to stop people, so she frowned, "I'm sorry, I refuse."

"It's okay, it's okay. You just woke up. This is understandable. Where are your parents? Can they accept our interview?"

"Sorry, I have no parents."

She was slightly cold, and wanted to get out of bed to call someone, probably because she had been "sleeping" for too long. She just dizzy in the head and fell to the side.

But the next second, he was caught by a person.

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