Everyone walked towards the second card together, Xiaotian lagging behind. He would definitely not be involved in the guests' grudges.

An Liang was the first to say hello,"Young Master Lin, Brother Chen, and Brother Mengmeng, what a coincidence!"

Lin Mufeng and the other two responded awkwardly.

"Yes, Brother Liang, what a coincidence! Lin Mufeng said awkwardly.

Chen Ming also nodded,"I told you why Yika was booked. It turned out to be Brother Liang. Meng

Xiang laughed dryly.

Yun Haiyang looked at Wu Hao and said,"Brother Mouse, long time no see. I haven't apologized to you for what happened before. I just happened to meet you today. Brother Mouse, I'm really sorry for what happened before!""

Wu Hao stared at Yun Haiyang deathly.

Is this messing with his mentality?

He used to call him 'Brother Hao' when he borrowed a car, but now he calls him 'Brother Mouse' when he apologizes?

An Liang greeted Song Qian,"Song Qian, you Why are you here?

Song Qian pointed at Wu Hao,"Well, he is that person!""

An Liang had to lament that the world is really small!

It turned out that Wu Hao was the unlucky guy in wet mode?

Chen Siyu asked Ning Ruoshuang,"Shuangshuang, why are you here too?"

Ning Ruoshuang pointed to a girl next to her,"My best friend Ye Hong is friends with Young Master Lin, so I stopped by to have a look."

"Well, we are next door, come over and play later."Chen Siyu extended the invitation.

Song Qian interjected,"What about me?"

"Come if you want, how can I stop you?"Chen Siyu asked back.

After everyone exchanged friendly greetings on the surface, An Liang and his party walked towards Yika.

Just after entering Yika, Yun Haiyang said first,"The test came out, and Wu Hao was the host. This person is a bit stingy. I took a look and found that there was no magic dragon set. It was basically based on the level arrangement of low-end consumers. Qian

Xiaogang chuckled and said,"Then we'll mess with him later. We'll take off directly and let Xiaotian arrange it in a more atmospheric way.""

Li Cunyuan looked at An Liang. He remembered that An Liang didn't like fancy arrangements.

An Liang smiled and said,"Arrange whatever you want today! Yun

Haiyang answered,"Then just start with the Great Dragon?"

Qian Xiaogang nodded,"No problem!""

"Xiaotian, the first set of the big dragon will be arranged first, and the arrangement will be more generous, you know!" Yun Haiyang explained.

Xiaotian responded,"Okay, Brother Haiyang, I'll make arrangements right away. I'll send it over from the second card. The DJ will also arrange it, and all the lights will be set up!"

"sensible!"Yun Haiyang smiled and praised.

A minute later, the spotlight turned on Yika, and the DJ shouted,"Congratulations to Yika's eldest brother on the big Shenlong set!"

The music at the scene got louder, various lights flashed, and six bunny girls paraded around the venue holding the Ace of Spades light sign, and finally walked from the direction of the second card to the first card.

In the second card, Wu Hao looked at the first card with a gloomy face. In the direction of the card,"What's the origin of that foreigner? He's a big dragon when he comes up?""

Lin Mufeng and the three of them were a little embarrassed. They didn't tell Wu Hao about An Liang. Wu Hao invited them today, and they didn't know that An Liang was coming.

If they knew that An Liang was coming, they would not agree to Wu Hao's invitation.

Opposite the other side Each of those people has made a lot of money, so what does a big dragon set mean?

However, under normal circumstances, these people will definitely not order a dragon set at a party!

Song Qian asked,"Is the big dragon set expensive?"

Wu Hao took a deep breath and responded,"98,888, the price of a small hundred thousand."

"Wow! Song Qian exclaimed,"As expected of him!"

Wu Hao gritted his teeth and said,"Are you familiar with him?""

"Have you seen it a few times?"Song Qian responded casually,"The first time he went to Patek Philippe, he bought two watches for a total of more than two million."

"……"Wu Hao was speechless.

Although Wu Hao is quite rich, he can't just buy million-level watches from Patek Philippe.

"By the way, Brother Hao, why did you come to us today? Lin Mufeng asked.

Wu Hao responded a little awkwardly,"Come on, let's drink first.""

Today Wu Hao asked Lin Mufeng and others to come over, just to make a scene. Song Qian invited Wu Hao to dinner today, saying that she had misunderstood the Wet mode, and apologized. Then

Wu Hao made an appointment with Mr. Thirteen, in order to In front of Song Qian to support the scene, he summoned a bunch of people, but who knew that he met his old enemy, and the other party also started the game with a big dragon. Isn't this a slap in the face?

The big dragon here comes up. Afterwards, Yun Haiyang suggested,"Shall we send two bottles over?

Qian Xiaogang said with a smile,"Add a bottle and make a little dragon!" Yun

Haiyang gave a thumbs up,"In terms of disgusting people, you still win. I think there's nothing wrong with giving the opponent a little dragon!" Li

Cunyuan looked at An Liang and said,"Brother Liang, I won't embarrass you, right?""

An Liang knows what Li Cunyuan means. An Liang knows Song Qian. Chen Siyu and Ning Ruoshuang are best friends. Will their behavior of sending wine to them put An Liang in the middle?

"it does not matter."An Liang responded indifferently.

Can the 'war' between men also involve girls?

An Liang added,"If they are not convinced, then order a set of Great Dragon and give them three bottles?"

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