A quarter past one at noon.

Kang Fan posted on the campus wall to express his gratitude to the specific subsidy program and Anliang


《Thank you to the specific subsidy program and thank you to the leaders of the Life Committee! 》

My name is Kang Fan.

I am from the first class of China International Trade Center in 2019.

You can check my personal details. The campus wall is all real-name authenticated. I am responsible for my remarks.

I am a poor student and was unable to apply for work-study opportunities due to quota reasons.

I usually participate in various part-time jobs, including handing out flyers, and occasionally working part-time at Yuyue Supermarket. My classmates in our class should be able to attest to these things.

I say this to prove that I am working hard and that I am not poor or not working hard.

My monthly living expenses are 300 yuan.


I said it right, and you read it right, my monthly living expenses are 300 yuan, including food and various uncertain expenses.

So I have to work hard to do various part-time jobs and strive for every opportunity to make money.

By the way, I am a member of the Animal Star Rescue Foundation. Through the Animal Star Rescue Foundation, I recently earned 116 yuan. Thank you to the Animal Star Rescue Foundation.

I believe that many students do not understand the concept of living expenses of 300 yuan a month.

Let me just say one thing: in the eyes of many students, the meat and dishes in the cafeteria are not worth mentioning, but in my eyes they are delicacies, although I have never eaten any delicacies.

I only eat meat twice a week, on Wednesdays and Sundays for dinner, and I only eat the cheapest twice-cooked pork. Even a portion of twice-cooked pork costs 4 yuan, which is hard for me to afford.

Many students shouldn’t be able to believe such a thing, right?

When I was making lunch in the cafeteria today, I originally planned to make some dried chives and tofu, and then eat some free white radish soup, but an accident happened while I was making meal!

I remember clearly that my campus card only had 47 yuan in it.

However, when the card was swiped to deduct fees, the balance became 547 yuan!

My first reaction was the specific grant program!

Because the balance just increased by 500 yuan, and the chef also confirmed this statement, saying that someone before me had received subsidies supported by the specific subsidy plan.

Maybe some students don’t know what 500 yuan is. After all, for some students, 500 yuan is a meal, a piece of clothing, a pair of shoes, and a date.

But for people like me, 500 yuan is enough to live a stable life for a month.

Because I suddenly had an extra 500 yuan, I even couldn't help but laugh out loud in my heart, because I can eat meat every day, or even every meal. Many students may not understand this kind of happiness.

I eat big meat buns that cost two yuan each in the morning. I want to eat two!

Another bowl of porridge, a total of 4.5 yuan.

I didn't dare to do it before. I only dared to buy two big steamed buns and a bowl of porridge for a total of 1.5 yuan.

Now you can have one meat and one vegetarian meal at noon, and you can have one meat and one vegetarian meal at night. Plus one yuan for rice, each meal is 6 yuan, which is 16.5 yuan a day.

A 30-day month is 495 yuan.

If it is 31 days, I will spend an extra ten dollars.

This kind of life is really great! real!

I like this kind of life very much, and I am very grateful to the specific subsidy plan, and even more grateful to the life committee boss of the 2019 Finance Class 3 who provided this specific subsidy plan.

Thank you for seeing us humbled in the dust and being willing to help us. Thank you very much!

No matter what others say about a particular grant program, no matter what others think of you, I think you're a good person, and I can't thank you enough!


This ordinary post on the campus wall quickly gained a lot of attention because the content was true and not exaggerated at all. It was then successfully posted on the wall and was posted on the homepage.

More and more students are giving positive reviews to the specific subsidy program. Even students who clearly do not need this subsidy still give positive reviews.

Except for some happy sandbox type comments, no one gave this post any negative comments.

An Liang's status in Tianfu School of Economics has been proven. The last time someone hacked An Liang on the campus wall, he was directly punished by the school with a demerit. Naturally, no one foolishly stood up to provoke him now.

After all, certain grant programs are a good thing!

If you jump out to refute at this time, doesn't that prove that there is something wrong with your IQ?

"Brother Liang, look at the campus wall, you’re on the wall again! Lu Wenshan reminded.

Lu Wenshan, the beep, pays most attention to the campus wall, mainly to female classmates.

Even though this beep clearly has a girlfriend, he is still keen to pay attention to other female classmates.

An Liang used his mobile phone to open the campus wall to check, the school campus The wall is closed, and only current students can log in, and it requires real-name authentication. Each person corresponds to an account and cannot register repeatedly.

An Liang looked at the post"Thank you for the specific subsidy plan, thank you to the boss of the life committee!", and he saw After finishing, he laughed and scolded,"This person is poisonous, why would a male classmate give me a good guy card?"

"Ouch! Lu Wenshan responded,"The other party is bragging about you!" This will make you feel comfortable!"

An Liang stared at Lu Wenshan with death.

There is something wrong with Lu Wenshan, he is doing evil things again!

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