: Double the value

Host: Qin Mo

Level: Lv3

Experience: 1,476,029/5,000,000

Appearance: 77

Body: 80 Physical

: 80

Blessing Gold: 8888 yuan/day


Driving: Proficient Level

Singing: Professional Level

Photography: Entry Level

Hidden Function:

Event lottery (triggered based on special events)

Items: Five times consumption cashback card: 1

Fund: 55,142 yuan

Qin Mo found that his system information had also changed. After the upgrade, it was obviously more detailed. Even the items and skills mastered are displayed.

And he actually has the skill of photography, and it’s still entry-level?

Qin Mo muttered: “Does even the system have to recognize my photography talent?”

Let me make it clear that photography skills are not given by the system.

“System, use the five times consumption cash back card.” Qin Mo thought silently in his mind.

After buying the Patek Philippe 5160R-001, he only had five digits left. Qin Mo said he felt a little panicked.

‘Ding! ‘

‘The consumption is being calculated….’

‘The calculation is completed, the five-time consumption card is in use….’ ‘

This consumption is 1,212,700 yuan, and the cash rebate amount is 6,063,500 yuan….’ ‘

The funds have arrived Account….’

‘Note: This time the funds will be returned to the host account through the financial market, and there are traces of it. There is no legal risk. Please feel free to use it. ‘

The system prompt disappeared, and it was as reliable as ever. Qin Mo’s bank text message was sent on time, showing that the account balance was: 6,117,579 yuan.

Then his system information also changed, and the fund column also changed to 6,118,642 yuan.

Six million and one hundred thousand, Qin Mo looked at this number, and his heart flew up with excitement. His net worth had increased five times. What is a windfall from heaven?

Qin Mo asked me, I understand this feeling!

In Hangzhou, even a person with tens of millions of assets may not be able to spend six million in liquidity. You must know that this is real cash.

What is the concept of six million? If this money is deposited in a bank, the guaranteed interest rate is 4%, which is 240,000 yuan a year, 20,000 yuan per month, and 666 yuan will arrive in the account every day.

With a monthly fixed expense of 20,000 yuan, even if you don’t work for the whole year, and you are in a relatively high-consumption city like Hangzhou, you can live a very comfortable life, and you can even say that you can enjoy the happiness of retirement in advance.



It doesn’t exist! Every day when you open your eyes, 666 yuan comes into your account. I feel so happy, okay?

Want to know what the annual per capita salary is in China?

(We will stop updating novels on this site, move to our new site: https://readwn.com///)

Taking Imperial City as an example, the average annual income of non-private sector employees is 194,951 yuan, with an average monthly income of 16,245 yuan and a daily average of 541 yuan.

The average annual income of employees in private enterprises is 110,001 yuan.

Even the per capita income of non-private companies is only 190,000 yuan per year, but you can earn 240,000 yuan per year lying flat at home. You can easily surpass them. This feeling is not very good!

Compared with the imperial capital Hangzhou, the average annual income is even lower. Although Hangzhou’s consumption is generally high and there are many high-end luxury brands, the per capita income is really not high, and there is even a serious polarization situation!

Those who have money get richer, while those who have no money can only work overtime all year round, and in the end it may not even be more than a fraction of what others make a month.

Those luxury goods are basically irrelevant to 90% of the people. It can be said that the luxury goods in Hangzhou only serve that small group of people.

Although these words sound heartbreaking, this is the current situation, and it can even be said to be a microcosm of the entire country of China.

However, Qin Mo said not to get involved in this kind of trouble!

How much do you earn?

Sorry, it’s not a lot. I just have a deposit of 6 million in the bank.

This sentence of Versailles can definitely choke a large number of people to death.

The smile on Qin Mo’s lips couldn’t be stopped. Anyone in this situation would smile crookedly, not to mention that he was only 18 years old and hadn’t even entered college yet.

Not sure?


With the system in place, even if Qin Mo squandered all the money today, he would still receive 8,888 yuan in blessing money every day, which is 266,640 yuan per month and 3,199,680 yuan per year.

The annual income still exceeds 90% of the people in China!

Two years later, another hero!


Qin Mo said he had never heard of it!

“Let’s go, Tiffany afternoon tea.” Qin Mo was in a good mood. Although Tang Shiyi was not here, which was a bit regretful, it did not affect his desire to enjoy delicious food.

Start the engine, set the navigation to Tiffany Afternoon Tea, and leave the Patek Philippe Mansion.

Tiffany Afternoon Tea is located at No. 283 Huaihai Road, which is also the Hong Kong Plaza. It is only about ten minutes away from Patek Philippe. After all, it is less than four kilometers.

Fortunately, today is the weekend, and there are no restrictions on foreign license plates in the Magic City area. Otherwise, if you are caught by the traffic patrol, you will not only be deducted three points but even have to pay a fine of 300 yuan.

The fine is easy to say, but the three-point deduction is still quite distressing.

In about ten minutes, Qin Mo arrived at Hong Kong Plaza. He parked his car in the underground garage of Hong Kong Plaza, and then followed the navigation to find the Tiffany store in Hong Kong Plaza.

The Tiffany brand was founded in 1837. It is one of the top ten jewelry in the world and is also known as the Queen of Jewelry. In 1960, a movie starring Hollywood actress Audrey Hepburn was named after Tiffany.

Entering the Tiffany store, the first floor is where luxury goods are sold, and the second floor is the afternoon tea restaurant.

Qin Mo took the initiative to explain that he was here to enjoy afternoon tea, and then the staff informed Qin Mo that afternoon tea was on the second floor.

Qin Mo nodded and went up to the second floor. The seats and walls in the restaurant were very comfortable blue. This color is also Tiffany’s brand color. It’s called Tiffany blue, also called robin light blue. It’s a very comfortable color. Comfortable light blue.

Gives people a healing and refreshing feeling.

The porcelain and tea sets in this restaurant also use Tiffany’s own products, which are of very high quality and appearance.

“Hello, welcome to Tiffany.”

As soon as Qin Mo went up to the second floor, a service staff greeted him. After a brief communication, the service staff led Qin Mo to a seat by the window.

Because it was the weekend, there were still many people in the store. Qin Mo was surprised that there was still a window seat in this situation.

But he soon understood why, all the people who came here to enjoy afternoon tea were young ladies and celebrities.

They come here mainly to check in and take photos, and afternoon tea is secondary. The light is stronger in the window position. The most important thing is that it is not easy to take pictures of Tiffany elements here, which means the location is not good.

Seeing the ladies at the tables checking in like crazy, this seems to have become an unwritten rule of Tiffany afternoon tea.

Do you want to know if it is against the law not to clock in?

Qin Mo said he couldn’t understand. After sitting down, the service staff handed Qin Mo the menu. This shop not only offers afternoon tea, but also breakfast, lunch and dinner.

Qin Mo originally wanted to try the 588 yuan blue box cake, which is considered one of Tiffany’s signature desserts, but he was told that this cake required a reservation and was not available to order now.

Qin Mo was speechless. Why was he so reckless?

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