Shenhao: Confession 99 Times, the School Belle is In a Hurry

Chapter 326: Why don't you settle your salary first?

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"Mr. Yang, I wish you a successful opening. I have something to do today so I'll leave first."

"Mr. Yang, let's talk about our business cooperation next time, and leave beforehand."

All of a sudden, the entrance of the company, which was originally crowded with people, turned out to be extremely gloomy.

"President Wang, President Wang!"

Another person greeted and wanted to leave, but Yang Wei rushed to meet him.

"Mr. Yang, I think until today, you should be aware that our cooperation is only a verbal agreement and does not count."

"President Wang, you..."

"If you want to blame, you can only blame you for offending too many people, Jingdu Xu Group, Jiangdu Jiangjia!"

"Xu's Group, what Xu's Group I don't know at all, they just blackmailed me for 10 billion, where is 10 billion!" Yang Wei showed bitterness, even now he doesn't know how he offended Xu's people.

"How do I know how you offended Mrs. Xu? You have to know that the entire business community in Jiangdu might not be enough for the Mrs. Xu's family. You can crush a little guy like you with just one finger. I really don't understand. How dare you!"

"And Jiang Yichen, I can assure you, if you know that the other party's lawyer is Jiang Yichen, no matter how much money you spend on hiring a lawyer, it will be useless. It will be easy for the other party to send you in."

"This matter has already spread today. So many people broadcast it live. If you lose the lawsuit, it will be completely ruined and worthless."

"Of course, even if you win the battle, and you feel that you have offended the Xu family and the Jiang family, can you still survive in Jiangdu?"

"Besides, you may not even be able to find a lawyer. With today's posture, the best lawyers in Jiangdu are here. Do you think you can still be saved?"

After a few words, it also made Yang Wei see his current situation clearly.

Desperate, there is no way to go.

He himself didn't know how he came to this point, he just wanted to take revenge on a scumbag, that's all the truth!

He turned around.

I saw that almost all the people left, but the opening ceremony, which was in good condition, looked like a bankruptcy liquidation.

And it took only ten minutes since the company opened.

Yang Weixin sank to the bottom of the sea all at once, and before he could speak, a younger brother had already stepped forward.

"Boss, I'm here to resign!" www.kanδhu5.lá

"Boss, I have also decided to resign."

Several employees came over and spoke at the same time.


Yang Wei looked at them stupidly.

Before the opening this morning, everyone was very high-spirited and said that they wanted to realize their dreams and climb to the pinnacle of life.

Now, before the dream even started, the people dispersed?

In fact, this is no wonder to them. Now everyone can see the situation in front of them clearly.

So many well-known big companies have sued together, and even Jiangdu's king of Hades has come, this is basically sent!

A younger brother stepped forward, patted Yang Wei on the shoulder, and whispered: "Mr. Yang, you should think about how to file a lawsuit. I have also heard the name of Jiang Yichen and Jiang Siye, and there are so many lawyers. The lawsuit is really not easy to fight!"

Yang Wei let out a long breath, he didn't expect someone to care about him at this moment, and he was immediately moved.

"Xiao Li..."

Before he finished speaking, Fang Fang said, "You heard it just now. The other party's demand is 10 billion in compensation. You're going to go bankrupt anyway in the lawsuit. Why don't you just settle the wages?" , after all, we are all laborers, so we won’t be in arrears with our wages..."

"Yes, yes!" The others also nodded.

Yang Wei almost spit out the old blood that had been held back for more than ten years.

He thought the other party cared about him, but he came to ask for salary.

"You guys, you only worked for two days, what kind of salary do you want..."

"The two-day class is also settled on a monthly basis. After all, we have all come here..."

"Daily end is also fine." Someone said.

"Go, all go, get out!" Yang Wei shouted angrily, fainting in front of his eyes, staggered a few steps and almost passed out.

Several people looked at each other and walked back to the finance department.

They don't care about Yang Wei, it's more important to get the salary they should get.

Yang Wei gasped for breath, his heart felt cold.

In the empty company, I am the only one left...


Are these three?

"Gong Na, what are you doing?" www.Κanδhu5.iá

He suddenly remembered that Gong Na and the others had posted a video about Xiao Yang beating a woman, so it seems that there is something wrong now?

Sure enough, the same lawyer's letter was sent to Gong Na's cell phone.

Four people, with pale faces, fainted at the same time.

At the same time, the internet exploded.

This is a live broadcast, from bustling to bustling.

Yang Wei's life experience is as enjoyable as walking on a roller coaster.

A lot of netizens have heatedly discussed this matter.

But on the Internet, the previous dirty videos about Xiao Yang, including articles, disappeared without a trace.

"This is cleaning!"

"Who the **** is this Xiao Yang, this air is too big!"

"There is so much black material on the Internet, how long has it been before it's all gone?"

"Exaggerated, so many videos are all 404!"

"So who exactly is Xiao Yang with such great energy?"

"It doesn't matter how powerful it is. It's not about beating women. No matter how rich this scumbag is, he can't hide the fact that he is a scumbag."

In fact, even though the video has been deleted, this black spot is still convincing.

After all, Xiao Yang's slap was real.

Of course, in addition to this, there are not a few people who discuss Yang Wei.

"I'm dying of laughter, Yang Wei is such an idiot, the company was full of lawyers' letters on the first day of opening, and the companies suing him are more powerful than the other!"

"It's just a hammer man up. Speaking of which, Xiao Yang was the one who lifted it up first, and then stepped on it!"

"This guy is really good at playing. According to what he said, he might really be spreading rumors. Seeing that Xiao Yang became angry, he used various means to gain popularity, and even wanted to start a company as the boss. The result was unexpected. It hit the iron board!"

"Didn't he say that his investigation was very clear? He also said that Xiao Yang was a young man from the countryside. Now that he is fine, what kind of young man is he from the countryside? This is a giant shark that eats people!"

"It's an exaggeration to claim 10 billion yuan. He doesn't know how to investigate clearly before messing with others?"

"It's very likely that the photos he gave have problems. According to what he said Look carefully at those photos. Except for Lin Qiyue who is more ambiguous, Xiao Yang keeps a certain distance from everyone else, and he is not out of line. This action, this is a scumbag, can't you have a few beautiful friends of the opposite sex?"

"Indeed, after all, Xiao Yang himself is also handsome. Isn't it normal to have a few good-looking friends of the opposite sex?"

For a while, Yang Wei became everyone's after-dinner conversation instead.

But after all, Xiao Yang's black spots still haven't been completely removed.

In a certain boxing circle, Xiao Yang has already been crucified to the I will provide you with the fastest Shenhao: Confession 99 times, the school beauty is urgently updated, Chapter 326 or else Settle your salary first? Read for free. https://

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