Shenhao: Confession 99 Times, the School Belle is In a Hurry

Chapter 324: Isn't it a coincidence, everyone is here to send a lawyer's letter!

, the fastest update of Shenhao: Confession 99 times, the school girl is in a hurry for the latest chapter!

On the bright side, Jiangdu seems to be going smoothly, but in fact, it has already been undercurrent.

Yang Wei is still in his small rented house, unaware that lawyers all over Jiangdu are already inquiring about his information.

He just woke up, very happy.


His company is about to be officially established, and there are investors who support him to set up his own media company.

And his younger brothers in the navy also fully supported him.

For this reason, he also received deposits for several businesses, spent a lot of money, and rented an entire office building in the city center.

In the future, he will show great ambitions and become a legend in the media industry.

He has notified many reporters, video bloggers and fans of major platforms to attend the ribbon-cutting ceremony for the establishment of his company.

The rise of life has never been thought to be so wonderful.

He looked around in disgust. He was finally about to move out of this small rental house of 20 square meters.

In a happy mood, he picked up his phone and watched the video for a while.

Soon, he sat up.

"God assists, what the hell!"

I saw that this was a short video of exploring the store, but this is not the most important thing. The most important thing is that Xiao Yang actually appeared in the short video of exploring the store.

"The fatal rhythm belongs to it." Yang Weiwei was shocked.

It was completely unexpected that Xiao Yang would dare to hit a woman in public.

This Gong Na was slapped solidly.

Just a few hours after the video was released, the number of views directly exceeded the sky, it rushed to the trending searches, and the comments were countless.

This real hammer is even more agile than him, after all, this is beating a woman!

Boxers on the Internet, doesn't this teach Xiao Yang to be a man?

Yang Wei quickly opened Weibo.

Sure enough, in just a few hours, the boxers had already put Xiao Yang on the hot searches.

If there were girls coveting Xiao Yang's body before, then now, the big guys have gone hand in hand, and all the guns are aimed at Xiao Yang.

It's a pity that Xiao Yang doesn't have any public account, so he can't attack.

But this does not affect their enthusiasm.

Soon, the forum of Jiangdu University of Finance and Economics was directly destroyed.

Numerous netizens asked the school to immediately expel Xiao Yang for his "extremely bad behavior".

Naturally, the school was in a state of desperation, and it was not long before Xiao Yang returned to school, so why did he bring up such a big rhythm again.

But this time, they didn't dare to expel Xiao Yang, they just waited for the news.

this day.

The Internet is still very lively, and the name Xiao Yang cannot be avoided.

And the boxers went into battle one after another, and their fighting power was more ferocious than before.

"I thought it was shameful to be a scumbag, but I didn't expect to beat a woman!"

"Beating a woman, what a beast!"

"It's a pity that I thought he was quite handsome before, and there is still hope. After all, those photos can't explain anything, but now it's a real hammer. Beating a woman, who can stand it!"

"Beating women is the most disgusting thing. This kind of man should be arrested and castrated, chopped up and thrown into the sewer."

"Don't think that you can play with women just because you are handsome, go to hell!"

Everyone is convinced that Xiao Yang is absolutely game over this time.

You can be scum, but if you are targeted by the boxers, it will be really troublesome.

And in this wave, Gong Na naturally made a lot of money.

How many people enthusiastically ran to leave a message under her video: I feel sorry for Miss Sister.

It was all words of comfort, and her answer was basically how pitiful it was.

In addition, this video was originally a video of shooting at Xing Yang, but this time, Xing Yang was also affected by the way, and the incident of visiting the shop became more and more intense.

Even in the middle of the night, all branches of Xingyang Gourmet Restaurant were full because of this incident, and the popularity was unprecedented.

The store managers themselves didn't understand why their store has become a holy place for punching cards because of this!

After watching the video, Yang Wei was also shocked. He glanced at the number of Gong Na's fans, and silently sent a private message invitation.

Tomorrow the company will open, and he has invited many people. Now it seems that this Gong Na can also invite. Wouldn't it be better for everyone to catch up with each other?

Unexpectedly, Gong Na agreed in a second.

Just like that, two top Internet celebrities who have just become popular are going to complete a wave of linkage tomorrow.

next morning.

Yang Wei got up very early.

Wearing a suit and leather shoes, he looked very high-spirited.

He and some people had already been waiting at the gate of the company very early.

"Congratulations Mr. Yang, I didn't expect you to have such extraordinary achievements at such a young age, it's amazing!"

The guests complimented Yang Wei one after another, and the latter also held his head up and his face was full of excitement.

"Mr. Yang, I'm xxx, and I'm your loyal fan!"

"I'm also your fan. I used to watch you every day on Douyin!" Yang Wei greeted him with a smile. The other party is a big V with tens of millions of fans. I didn't expect that I would invite someone to come, and I really made a step forward. The pinnacle of life!

"Mr. Yang, I like you so much, I wonder if I can add you on WeChat?" A little internet celebrity with fair skin, slender waist and long legs posted upside down.

"Okay, okay!" Yang Wei quickly took out his mobile phone.

Lin Qiyue had been forgotten by him.

When he used to watch those beautiful anchors dancing, he would just gossip like this every day. He didn't expect that his dream would come true one day.

Sure enough, a man has to be successful!

When he rises up, he must make Lin Qiyue kneel and lick herself.

"Mr. Yang has a great opening!" Someone held a mobile phone holder and said to Yang Wei with a smile.

"Gong Na is here, thank you for coming!"

"Mr. Yang, come and say hello to the audience, I'm live broadcasting!"

"Okay!" Yang Wei smiled, this is the first time today, so many Internet celebrities are at the live broadcast of the company's opening, but it gave him enough face, he was not polite, walked to the camera to say hello .

It is not known how many anchors are live broadcasting, almost covering most of the platform anchors.

Yang Wei knew that today he must maintain his image and further build up his reputation.

"Boss Fang is here..."

"Hello, Mr. You..."

There were more and more people, and the entrance of Yang Wei's company was about to be crowded. The atmosphere was extremely warm and full of joy.

At the same time, several people in black suits came over.

Unlike the others, these people looked handsome and cold, and did not intend to congratulate them.

"Hi, hello, may I ask..."

Yang Wei hastily stepped forward to say hello, but before he finished speaking, he was interrupted: "Are you Yang Wei?"

The other party was a little domineering.

Yang Wei immediately felt uncomfortable. I'm a public figure now, isn't this tone too much?

Immediately raised his head and said in a deep voice: "I am Yang Wei, what do you want?"

"I am the legal representative of Xingyang Gourmet Company, and now I am officially sending a lawyer's letter to Mr. Yang Wei."

As soon as the voice fell, another person stood up behind him.

"I am the legal representative of Noise Music I am now formally sending a lawyer's letter to Mr. Yang Wei."

"What a coincidence!" came the voice.

Another person stood up.

"On behalf of the Xu Group, I am sending a lawyer's letter to Mr. Yang Wei!"

"I represent Hanwen Real Estate..."

Voices came one by one.

In an instant, the originally bustling scene of the audience suddenly became extremely quiet.

This was supposed to be a day of great joy, but it was extremely depressing.

At the same time, a voice suddenly came over: "Everyone is here so early, so am I late?"

Everyone looked over, and when they saw the person coming, several lawyers suddenly gasped.

"Fourth Master Jiang!"

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