
Click on the comment, no one is in a good mood.

"I knew that all the self-service barbecues are all gimmicks. If I can bake, why should you do it? Isn't it delicious to cook at home?"

"There are quite a lot of people in this store, I think it's all trust!"

"I have to wait in a long line to get the meat I eat, and I have to roast it myself. I can't figure out whether everyone who eats it owes it, and spends money to do the work, right?"

"Indeed, what you pay for is a service. The service is so bad, even if it's delicious, it will affect your mood."

"There is also a shop next to our house. It looks very lively today. Hearing what Qi Yun said, I lost interest in an instant."

"Indeed, and it's safe to cook it yourself wherever you eat outside. Give Qi Yun a thumbs up and boycott such unscrupulous stores!"

After reading a few articles, everyone's expressions became even more gloomy.

Originally, the self-service barbecue shop was in the cheap self-service style, and doing it yourself was the specialty of the shop.

As for service?

What a joke, for a buffet that costs tens of dollars, you need a waiter for you, right?

After watching the entire video, I have to say that Jiang Shangxue's three views have been somewhat impacted.

She knows the pros and cons of the store better than anyone else.

The advantage is that it is cheap, and the self-help style gives the do-it-yourselfer a sense of self-satisfaction.

The downside is the service.

And after the whole video, Qi Yun, the video producer, kept silent about the price issue, basically talking about the shortcomings of the store.


If the price is hundreds or thousands of dollars, everything can be arranged for you.

But the main thing in the store is cheap, and it makes money from the flow of customers.

Is it possible that you still want to get the service of a Michelin restaurant at such a fee?

There is also the matter of taste.

The secret of barbecue lies in the secret ingredients, which are the core of Xingyang.

But Qi Yun doesn't seem to have used this ingredient at all, which is basically deliberately misleading the audience.

Everyone in the company understands this truth.

But it does not affect the impact this video has on other people.

At least from the perspective of the comment area, they basically agree with Qi Yun's point of view in the video.

A word of rumors, rumors run away.

Everyone understands that because of the words in this video, they may have to stay up late and work overtime tonight!

"From the Propaganda Department, there is a meeting in the conference room. Others don't leave, wait for the news." Jiang Shangxue said solemnly.

The mood of a happy opening was suddenly extinguished.

Jiang Shangxue also walked into the conference room with a gloomy expression.

She didn't expect that when the store opened, the first battle she fought was not the food itself, but public opinion.

"It's obvious that someone is targeting us, Xingyang!" Chu Jiayu who was on the side suddenly said.

Jiang Shangxue nodded.

She naturally knows this truth, but the most urgent task is how to eliminate the impact of these store visit videos.

Someone is bound to be unable to sleep tonight!

Meanwhile, in another building.

Wang Chengfa, the owner of Jintai Gourmet Company, is also watching this video.

After flipping through the comments, the corners of his mouth couldn't help but rise slightly.

This kind of professional thing has to be done by professional people.

After watching this video, he also had to praise his professionalism.

As an expert in the food industry, he certainly knows the pros and cons of self-service barbecue.

Xingyang is to reduce labor costs through self-service, focusing on low prices and self-service experience.

But this video does not talk about these, repeatedly emphasizing service issues.

"Good job!"

He sent a private letter to the other party and praised him.

Soon, there will be a reply.

"Thank you, Mr. Wang, for your compliment."

"I will transfer the follow-up money to your account."


Then, Wang Chengfa flipped through other store exploration videos.

Sure enough, in less than a minute, another shop-exploring video popped up.

It is also Xingyang's store exploration video.

Naturally, Wang Chengfa wouldn't put all his eggs in one basket. There were several internet celebrities and several store-exploring videos. At least tonight, Xing Yang couldn't sleep.

As for the problem with these shop visit videos?


However, it is also Xingyang's shortcoming!

Who cares about its advantages when the disadvantages are magnified?

That's the beauty of video promotion.

Wang Chengfa was very comfortable, so he naturally went to Xingyang's shop today, and I have to say that he was a little jealous because of his popularity.

But he understands that if public opinion is allowed to ferment, Xing Yang may not be far from death!

In the early morning, Xiao Yang woke up from his dream with Jiang Yan in his arms.

The two looked at each other and smiled, touching each other.

Xiao Yang got up to make breakfast, while Jiang Yan was lying on the bed and swiping her phone.

But after a while, Jiang Yan exclaimed in surprise: "Xiao Yang, look, you're on the news!"

"Ah?" Xiao Yang was slightly taken aback, and came over.

There was a photo of him holding a banner when he was in the hospital on his mobile phone, and Lin Zhengye beside him was smiling all over his face.

"Urban Hero!"

"Not bad!"

Jiang Yan chuckled and patted Xiao Yang, her face full of pride.

Xiao Yang frowned slightly, but didn't say anything.

To be honest, he originally refused this way of becoming famous, but after all, there were so many people at that time, and Lin Zhengye was doing the talking for him, which saved a lot of trouble, so he didn't take it to heart.

Seeing Jiang Yan smiling, she didn't take it seriously, she just turned around and went back to the kitchen to continue making breakfast.

Jiang Yan, on the other hand, read the comments below the news with a strong smile.

And this news naturally didn't just appear on Jiang Yan's mobile phone.

When many Jiangdu people watched the video in the morning, they also directly saw this video about city heroes promoted by the Municipal Bureau for Jiangdu.

For a while, it was very lively.

"The hero of the city, he is so handsome, why is he so handsome!"

"Rescue people with bare hands, bravely fight one against ten, rescue a female classmate from the kidnappers, am I watching a martial arts movie, one hits ten, is it so magical?"

"This buddy looks familiar, why do I feel a bit like the guy who smashed the car in front of the medical school..."

"He can also have medical skills, what a ghost, he can fight and he can also have medical skills. I'm afraid this is not the protagonist who came out of the novel!"

"You only care about what he did, am I the only one who cares about his looks? He's so handsome, lick~"

"Licking the screen +1..."

The effect of the promotion is very good, especially in the short video, the hero video of the promotion quickly spread on the Internet.

Xiao Yang didn't know that in just this short day, he was already popular.

In this regard, the happiest person is the Jiangdu Municipal Bureau.

In the past, when they promoted the popularization of the law, the various videos they shot were rarely known, but this video of a city hero made their short video promotion account bursting with attention.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, the Propaganda Department also stepped up its efforts to promote some videos on popularizing the law.

After breakfast, I sent Jiang Yan to school and watched her practice tennis. When the afternoon was approaching, I ran to Lin Qiyue again.

Fortunately, the distance between the two schools is not too far, otherwise he would really choose a time management course.

Follow Lin Qiyue and walk down the street holding hands.

At this time, a voice also came from a distance.

"Xingyang Self-service Barbecue Restaurant opens a big bargain..."

Xiao Yang also reacted Shangxue told himself just a few days ago that Xingyang will open soon.

He just turned around and forgot about it. It seemed impossible to attend any opening ceremony.

Lin Qiyue looked over with interest.

"Speaking of which, I haven't eaten at Xingyang yet!" Lin Qiyue said with interest.

"That's good, I'll take you to eat!" Xiao Yang was also quite interested.

This is a barbecue restaurant in the city center, which is also newly opened.

Xiao Yang also wanted to see the difference between this barbecue restaurant and the one near the University of Finance and Economics, so let's treat it as a private visit!

"There are so many people!" Lin Qiyue and Xiao Yang entered the barbecue restaurant.

This is already the second day of Xingyang's opening, and there are still a lot of customers.

Xiao Yang nodded slightly, and the two of them found a corner and sat down, ready to start a fight...

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