She Is Not a Witch

Vol 2 Chapter 37: Mountain trip (thanks to Youren Moshang for the silver alliance)

After the festival ended, Lorrain Hill packed up his bags and set off to the west of Yanyazhou in the direction indicated on the map.

This time is different from the past, because there is no wide road on the route, so there is no carriage, and it can only be reached on foot.

Lorrain Hill walked through the mountain trails, and the sunlight passed through the yellow and red leaves and fell into the forest, forming bright spots with sparse light and dark. At this time, it was not noon, and the cool breath in the early morning had not yet dissipated, and the breeze was blowing on the body, even in midsummer, it still made people feel comfortable.

The tied white boots stepped on the grass blades by the side of the road, and the dew in them slightly wetted the upper, leaving a few crystal dew drops. Some small green round leaves are clustered together, and there are faint white spots in the middle of the leaves. This is the common money leaf grass in the mountains.

The girl looked at this novel world as she walked.

She learned a lot about herbal medicine when she was studying in Emenas, and Donglong Continent's books are a must-have examination item for the Walled City Academy.

But because of the different regions, although she has learned a lot of oriental land herbal knowledge in books, many have not really seen it. Until now, she has only been one-to-one with the knowledge that she had memorized.

This is ‘Aesculus conker’, the girl stopped and leaned over to look at the plant hidden behind the tree.

【Euphoria Aesculus】(Bronze Grade, Excellent): A common herbal medicine that can be used to make medicine for trauma and pain.

She stretched out her hand, pinched it from the joint of the stem according to the method recorded in the book, then sealed the fracture with the force of natural sequence to reduce the loss of its medicinal properties, and then tapped the remaining rhizome to replenish its vitality. , So that it can continue to grow.

After plucking this herb, Lorrain Hill took it in his hand and looked at it. Then he took off a small piece of clean leaf and held it in his mouth. A slight bitterness spread on the tip of his tongue.

It wasn't very tasty. She stuck her tongue out, then put down the vine-wood box she was carrying, and after opening it, she rummaged in it. She took out a small wooden box from the box.

This small box with the big palm was easily put into her box by Aithesi before leaving.

"Little Lacey, let's take it. If you encounter good herbs on the road, you can put it in to prevent decay and loss of medicinal properties."

"It's a must for traveling outside. I used to travel in Lei Ze. I saw good things several times, but I didn't dare to pick them. The loss of medicinal properties after the picking was too distressing, so I specialized in it later. I went to Wanziqianhonggu and took a few boxes containing herbs."

"This jade box contains high-temperature or violent herbs, and the other wooden box contains low-temperature or mild herbs."


"No need to refuse. Although it is relatively rare in the outside world, this is not rare in the big school. I have a few more." After Aithesi finished speaking, Lorrain Hill took it with him.

I don't want to use it today, although it is a waste to use only bronze-grade herbs, but it is better than nothing, the girl thought.

Originally, Lorraine Hill thought that the journey would be boring, but the experience on the road made her happy.

Because the western part of Yanyazhou Island is close to the Suiyan Mountains, there are many monsters, the mountains are rugged, and the people are inaccessible. Therefore, there are more herbs reserved and few people collect them.

As her footsteps got deeper and deeper, the trails in the mountain road gradually disappeared, until in the end it was completely barren mountains and valleys, without any roads.

Crushed stones and dead leaves are scattered all over the ground in the forest. The roots of the trees are coiled and intertwined with moss, and the thorny bushes covered with thorns cover the gaps under the trees. If ordinary people come in, facing this complex terrain, even if they are fully equipped, they can cut through the thorns. , Can't walk a few kilometers in a day.

However, this light-footed girl walked in the forest, as if walking on a flat road, like a forest elf, gently jumping over various obstacles, extremely agile.

The pure white dress passed through the layers of woods, still keeping it clean, the wooden box in the hand floated up and down from time to time, as if nothing, following the girl through the complex area.

But what still envied many herbalists was that this girl seemed to be divinely assisted, even the hidden herbs could be found by her. Perhaps this was a bonus to perceptual talent.

Along the way, she harvested herbs of various sizes, including bronze grade and several silver grade plants, all of which were carefully kept in boxes by her.

When it was dark, Lorrain Hill stopped at a place in the mountain forest where a red and yellow oak tree grew with a tall canopy, and the space under the tree was clean and flat.

I chose this place because Lorrain Hill sensed dozens of miles of the nearby area, and discovered that there was a small spring nearby where he could drink, so he stopped.

After putting down the wooden box for the time being, Lorrain Hill dipped some water first, and then leapt up slightly and stood among the branches of the oak tree. Although the slender branches under her feet were bent, she still carried the weight of this young girl who was as light as cotton. She first picked some oak fruit, and then gently leaped off, landing on her toes and falling among the soft grass leaves.

The fruits of oak trees are similar to those of oak trees, because they are all Quercus under the Fagaceae family, but their names and shapes are slightly different.

Lorrain Hill put these green oak fruits on the skirt of his knees, sat quietly by the fire, and carefully peeled off the shell. This is her dinner today.

The sky was completely dark, the fire in the woods was burning quietly, and the damp water in the dead branches emerged from the cross section as the temperature increased, forming tiny bubbles, which continued to burst and burst into white gas.

The orange-red flame licked the bottom of the pottery cup and heated the spring water in it. Sometimes the breeze blew in, causing the flame to sway, and also stretched the shadow of the **** the side.

White and slender fingers peeled off the shell of the acorn, revealing a complete and smooth oval shell. As time passed, the peeled round acorns gathered in the hem of her skirt.

When she was almost able to fill a bowl, Lorrain Hill stopped. She held up the acorns, walked to the clear spring before, washed them carefully, drained the water, and then tempered. Next to the pile, put the acorns one by one into the boiling pottery cup, being careful not to let the water overflow.

Watching the water line slowly reach the edge of the cup, she also stopped, put the remaining acorns in the box, and waited quietly with her legs in her arms.

Acorns or oak tree fruits contain tannins, which are not good for eating directly. They are generally suitable for consumption after being boiled.

After a while, seeing the clear spring water gradually change color, Lorrain Hill drained it and put it in the clear spring water to continue cooking. After doing this twice, the bitterness in the acorn is removed.

After the acorns are cooked, the outer skin has softened. Pick up one of the peeled acorns and put them in your mouth, and chew them slowly. You can feel a unique soft and sweet taste.

In this way, Lorrain Hill sat by the fire, eating dinner quietly, enjoying this rare moment of tranquility.

Recently, I have been shuttled in the city crowd, and it has been a long time since I sat alone by the fire to eat. The flames burning quietly at night seemed to have a strange magical power that attracted the girl, letting her mind and mood completely relax, without having to consider the complicated things of the outside world, and slowly enjoying this peaceful time of her own.

Even if I was a little upset because of amnesia, now it has completely calmed down.

Many things and wishes can not be achieved in a day, and on the way forward, a good rest is so important and charming, let her temporarily escape from the heavy burden, and enjoy the peace of her alone.

Until the vast galaxies in the night sky were all over, until the insects and evening breeze blew, until she entered a peaceful and peaceful sleep.

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