She Is Not a Witch

Chapter 45: Silent comfort

   Many years ago, the family in memory was accompanied by unpleasant memories. Since childhood, the two parents seem to have been arguing. Whether it is money or the trivialities of life, they can be the fuse that triggers the quarrel.

   Children who don't know how to face this situation can only hide in the corner in fear, hiding their existence to avoid being affected. In this way, the child learned to be sensible very early and curbed the child's waywardness. He won't run around and cause trouble to his mother, so he stays at home quietly and plays with his own building blocks.

   But this kind of peace is only temporary. When the father is working outside, the mother becomes strict with the child. Academic performance becomes the criterion for judging everything. Every day, not only do you have to complete the teacher's homework, but also write various guidance books. Not only that, mothers often call the school teachers to ask how their children behave in school. If there is something wrong, it will be severely questioned.

   Looking at the mother's wide-open eyes, the child can only put down the remote control in fear and go back to the room to study obediently. As the days passed, I couldn’t go out and play at will, because I was afraid that my children would go to the game room. Gradually, the child didn't have many friends at school, his personality became more introverted, and he rarely talked to other people.

   But the mother was not satisfied in this way. She began to blame the child, why not go out to make friends more, why every day is like a boring gourd, saying something like cutting her tongue.

   The child was silent and didn't know how to refute. Maybe he was not as good as others. Seeing the cheerful and lively appearance of his friends around him, the child felt a little inferior.

   Mothers have stricter requirements on academic performance. If you are at home, as long as you see that your child is not studying, you will scold you. My mother works so hard every day. It's not for you. You can't be the same as someone else's. You have good grades, you can talk, and you can help your mother. You think you are as stupid as a pig.

   There seems to be no breathing space in life, and the mother who has a strong desire for control fills every corner of life.

   Until one day, the child borrowed a comic book from his classmates, and a door of fantasy was opened in secret. First, all kinds of comics "Doraemon", "Old Master Zi", "Mysterious Soldiers", "Dragon Ball", "Youyou Baishu", "Heaven is a Red Riverbank" and so on.

The comic books in the small bookstore next to the school have been borrowed once. After reading the comics, I quickly read the novels, so that a broader fantasy world is oncoming "Sou Shen Ji", "Xingyue Legend", and "Miscellaneous" "Journey", "Wandering Man", "The Story of Beauty" and so on.

   Along with those fresh fantasy vocabulary, he enters an unbelievable country. With the ups and downs of the protagonist, he experiences thrilling adventures and accomplishes supreme achievements. As a result, all kinds of pressure from the outside world were vented to the fullest in the fantasy world. It seems that life has become much more lovely, and the shadow in my heart has been reduced a lot.

   Since then, this kid has also become obsessed with reading novels, plus the animation afterwards. It can be said that only with the support of these mental appetites can he endure all the discomforts in life, and those beautiful things will eventually prevent him from taking the skewed and extreme path, and finally become a normal and kind person.

   After graduating from high school, this child walked away to go to university. It was at that moment that life finally ushered in the bloom of freedom.


   "Lacy, Lacie..." Rachel's voice rang in her ears, and Lorrain Hill came back to her senses.

   "I'm sorry, but I just remembered a long time ago."

   "Lacy, what do you think of." Rachel was a little curious.

   "Probably it is to escape the oppression of the parents." The girl had a nostalgic smile on her face.

   "Richier, you can discuss with your family, or discuss with your fiance, first go to Emenas for a few years of school and then come back to get married."

  Emenas, the center of the continent, the academy on the top of the world, the permanent neutral place of Ivar, equal acceptance of all races, 9 extraordinary sequences, countless advanced routes are available, countless genius teenagers yearn for the legendary school. It is a legend that has been alive since the Third Age, built after the "War of Chaos".

   In the 210th year of the Third Age, the disaster of chaos broke out all over the world, and shadows from other realms invaded the world of Ivar. At that time, nearly 60% of the land of the Western Continent fell, and the remaining races had to put aside their prejudices and unite to fight.

  The coalition forces defended against the mountain near Emenas and fought a tug of war for 20 years. During this period, countless heroes appeared in large numbers, and after the war was won. The powerhouses of various races and extraordinary sequences have left a legacy in Emenas, and outstanding figures serve as sages.

The sages advocated the establishment of Emenas College. In addition to the central school building, the four universities guarded the Quartet. It was also the four ancient battlefields of the year. They used this to teach students in history and cultivate the next generation of extraordinary sequences for the world. Prepare for the next battle of Chaos.

   And there is also the place where the extraordinary combat power of Ivar World is most concentrated. Basically all advanced routes can be found in it. It is well-deserved in the entire world, and the world's first academy.

   "Emenas..." Rachel looked at the blue sky and muttered to herself.

   "I really want to go, but I am also a little afraid of not being admitted." After the emotional release, rationality began to return to Rachel's brain. Emenas's admission standards are extremely high, and it is not possible for anyone to enter the school.

   Lorraine Hill's hand was placed on the back of Richie's, "Even if I am afraid, I still have to try it. At least I won't let myself regret it, right?"

   "Thank you." Rui Qier seemed to be a little moved, and blinked some wet eyes.

   "Lacy, you are the first person to encourage and support me."

"Father, brother, they always say that I am whimsical, so that I can get married with peace of mind, and never care about my own ideas. Maybe they seem to do it for my own good, but I only feel that I am not understood and not believed." The more Rui Qier said, the more desperately her eyes blinked, and she resisted the tears in it.

  Lacy, also Lorrain Hill stood up, gently stroked Richie's back with his hand, comforted, and said nothing.

She doesn’t say any words of sympathy, and she doesn’t say that everyone is the same. Her own experience in her previous life made her understand that there is never a so-called empathy in the world, and never expect that someone can fully understand their pain, accidents in life. Not everyone can talk about breaking down and crying.

Therefore, when she sees people around us crying, she will stay by her side quietly, without saying a word, until the other party slowly vents her emotions, she will only be a quiet listener, not a strong comforter. Maybe this is also a kind of tenderness.

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