She Is Not a Witch

: Testimonials

   Welcome everyone to read my book, I wish you all good health, early to bed and early to rise, and don’t stay up late like me.

   Although the process has been a bit tortuous, I stumbled to this day, and this book is finally on the shelves.

   Due to the current website regulations, only when the average number of subscribers is more than 500, the perfect attendance bonus can always be obtained, so I hope everyone can support it.

   Recall that when I first typed the first line of words on the keyboard, it was an afternoon in early August. There was white sunlight outside the window. Occasionally, I could still hear the chase of laughter and laughter from the children in the community.

   At that time, there were many ideas and creativity in my mind, all of which were broken thoughts and fantasies that I had accumulated over the years. Some ideas are very interesting and exaggerated. They should interest everyone.

   But when I further conceived the background and plot, I slowly felt tired. In order for the book to look good, I really needed special ideas and plots, but for this, I was a little bit conflicted for some reason.

  After thinking about it for a long time, I finally decided that I still want to follow my heart and write a heart-warming story.

  In real life, everyone is already very difficult, and I don't want to add any more obstacles.

   Just write a story that will make you and everyone warm and comfortable, but this kind of warmth is not an empty comfort, but a campfire that has gone through the night and cold, exuding heat and fire, warming people's hearts, and not so vain.

   I feel a little embarrassed to be talking big, but I will definitely work hard in this direction.

   This is my original idea for writing this book. I dare not write it at the beginning for fear of being laughed at 2333

In addition, thanks to the editor of Fuchen for allowing me to sign the book finally, and also thanks to the author friend Hua Gu Gu (Gu Shen). The first half of the year was down for a period of time. With his encouragement, he slowly recovered his confidence and started to pick up the pen Codeword.

I have set up this book relatively well. The first volume is now revealing the background and some settings of the world. The main line of the outline is currently arranged in the fifth volume. Later, depending on the plot, I will gradually refine the branches and continue to add follow-ups. Content.

   As long as I can support myself by writing, I will write it till the end, because this is really what I like.

   Well, sometimes I envy those authors who get good grades from the beginning, and I often wonder when I can be as good as them.

   But the beginning of the book is the same as the time passed. It is no longer possible to look back. Maybe the beginning is not so amazing, but I will write better later.

  It is worth celebrating that my codeword speed has finally increased to 800 words/hour. I broke through the peak of my high school, that is, 50 minutes to write a 600-word composition.

   Finally, I hope everyone can support my subscription a lot, love you~

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