Tang Su knew that the college entrance examination results would be released today.

So after breakfast, she came to the school gate with her roommates Chen Yi, Guo Xiangling, and Xu Manni.

On the day of the college entrance examination results, the school will post a red list to announce the college entrance examination this year.

The school gate was surrounded by many parents and students who had graduated. Everyone is looking at the red list just posted.

Tang Su and his roommates had to be squeezed into the road behind.

Tang Su soon saw the good news:

In July, there was a good news, Tao Li Jing Fang Fei. Thanks to the hard work of all senior high school teachers and students, Hai Changde Middle School achieved gratifying results in the college entrance examination in 202, and achieved fruitful results! The number of candidates this year is 1033, 85% of the students for science and engineering, 97% for the second book, 71% for the first book of literature and history, 92% for the second book, 398 with a score of 600 or above, and 81 with a score of 650 or above. .

Xue Yao from the third grade (1) class of our school ranked first in the province's science subjects with a score of 733, and became the champion of science in the college entrance examination in Haidong Province this year; Hu Yiting from the third grade (2) class ranked third in the province's science subjects . Ye Fei from the third grade (15) class ranked fifth in the province's liberal arts with a score of 681. In addition, 5 students were recommended to be exempted from the test, 2 of them were recommended to Qinghua University, and 3 were recommended to Jingzhou University.

Here, I would like to express my warm congratulations to the students and parents who have achieved excellent results! I would like to express my heartfelt thanks to all the faculty members, especially the senior teachers, for their perseverance and hard work! I would like to express my deep gratitude to the leaders and friends from all walks of life who care and support Changde Middle School!

——Changde Middle School July 22, 2022.

Tang Su read the good news twice, and after reading it, a smile appeared on the corner of her mouth unconsciously.

Xue Yao did it. He really got the first place in the province, and he got a very high score. In previous years, the top scorer in the college entrance examination did not have such a high score.

It is no exaggeration to systematically evaluate him as a scholar.

"You can pass this exam." Guo Xiangling applauded.

This achievement, Changde Middle School can boast again.

"Xue Yao is really amazing. He actually scored 733 points in the test." Xu Manni said in surprise.

She knew that Xue Yao had always been the first in the grade, but she didn't expect that he could get such a high score.

"Yeah, it's hard for our school to have another Xue Yao." Chen Yi replied.

The parents on the side were also talking about it.

Most of them came to the school to discuss with their children's teachers how to fill in their volunteers.

As for their children's grades, they had already checked them in the early morning.

"I don't know if the science ranked 211 in the province can go to Qingda?" A parent was struggling. His son scored 675 points this time, ranking 211 in the province.

"You have to be careful about this score. This year, Qingda seems to be recruiting 148 students in Haidong Science and Technology, while Beijing University is recruiting 75. This score is not very good." Another parent replied.

The two are talking about filling out the college entrance examination volunteers.

"Yes, my son was very entangled when he learned about his grades yesterday. If he applies to Qing University, his major may be adjusted even if he is admitted." The parents in black T-shirts looked sad. He was also worried that his son did well in the exam.

"Old Zhang, I think this score should be reported to Zhejiang University or resumed enrollment. These three schools are stable and can choose the best major. My daughter has a score of 673 and ranks 298th, so we are going to volunteer for a bachelor's and master's degree in clinical medicine at Jiaotong University. Bolian has read it." Another parent said with a smile.

She is also very happy. Her daughter's grades are also very good. This time the college entrance examination is considered a normal performance. But she was very happy that she could play normally.

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