She Becomes Ugly if She Doesn’t Study

Chapter 416: Forgotten Birthday

Being remembered as a major demerit, Tang Su felt a little down.

When she went to bed at night, she thought about it carefully and regretted what she did yesterday, because she could also solve it in other ways.

Like calling a teacher.

But she still chose to use the previous method, which led to the intensification of the conflict.

In fact, she sometimes hates herself, hates her character. I hate myself for not being sensible enough, not being wise enough.

I don't know if it's because her emotional intelligence is not high, so she doesn't know how to deal with things, and it's easy to cause conflicts when getting along with others.

She couldn't sleep one night. When she woke up the next day, Tang Su's eyes were swollen and her mental state was not good. She even forgot that today was her 17th birthday.

Until she got a phone call after her morning self-study.

"Hey, Dad..." Tang Su replied to the phone, his voice weak.

"Susu, happy birthday." Tang Youliang on the other end of the phone had a loud voice and even let out a slight laugh.

"Ow...Thank you Dad." Tang Su replied again.

She just remembered that today is the 18th.

She used to celebrate her birthday at home because August 18 was the summer vacation period, but this year, the school started early, so this is the first time she has celebrated her birthday at school in so many years.

"Tang Su, Dad will come to pick you up at school in the afternoon, and your grandma and your aunt will come too. Dad has reserved a box near your school, and we will have dinner in the evening to celebrate your birthday." Tang Youliang said happily.

Tang Su was stunned for a moment, she bit her lip and didn't reply for a long time.

It's not that she didn't want her father and grandma to come over to celebrate her birthday, but she was a little worried that they would see the yellow list when they got to school.

"What's the matter, is your signal bad?" Tang Youliang asked again when he saw that his daughter didn't answer.

Tang Su then replied: "Dad... or wait for me at the school gate, I will come out after the eighth class."

Tang Su didn't want his father and grandmother to enter the school. Even if they didn't see the Huang Bang, if they saw the teacher, the teacher would definitely say it.

Teacher Liu probably didn't tell Dad about the fight at school, so Dad seemed so happy on the phone.

If you know it, you won't be happy.

Fortunately, Mr. Liu didn't say that kindly. If Mr. Zhu was the one, he would definitely notify the parents immediately.

"Well, we'll wait for you at the school gate. Tell Tang Lin and ask her to ask for leave with you."

Tang Su's brows narrowed, and she instinctively resisted when she heard the name Tang Lin.

She thought about it for a while, and after a while, she replied with a good word.

She didn't want Tang Lin to go with her, but if she didn't call Tang Lin, Tang Lin would definitely be angry, and her stepmother Qin Hui would also be angry, and it would be very difficult for her father to be caught in the middle.

So she could only endure it.

After the phone call, Tang Su went to the cafeteria for breakfast.

Today she only ate a small bowl of millet porridge and a fried dough stick, because she couldn't eat it.

After eating, she returned to the classroom of Class 5 of Senior Two.

However, as soon as he entered the classroom, Tang Su saw several classmates surrounding his desk, three of whom were his roommates, including Chen Yi.

They were discussing something, and they were talking and laughing there.

Tang Su hurried over and clapped a hand on Chen Yi's shoulder.

"What are you doing?" Tang Su asked.

At this time, Tang Su saw something on his desk. It was a bunch of gypsophila and a box. The box was relatively large, the size of an ordinary cake box, and it looked like a gift box.

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