It was ten in the evening, and there was a sea of ​​people on Xueshi Road. In addition to the students from Changde Middle School and Zhouya Middle School who had just returned to school, there were also senior three students from other schools who had just finished the college entrance examination and were leaving these two college entrance examination centers, as well as those who came to pick up the candidates. Parents.

Tang Su arrived at 6:30 in the afternoon, and it was not yet time to enter the school, so she had to wait outside like other classmates.

It was not until 19:00 that the gate of the school gate was opened.

Tang Su and other classmates swarmed in.

After almost three and a half days off, everyone was full of food and drink, full of energy, and very excited.

Tang Su was the first to return to the dormitory, and found that her roommates hadn't come yet. She first found clothes to take a shower, lest everyone bump into each other and have to wash them later.

After washing, Tang Su began to make the bed and tidy up his desk.

Because she gave the host to the college entrance examination for three days, she stuffed almost everything into the closet and drawer.

Afterwards, Tang Su came to the balcony to check the washing machine, and made sure that the seal he had put on was not torn, and then he threw the clothes into the washing machine with confidence.

It was 7:40 when we returned to the teaching building.

At this time, more than half of the students in Class 5 have come.

Everyone gets together, talking and chatting, and some sharing food.

Tang Su didn't go to join in the fun.

As soon as she sat down, she began to read.

She took out the English textbook and began to review the words and phrases of the two units she had recently learned. These words, which she had memorized in her self-study earlier, were mainly to review and deepen her memory.

At eight o'clock, the classroom finally quieted down.

Tang Su saw the head teacher, Teacher Zhu, come in.

She still had a stack of test papers in her hand.

"Everyone is quiet. You need to take a set of English test papers for self-study tonight. This is arranged by the school."

After speaking, Mr. Zhu began to distribute the test papers.

Tang Su originally wanted to review mathematics, but the rhythm was disrupted by the English teacher again.

But there is no way, she can only follow the teacher's arrangement.

After a while, Tang Su took the test paper from the classmate in front.

When she saw the title of the test paper, she was stunned!

"2021 National Unified Examination for Enrollment in Ordinary Colleges and Universities: English (National Volume I)"

Tang Su blinked, a little confused.

The arrangement of this school is too fast. The college entrance examination in English is over at 5 o'clock in the afternoon, and the school has printed out all the papers.

Tang Su knew that one hour after the start of the college entrance examination for any subject, fax questions would be posted online, but even if it was four o'clock in the afternoon to eight o'clock in the afternoon, it was only four hours.

Changde's efficiency is really high.

The exam has started.

Tang Su began to quiz.

And at this moment, Tang Su realized why the task assigned by the system at 3 o'clock this afternoon was to do the second national volume, because she was going to the school to do the first volume.

The system is really powerful, a prophet.

Teacher Zhu reminded at this time: "The test time is 120 minutes. If someone needs to go to the bathroom in the middle, raise your hand. I hope everyone will complete this test paper carefully and see how many points can be obtained in the college entrance examination with the knowledge they have so far. ."

Tang Su quickly entered the exam state. She felt that this exam paper was not as smooth as the one in the afternoon, and she really didn't know what to choose for some questions.

There are also error correction and writing questions, which are obviously more difficult.

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