Shadow Hack

Chapter 357 Whales City

Jingsi Island is the only large trading center island in the southern part of the North Sea Islands, and the only open island city with a population of tens of millions in the North Sea.

It is managed by the Jingsi Cult and belongs to the center of influence of the Jingsi Cult. It is also the only sect with super island power in the entire southern part of the North Sea.

Compared with Cangyue Island's Cangyue Sect, it is even mediocre, far from being a Taoist.

The only difference from the numerous sects in the North Sea is that the purpose of the establishment of the Jingsi Sect is to protect the North Sea forever. It is the only super-large power in the southern part of the North Sea, but it is also the only sect with an absolute neutral bottom line.

As long as the territory of the North Sea Islands is not violated or threatened, the Jingsi Cult has no tendency to stand. Therefore, this has created the superior position of Jingsi City, becoming the only most prosperous island trading center in the southern part of the North Sea.

On this day, a mysterious guest also ushered in this big city, which is filled with countless homeless people from various islands every day.

This person is Li Yunmu.

When Li Yunmu stepped out of the city teleportation formation on Jingsi Island, he was overwhelmed by the island city of the main world.

Spectacular, magnificent, prosperous, and full of the style of the traditional nations of the main world.

Different from the major capital cities on the earth, with tens of millions of permanent residents and a daily throughput of close to one million people, no matter in all aspects of Jingsi City, it is also difficult for the capital cities of the earth to compare with it.

Perhaps there are only three royal cities in Central Continent, and they barely compete with them. What surprised Li Yunmu the most is that this big city is not like an earth city.

There are no high-tech products and civilizations here.

There are no sky trains, no urban low-altitude aircraft, no electricity, no powerful weapons created by any black technology, and no electronic tools.

This is indeed an ancient city with tens of millions of levels, but its grandeur is magnificent, but it is not inferior to any city with both scientific and technological civilization.

The first thing that caught Li Yunmu's attention were the buildings in this city.

The floors of all buildings are not high, and the highest will not exceed five floors, but these buildings are very huge.

The height space of each floor is fifteen meters high, and the materials used are all piled up with large blocks of natural blue steel stones, which are not only strong, but also can permanently prevent the erosion of the island's moisture.

And Li Yunmu also saw many "giants" of all kinds for the first time in this huge sea city.

The smaller giants are three meters high, the larger ones are five meters high, and some even have a height of seven, eight or nine meters, which is not an exaggeration at all.

When Li Yunmu saw these huge humans walking past him calmly, he breathed a sigh of relief.

Fierce, too violent.

Even though the system did not scan and analyze their physical strength, Li Yunmu has already felt the pure and simple explosive power from their plump and strong bodies. This is the purest physical power, the most primitive power in the world.

Li Yunmu, who is now stable in the main world, is no longer a rookie who has no knowledge of the main world before.

He clearly understood that the physical strength of those giants over five meters tall should be the superstring warriors who broke through the strength of fifty bulls.

The real big guys who reach more than seven meters have already stepped into the level of holy string warriors.

He just glanced around the teleportation square in Jingsi City, but found that there were quite a few seven-meter-tall humans. In just a few minutes, he found three of them.

Looking at the leopard in the tube, it can be seen that the powerful people in the main world are far more and more terrifying than the earth.

Here, Li Yunmu didn't have any willful capital to speak of, so he had to be more careful, put away his fangs, and hide his ambitions.

"My lord, what can I do for you?" Walking out of the teleportation station, a few beast slaves came to meet them.

Li Yunmu's physical characteristics are obvious. He is over 1.8 meters tall and can sit in a teleportation formation. There is almost only one answer, and that is the emperor.

In the social class composition of the main world, only the emperor's people can meet the above two conditions. They not only maintain the best proportion of human beings, but also step into cultivation.

"Take me to the center of the Liliang store in the city." Li Yunmu was not polite, and now he was also pretending to be an emperor's status, and ordered simply and forcefully.

"Okay, my lord, please get in the car." The eyes of several animal slaves lit up quickly, scrambling to invite Li Yunmu to get on the animal car.

Behind them, there are a few strong beasts lying on the ground waiting, Li Yunmu knows that these beasts carrying slaves are actually like taxi drivers on the earth.

It's just that the status of beast slaves in this world is far inferior to that of taxi drivers on the earth. They are the lowest level of the people, and they can't even reach the common people.

In the huge Jingsihai City, without these beasts, walking alone is too slow and too tiring. Li Yunmu glanced over with interest.

In the end, he picked out a giant tortoise-like beast from a group of enthusiastic animal slaves, and then boarded it and put it on the carriage.

This is the first time he has taken a means of transportation in this world, which is more interesting.

In other words, it was the first time I came to Jingsihai City, and everything here was very new and curious about him, the descendant.

Soon, the beast-carrying slave drove the giant tortoise smoothly and orderly, and the running speed turned out to be very fast, which was far beyond Li Yunmu's expectation.

"What kind of beast is this?" Li Yunmu asked casually while admiring the scenery along the street from the window.

He is not afraid that he will be exposed because of this ignorance. It is all because the main world is huge, and the monsters and creatures in the whole world are really unknown.

Every place and every region has its own characteristics. It is quite common not to know what kind of beast this giant tortoise is.

In the world view of the main world, the aborigines have already divided the monsters and various creatures in the main world into several levels.

From low to high, they are wild beasts, strong, fierce beasts, giant beasts, desolate beasts, etc., five major levels.

Among them, beasts are of course the weakest class of beasts and birds. The original beasts of the earth, lions and tigers, are one of the beasts here, and they can't be called the king of beasts.

Strong beasts, on the other hand, are stronger than wild beasts. They are stronger, stronger and bigger, but not very aggressive, so they are classified as strong beasts.

Of course, this aggressiveness is not too strong. It is naturally for the natives of the main world. If it is controlled by ordinary humans on the earth, it will be a tragedy from the ground up.

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