Serious People, Who is Learning Magic at Marvel?

Vol 11 Chapter 80: Difficult? Then don't do it! (Five K)

Falling in love with, who is a serious person learning magic in Marvel?

Without a word, he continued to walk forward until he came to the front of the cavalry general. His teeth were chattering, and Sion's enhanced inhuman hearing could even hear the sound of his fast-beating heart.

"What are you excited about?" Sean asked suddenly.

It was just a simple question, the Yalong dog under the man's crotch was already lying down. Its tail is completely on the ground, which is a sign of surrender.

The cavalry captain rolled over and stood on the ground. He tried hard to straighten his legs so that he wouldn't fall to the ground, and then he raised his right hand in a salute: "Salute to you!"

"What are you excited about?" Sean repeated his question.

"Because I recognized you." The cavalry captain maintained that salute, as if he would not put his hand down without Sien's permission. "Salute to you, Hand of Noxus, General Thane!"

As Sain's name was spoken by him, there was an uproar among the other Yalong dog cavalrymen.

They began to scrutinize the giant, and stopped for a long time on his crown-like chin and steel-like face, and Shane was accustomed to this kind of gaze. He stood there like a statue, expressionless.

"It's really him..."

"God, General Sean is alive?"

"Who is going to punch me, I can't believe it's true..."

Their whispers made the cavalry captain very dissatisfied, and he turned around and shouted: "Silence!"

Then he turned his head immediately, trying his best to show his qualities as an elite: "General Sain, Alex Doron, captain of the Blood Axe Legion's Arlong Dog Cavalry, salutes you!"

Shane nodded blankly: "Very well, I remember you, Alex did a good job of saving Noxus from a pointless bloodshed. ."

After he finished speaking, he walked past the Arlong dog cavalry and continued to lead the silent legion on the march.

The soldiers followed behind him, like a torrent made of steel. Alex stayed where he was. He watched Sion go away with a fanatical gaze, looking like he wished he could join the team behind him right away.

He murmured to himself, "A living imperial hero....what an honor!"

On the other side, above the walls of the immortal fortress.

"Unbelievable...they just gave up their resistance?"

Swain felt a burst of wonder, and his murmuring voice was heard by Astarte, who was standing beside him. Cronos said lightly, "Relax, Jericho Swain... that's what you call that, right?"

"That's just one of the many extraordinary qualities exhibited by the Primarch, the charisma beyond ordinary's nothing." As he spoke, a chuckle appeared on his face under his helmet. Like thinking of someone or something.

Swain glanced at the tall giant beside him, and he asked, "With all due respect, Kronos...sir."

It was very difficult to say the word "adult" from his mouth.

"Although I don't know who the Primarch is in your mouth. But General Shane was born as a Noxian and died as a Noxian. He is bound to lead Noxus from This world rises up until our long-cherished wish is fulfilled." Speaking of this, Swain's face glowed.

That is the brilliance of idealists. Kronos watched the mortal carefully through his scarlet spectacles. If it was the standard of the Empire, he definitely didn't have the opportunity to express his dissatisfaction with Astarte. But, for one thing, Kronos was a member of the Ultramarines.

The Ultramarines have always been known for their kindness to civilians, and they are one of the most willing Astartes to cooperate with many mortal forces in the Empire, and sometimes this one can even be eliminated. Not only will they be extremely, very, especially aware of the casualties of mortal troops in combat, but they will also leave after conquering a planet to ensure that the local people's livelihood returns to normal levels.

Instead of killing them and leaving like some of their brothers, or blasting the ruler of that place with the city into ruins. They have always persuaded to surrender if they could, but they would use force if they couldn't - of course, this was only when dealing with humans.

In addition, the rebels are not included in this list.

Secondly...he actually admires people like Swain.

He is a standard rationalist, daring to betray his class and go to the masses. He was able to dive into politics, and he didn't even mind getting his hands dirty, just to make his country a little better, if only a little. Cronos cannot deny that humanity needs such people.

Therefore, Astarte seemed indifferent to his small offense.

He just said calmly: "The Noxians are also a member of the human race. Just like all the other human kingdoms in this world. You are no different. Also, watch out, they're about to run into each other."

Turn the view back to Sion's side.

The Yalong dog cavalry was just an appetizer dessert, and Sain didn't take them to heart at all. If it can be done without bloodshed, of course it will be good. But if his axe was to be stained with blood, he wouldn't mind swinging these two weapons.

Weapons are always stained with blood.

Continuing to walk forward, what appeared in front of Shane was a large black crowd. They don't all wear well-fitting steel armor like the Trifarian Legion behind Thane, but all kinds of armor. One person wears chain mail, the person next to him may wear a full suit of armor, and the next one will be dressed as a barbarian with a naked back.

There are countless of these.

This chaotic scene made Thane frown. He didn't understand. Could it be that the Legion of Noxus no longer has the ability to equip each of its soldiers with armor? A solid armor, but their only hope of survival on the battlefield.

Fortunately, although their clothes were messy, at least the formation was intact, and no one made any noise. A chilling atmosphere began to spread.

Shane stopped, and the legion behind him also stopped. The earth stopped shaking, the giant began to speak, and a thunderous voice descended on this plain: "Let your commander speak."

No one answered, no one moved.

Shane frowned. Relying on his height of five meters, he began to look directly over the crowd in front of him, searching for possible commander candidates. But they found nothing, as if they had abandoned their legion and fled.

"I said!"

He began to growl, his voice resounding and echoing across the plain. As the thunder rolled, the soldier standing opposite him turned pale.

"Let yours! Commander! Come out! Speak!"

There was still no answer, even though the soldier facing Sion looked like he was about to fall. But they still haven't dispersed.

Seeing this, a smile appeared on Shane's gloomy face.

Very good, although their clothes are messy, at least they are not a miscellaneous army... At least their discipline is still guaranteed.

The thought brought a little catharsis to his anger, but it wasn't enough to stop him. Something has to be resolved, and it's today.

Shane tilted his head slightly, and Darius immediately stepped forward, bowing his head and waiting for his order. He heard Sean say, "Stop them, if they dare to resist, or act. Then shoot. I'm going to find their so-called timid general. ..then one by one, liquidation!"

"Yes, General!"

Shane started to move again. His size is too large, even just walking alone can bring enough pressure. As he approached, some of those soldiers could not help clenching their weapons. But Shane didn't even look at the weapons in their hands, he just stood across from the crowd, almost face to face.

overlooking them. all.

The giant's gloomy voice mixed with admiration entered their ears: "Soldiers, you strictly obeyed your general's orders... This is very good, this is the quality of a Noxian soldier. . But I also feel sorry for you, because this war didn't have to happen! It's a senseless infighting, and its root cause is your stupid generals!"

"What happened to the immortal fortress... I think you should have heard, Darkwill, the current emperor of the empire is dead! But not by Swain, nor by me! But by that **** The monster, the stinky watch ridden by a thousand people, killed by LeBlanc! She played with his mind with magic, and turned the civilians and soldiers of the entire immortal fortress into monsters!"

"That purple light that penetrates the sky... Haven't you seen it before?"

Sean saw with satisfaction that someone had begun to shake. He continued: "Trust me, soldiers. The only reason why I shouldn't swing my axe at you is because I don't want the Empire to bleed any more! She's shed enough blood, she's almost bloodless. But let's go... Killing you will not be as hard as cutting down a tree, and it's even easier!"

No one doubts what he said with contempt. Just by looking at it, you can see that what he said is true.

The trace of approval on Shane's face completely disappeared, leaving only pure gloom and anger. He said in a low voice: "Now, you have two choices. First, stay here and surrender to my legion so that no one will die pointlessly. Second, resist."

"And then die like a fool."

"You can start choosing."


"Have you been contacted?"

a man in sterling silver armor with exaggerated glyphs asked anxiously.

The object of his inquiries, a mage whose whole body was shrouded in black robes, held the crystal ball in his hand and replied, "No response, my lord... We have absolutely no way to contact Ms. Pale."

The man's face became pale, and if I want to say, he looks a bit like a pale man now. A burly man in black armor who had been sitting behind him whispered, "It seems that the news is true, she is dead."

The man in sterling silver armor turned around suddenly, his face flushed: "How is that possible?! Levi, you know better than anyone how powerful a lady is!"

Levi touched his bald head. Even at this point, he couldn't see the slightest anxious look on his face: "It's because of this that I think she's dead."

As he spoke, there was a smile on his face: "Think about it, Leopold. With her arrogant character, if she hadn't died, we would have been punished by now."

Instead of relaxing, Leopold became more nervous. He even began to bite his nails, biting blood drippingly: "What if this is another of her schemes? She likes to play with us the most? No Did you forget what happened to old Quaid? He killed all six of his family by himself!"

Levi yawned, lounging in the uncomfortable chair as if it were his highest enjoyment: "It's no use being nervous here, I say, Leopold. It's almost done, isn't it death? What's there to be afraid of? Anyway, if she doesn't kill us, the giant will. You saw it from the crystal ball just now."

As he spoke, he laughed again: "Death is not a terrible thing, I care more about other things than death. Otherwise, why do you think I would sit with you **** bug? If she hadn't threatened me with my glory..."

His face changed to that gloomy look again, and he shouted, "Shut your stinky mouth and sit on that **** chair!"

After Leopold sat down, he relaxed a little and asked the mage again, "Where's Yarn?"

The mage bowed respectfully: "Lord Levi, General Aron is still on his way. He arranged some tactics for his army, and it took a while."

Levi muttered aloud in dissatisfaction: "It's still tactics... Blood Axe Legion fell into his hands, it's really **** bad, it's a **** shit, playing with tactics every day, it's **** useless . Don't you want his father to save him when the war starts?"

The mage quickly lowered his head, pretending that he didn't hear anything. This General Levi's character is as famous as his mouth is.

At this moment, Yaon, who they were talking about, pushed open the door of the tent and walked in. Compared with Leopold's saucy bag dress, and Levi's simple black armor. His attire is very ordinary, so ordinary that it is hard to believe that he is a general. He simply wore a pair of chain mail, not even plate armor.

"Yo, Yon, you are here." As soon as he entered the door, Yon heard Livay's strange voice, and he replied calmly: "Sorry, General Levi, I took a little time to arrange the arrangement. tactically."

"Set up a fart!" Levi exclaimed again. He scolded angrily: "What the **** are you setting up for? The bards in the tavern are better than you! That giant who came out of nowhere hasn't even swung an axe, yours! The troops have all surrendered!"

Bo En nodded rightly: "Ah, that's good, just as I expected."

"You expect you... what are you?"

Yorn glanced at him, then glanced at Leopold, who was slumped in the chair, and laughed: "Whether the giant appears or not, I actually want to surrender. You two are me. You must know that I have waited a long time for the moment when Wailing Wind and I return to the Empire."

"I'm finally sure that the woman is dead... Of course I have to act immediately." Yon said with a confident face. "Now that I surrender rashly, General Swain will definitely not believe me, and I will definitely not be reused. Then why not betray your two colleagues who were also bought by the pale lady?"

"Anyway, both of you are going to die, so why don't you die a little more valuable? At least let me continue to serve Noxus."

He smiled politely.

Leopold couldn't say anything for a long time, he was just a piece of shit. Liwai stared at this **** who, in his eyes, had always only been talking on paper, he was amazed: "I underestimate you, I didn't expect you to hold so much in your heart. What? The poisonous scorpions in Shurima are not as vicious as you!"

"Thank you for the compliment." Yorn nodded with a smile, and then made a gesture to the mage. The latter said immediately: "The giant is almost my lord."

"Very good, then, please restrict the personal freedom of my two colleagues a little, can you?"

"My pleasure, my lord."

The two of them decided the fate of Levi and Leopold in a few words, like a child's play. Leopold naturally had no intention of resisting. He was now clumping himself together like a mouse.

Liwai was different. He pulled out his long sword from his waist with a bang, his face full of anger: "Don't give it a fuck! If I want to die, I have to kill myself! What are you? Take me as a vote. Name?!"

Yaon sighed, "You make it difficult for me to do this..."

A strange voice sounded from outside the tent: "Difficult to do? Then don't do it."

Then, the tent disappeared out of thin air. Yon looked up and saw that a giant was holding a corner of the tent in his hand, and flung the tent fixed on the ground alive. His face was calm, and he stared at Yorn for a long time without moving. Suddenly grinned: "You are Yawn, right?"

In front of him, Yorn completely lost his pride in front of Levi and Leopold. He lowered his head and said respectfully, "Yes, the villain is exactly Yawn—"


With a crisp sound, he was smashed into powder by Shane's punch. With disgust and disdain on his face, the giant bent down and wiped his hands on the grass. Levi heard him say, "What a despicable and shameless slut..."

"That's not it! You are so **** right!" Levi jumped up and shouted.

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