Seizing Dreams

Chapter 18: bid farewell

At the same time, outside the lighthouse, the water level of the sea is rising, and the seven sea-like sea monsters are all gathered together, and the tentacles are wrapped around the lighthouse and begin to climb.

The books on the bookshelf were getting more and more uneasy. They jumped out several times to attack the three people. The generals stepped up and jumped on the stair railings. The embers began to run and followed behind them.

"Is there a gatekeeper?" Yu Yu thinks of the gatekeeper of his palace. It is his secret love, a role that guards the inner darkness and fear. For Shi Lang, her gatekeeper may be her mother?

On the top floor, the general put down Shi Lang and said: "It is best not to..."

At the top floor is a loft, surrounded by a lot of blurry, flashing images, like the photos in the memory.

"What is this again?" Yu Yu wondered.

The generals and the embers were each armed with weapons, and they were ready for the battle. However, in the attic, they were empty. The two looked around and the general responded: "Hey now, go!"

In an instant, the front of the fire was raging, and the top of the lighthouse showed an open huge platform. In the center of the platform, there was only one office swivel chair. Sitting on the top of Shi's father Shi Liang, Shi Liang's hand carries a broken bear doll, the whole body of black flame transpiration, turned into energy and rose into the air, and aggregated into a huge magic eye.

The magic eye is slightly lower at this moment, looking at the three, and in the middle of the magic eye is a symbol wrapped in black air.


The general put a golden hoop stick, and the rest of the hand was a point, and the staff became two short knives.

"Hey, you are coming." Shi Liang's hair hangs down with a wretched smile. "Let Dad look? Always do behind what to do?"

Shi Wei stood behind Yu Yu and the general and took a breather.

The sea monster rose from the lighthouse, waving the tentacles, turning the magic eye, and emitting a light that enveloped the entire platform.

At the same time, the **** and the general used the weapon to sway to Liang, and said: "You are finished!"

General: "We have already called the police!"

Yu Wei: "At the latest tomorrow! You will go to jail!"

Shi Lang suddenly widened his eyes and remembered. And at the moment she remembered, the dark sky suddenly burst into thunder, and turned to the lighthouse and squat!

"You are finished -!" Shi Lang released all the anger in her dream, and said, "You can't hurt me anymore! Animals -!"

The trial thundered and bloomed, and the sea monsters who were entrenched on the lighthouse all overpowered and fell down!

Shi Liang suddenly opened his eyes and roared: "Impossible!"

Yu Yu couldn’t think of it. Shi Yu realized in his dream that his father was about to be brought to justice, and he released such a powerful energy. He only heard the general shouting: "Do it!"

The two men rushed forward at the same time, only to see Shi Liang raised a hand, the magic eye burst out of the beam, sweeping toward the two, Yu Yu shakes his wings, slamming the general from behind, a hover, flying into the air. The thunder released by Shi Lang suddenly disappeared.

Shi Liang’s magic eyes glared at Shi Lang, and the sneer shook the sky.

"What do you do, I know that your every move is under the supervision of Dad."

Shi Lang suddenly screamed, and the thunder disappeared without a trace, and Shi Liang once again restored control of the world of consciousness.

Yu Wei: "Shi Wei!"

General: "She can hold! There is a talisman! Avoid the light, cast me down!"

Shi Wei was exposed to the magic eye, and the whole body began to freeze. However, when the ice layer was spreading, a red aperture suddenly appeared on the wrist. Then, the aperture bloomed out to form a sound wave, and the ice layer shattered!

"He is afraid of fire!" Yu Yu suddenly remembered the conversation that day.

The general smiled and swept the golden hoop, and the stick slammed into a raging fire and shouted: "Put him up!"

Like a fire-breathing device, Yu Wei swept through the fire that the general released. The platform suddenly turned into a sea of ​​fire, and the fire circle continued to gather toward Shi Liang. After surrounded him, Shi Liang suddenly fell back and looked around.

"go with!"

Yu Yu let go of the general, the general in the air with a gold hoop to a big mountain, brought a fierce fire, slammed through, ignited Shi Liang.

After Yu Yu and the generals landed, the two men rolled each other and stood still, protecting the Shih-hsien standing in the middle, forming a ring-around trend. Shi Liang was in the circle of fire, constantly struggling and making unwilling roar.

"It's over." Yu Yu looked at the beam in the flame, Shi Liang rolled over the ground, climbed up, and the magical eyes of the high place burst into black smoke and began to gather toward the beam. The magic eye disappears and the totem is displayed!

"Grab the totem!" the general said, "I will deal with him!"

In the circle of fire, a huge mutated sea monster rushed into the sky, and all the tentacles suddenly waved toward Shi Lang, entangled her, and shouted shouting. The general turned around and the golden hoop sticked out and rushed forward to attract its attention.

Yu Yi machine flies in one form, shakes the short knife with both hands, rotates in the air, slashes with the whole body, and cuts off the tentacles of the winding shackles!

The totem slowly descended, and the embers rolled over the ground, and more tentacles rolled toward them. The embers pushed open the shrine and pointed to the totem in the air, shouting: "Get it!"

Shi Wei stood up, but the totem seemed to recognize the true master of this dream, began to turn into a light powder, came to Shi Lang, and set up a bridge in the air. Yu Wei ran to the side, sweeping away two short knives, and his body was shining brightly, drawing the attention of the mutant sea monster.

It has thousands of tentacles, and all of them are instantly rolled toward the embers, forming a huge cage that covers the sky. At this moment, only a loud whistle is heard.

The big monkey licked his lips and swept in front of Yu Yu. He took all the tentacles for the second time. Then he stepped on the wave of tentacles, and jumped up and flew up. Yu Yu suddenly shook his wings, and when he was about to go forward, the big monkey sang in the air.

"Accept, die, right-!"

The bright red flames of the golden hoops suddenly illuminate the dark world of consciousness, like the flames of the river that rushes through the sky, and roar like in the darkness, illuminating the stars of the boundless universe!

God, so handsome... Yu Yu flies in the air, seeing the figure picking up the skyfire, as if burning a sinful meteorite, suddenly feels that his reason is with this fall, and it is shattered!

The general swept out the first stick, and the stick glared, and the sea monster lit up.

Second stick! The earth trembled, and the mutated sea monster that was like a mountain was picked up in the air.

The third stick!

The general was in a roundabout in the air, with a huge force on the shoulders and a golden hoop. The golden hoop suddenly became a huge iron pillar, and a stick swept the sea monster out of the lighthouse platform!

The mutated sea monster was burnt in the air, blackened, shattered, and the tentacles waved toward the generals.

"General -!"

The general was breathing, but he was rolled out and fell into the sea of ​​anger under the lighthouse. Yu Yu immediately swooped and flew to the general.

The general gasped with a triumphant smile, facing the sea, and was caught in the ankle.

"Don't..." The general did not say a word. Yu Yu had already rushed into his arms, hurriedly hugged him, his wings swiftly swung back, but the power of the mutant sea monster fell too much, dragging the two together. Dark deep sea!

Yu Yu only felt that the whole body was cold, and he struggled without any strength. The wings disappeared and the generals could not fall in the darkness. The cold moment of the bones drowned him, making him confused.

This is the subconscious... All the thoughts of Yu Yu seem to have been forcibly taken away, and there is a chaos in my mind. Only the generals yelled at him anxiously, and there was a bubble in his mouth.

At that moment, the only thing he felt was the beating in the general's chest, as if in his heart, there was still a blazing sun, and he was constantly awakening him with a "squeaky" sound, so that he would not lose all consciousness.

Yu Yu and the generals hugged and kept falling, and the dark sea water suddenly became clear. From darkness to dark blue, it turns into light blue and green, and then the sea is transparent.

A light came from a distance.

Shi Lang stood at the lighthouse and lifted his hand toward the totem. The totem was intertwined into a galaxy-like light powder, wrapped around her body and turned into a glittering and gorgeous white dress princess dress.

Shi Wei: "..."

The tulle on the skirt fluttered in the wind, and the totem returned to the moment of Shi Lang. A light wave bloomed from the top of the lighthouse, forming a shock wave that spread toward the entire world of consciousness.

Suddenly, the monsters in the deep sea suddenly disappeared, and the sea level hundreds of meters high collapsed like a mountain, disappearing without a trace. Yu Yu regained consciousness, hugged with the generals, and fell to the sea again!


His consciousness was back, and the general violently hugged him. The rest of the embers disappeared and turned around. The second time they fell from a height of 100 meters and screamed.

"Ah, ah-"

The two men fell to the surface like a meteor, and the last moment they entered the sea suddenly whistled, the generals took advantage of the embers, and they turned around in a flat, a golden armored suit with a ray of light, pedaling the clouds, and taking him to the sea. Fly into the sky and hover around!


Yu Wei: "..."

The general turned his head and said to Yu Yu: "You are not afraid of hanging up!"

Yu Yan stood on the muscles of the clouds and embraced the general's waist from behind and laughed.

The sky was exposed to the white belly, the generals stepped on the tendon clouds, and the embers hovered over the lighthouse. Shi Yan stood in the middle of the lighthouse, and the embers turned back. Shi Lang launched a princess dress and bowed to the two under the star.

"Thank you." Shi Yan had tears in his eyes.

Yu Wei thought that he still had to say a few words. The general was holding a golden hoop, and the other hand took **** in the food. The owner of the dream world waved away, carrying the embers, and flew away without saying anything.

On the top of the mountains, Yu Yu and the general sat on a platform facing the east. The protruding rock platform was very small. The general was sitting on the rock wall, and the embers were in his arms. The two watched. Waiting for the coming of the light.

"There are some muscles that should have been used for a long time!" Yu Yu cried and laughed, "Why did you finally summon?"

"I really don't know!" The general looked innocent and said, "The last moment I don't know why, there is also a gold armor, and there is also a cloud."

"Now I feel that I am so strong." The general said, "A stick can kill a large group, but unfortunately it is not blamed."

Yu Yu laughed, his back against the chest of the big monkey, feeling his powerful and warm heartbeat.

"The sun is coming out." Yu Yu said.

"Yeah." The general said, "It’s dawn, it’s good night."

The sun rises and shines on the world of dreams. The entire sea is illuminated with a transparent jelly-like color. The tides sweep over the corals and the colorful shells, and then retreat instantly, and the sound of "唰" flashes.

On the sea, floating broken trees rise and fly to the bay and regroup into villages.

The sun rises, the walls and roofs are brightly colored, and the houses one after another are automatically built like blocks. They are flying along the sea-facing harbor to the mountains.

All the vegetation outside the harbor is resurrected, like a carpet flying, and flowers bloom.

The sun rises, the mountains melt, and the clear river flows down the green into the sea.

The woods and the wind blew, the birds screamed, and the tens of leaves rustled. The NPCs woke up and shouted from far away.

The lighthouse faded black, the outer wall turned into snow white, and the bells of "when and when" sounded in the city. The fishing boat carried the floating load and lifted the sails, and sailed to the wind and the beautiful sea.

The sun rose and shone on the embers and generals.

"Do we still meet again?" Yu Yu looked at the golden sun of the golden light, and the general raised his hand and stopped him in front of his forehead.

"This is really not going to happen," said the general.

The two were silent for a moment, and Yu Yu looked at the fairy-tale harbor and said, "I have a lot of words to ask you, but I know that you will not say anything. General, I don't want to say goodbye to you."

General: "To be honest, I have also expected that there will be someone who can stand in front of me after countless times when the sun rises. I will find me again. On the day you gave me the totem, I... forget it, Yu Yu..."

When I heard this, the heart of Yu Yu suddenly fell.

Yu Yu turned his head and said: "Where are you? I am coming to you! General! I will come!"

"It's a pity that dreams are dreams, and they can only be dreams. When the sun rises, we have to say goodbye."

"From now on, live well, you will slowly forget me."

Yu Yudao: "No! I will never forget you!"

"After many years, your memory will become more and more blurred, and you will begin to convince yourself that this is just a dream."

"Wait!" Yu Yudao said, "I still have a lot to say!"

The general took the golden light in front of Yu Yu’s forehead and pressed it to his forehead. However, Yu Yu raised his hand and resisted his palm, and then with his fingers.

Yu Yu shouted: "I don't want to say goodbye to you! Let me say goodbye! General!"

Yu Yu turned over and the general had already pressed it up and covered him on his forehead.

"There is me in the sun, there is me in the wind, there is me in the heavens and the earth, there is me in my dreams, I have been there, I have never been separated from you, good night."

Yu Yu was turned into a light powder, and suddenly disappeared in the arms of the generals, and the dream of Shi Lang was popped up.

It was dawn, and the sun shone in from the floor-to-ceiling windows of the living room, shining on the face of Yu Yu. He opened his eyes in the glare of the sun, remembering the last moment in the dream, the heart jumped like a drum, making him a little breathless.

He glanced at the phone, at 7:30, Shi should still not wake up, let her feel the dream after the sun rises.

Chen Yukai still did not return news, not a moment, Zhou Sheng came to the news.

【have you woken up? I washed it. 】

He returned to Zhou Sheng’s news, got up and washed, and recalled every detail from the beginning of the general. The most difficult thing for people is to recognize their own minds. Yu Yi was not willing to think more, but many thoughts, even if they don't go into details, it is still there.

Just like I actually liked a person in a dream.

Yu Yu decided to take a diary and write down the general. In fact, when he woke up from his dreams, even the general's monkey looks like a voice, and he couldn't remember it. Every time after waking up, the details, the process, and even the words will gradually fade away, just like the ice in the flowing water, completely disappearing into the memory.

In the dream alone, the impression and emotion that suddenly surged in the moment still flowed in his blood vessels.

Yu Wei tried to play a few lines, but could not accurately describe these dreams. He had to delete it, remember it, and then delete it. He stubbornly thought, he must write it down. This will be the most important thing in his life. One of the memories.

Shi Wei sent a message to him: [Teacher, are you up? 】

Yu Yu returned to Shi Lang’s news, Shi Wei said: [I want to eat McDonald’s early. 】

Yu Yu went down to buy breakfast, brought it to Shi Lang, Shi Yan wearing pajamas, looked tired, opened the door to him, said: "Chou Sheng also come over to eat?"

"He came." Yu Yu had a snack, and he was still a dream and a general in his mind. He replied: "It's coming soon."

Shi Hao entered the room to change clothes, and Yu Yu sat down on the sofa, took out his mobile phone and sent a message to Zhou Sheng.

Suddenly the sound of the door lock sounded, and he looked up.

Doesn't it mean that the babysitter is not coming today?

Yu Yu quickly smashed his hair, thinking about how to explain, the door opened, a middle-aged person inside, closed, keyed, anti-lock, is the beam of a down jacket.

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