Seized by the System

Chapter 364: All methods do not exist, the heavens are not

When Fang Ning reads "Sound of Buddha's Sound", a gorgeous Chinese villa is located across the ocean and on the east suburb of San Francisco in the west coast of the United States.

In a home theater in the villa, a man in black robe is leaning back on the purple sofa, staring intently at the large, high-definition curved screen opposite.

Behind him, there is a charming white Western woman, who is respectfully respectful and waits with great care.

A mythical series is playing on the screen, which seems to be a very early product.

The plot is very old, the picture is older, and some rough fighting scenes appear from time to time, and the high-definition movie special effects now can not be compared at all.

However, the black-robed man looked very attentively.

What's even more strange is that the screen playback speed is extremely fast.

A frame by frame picture flashes quickly, as if playing at high speed.

The man in black robe looks mediocre, with a cold color in his eyebrows, and the cold light reveals in his eyes, which makes people shudder.

Even more frightening is the silence surrounding him.

It seemed that the surrounding air had been completely frozen by his cold mood, and even stopped flowing, no airflow appeared.

If ordinary people appear beside him, I am afraid that they will be suffocated alive, because it is really "breathing" ...

In a few moments, when the man was looking attentively, he suddenly frowned and looked up to the west, seeming to perceive something.

Then he smiled slightly on his face, the cold colors disappeared, and the surrounding air suddenly returned to normal.

The summer wind outside the window blew in at once, bringing some hotness.

"Oh, Fang Ning, in the end you are just a mortal man. Greedy and hard to beat, go round and round, or hook. My" Buddha Sing "is so easy to learn and use?"

He said something inexplicable, but the white woman beside him was still silent and silent.

It didn't take long for the man in black robe to wave his hand, and the screen suddenly stopped suddenly.

Later, he let out a long breath.

"It turns out that it's not that you are too smart, but that your race has given you enough knowledge. I, the devil, is not a smart person, not to lose to you alone, but to your ethnic group."

Zhi Nan smiled faintly, and he had figured out why Fang Ning could see through his only weakness.

The original knowledge on the earth has long given hints.

Coupled with Mo Laoer venting his own bottom, if the other party can not think, it is strange.

Fang Ning, an ordinary mortal, could make the real dragon **** of the upper realm choose, rise up as an oriental lighthouse in one year, and deter the world. So far, no demon dared to come forward. Sure enough, he is special.

But the root of his true failure was his mysterious existence, which was hard to perceive and faintly formed into rules.

Could it be the true dragon spirit read attached to him?

But he can recognize all things in the realm, and the True Dragon family is naturally no exception. It should be said that he is the object of his staring, but the other party is worse than his two major events ...

However, in his memory, there is no such thing as a true dragon god.

The head of the true dragon clan "Long Wu" once blew the cowhide several times, saying that there is a legendary true dragon supreme, mysterious, unpredictable, and mighty, and everyone laughed "haha" after listening to it. Because the other party is not blowing this kind of cowhide.

It should be right, otherwise, this Fang Ning has something special, and there is no way to rise so fast, even the demon master of his own demon, the devil has been pitted in his hands.

Long Wu really is a cunning guy. No wonder he is the patriarch. Those real dragons are all proud and arrogant, and most of them have no blood relationship ...

This is called "the truth is the truth, the truth is the truth."

It was deliberately blown out on the bright surface. On the surface, it seemed to frighten others, but in fact it made others think that he was bragging and did not exist. This is called black under the lamp.

Others will naturally go to search, and found that there is no, will not be careful in the future.

The demon himself thought that the True Dragon Supreme didn't exist at all, so he was cruelly punished by him.

Otherwise, you won't be so careless, and you have lost a precious demon body. You must know that in order to be able to travel through the lower realm safely, you have tempered countless hours in the upper realm, spent countless precious materials, and reached the Buddha's vajra state early.

It's a pity that it's hard to guard against thieves if you are stronger than King Kong!

Now this temporarily condensed body, it has been difficult to restrain the Chivalrous Armor with the same strength.

Pity, hate, sigh, a sad relationship ...

He stopped his thoughts, then stood up and said lightly: "Claudia, what did I let you do, how did you accomplish it?"

It turned out that the white woman was Claudia's sister Claudia.

She turned into a stone and hid with the clan in the secret atmosphere of Xia Kejia. It was a long time since her brother returned.

It was later discovered by Zhi Nan who entered the mysterious realm and was taken out together, and now acts as a temporary under the other party.

Although she hides very well, the sky eyes of Xia Kejia are useless, but in the eyes of the demon master, it is naturally like a candle.

At this time Claudia heard the words and hurriedly bowed her head: "The supreme devil, the little devil has done everything according to your instructions."

Zhi Nan smiled and nodded, "It's a good job, doesn't it take any effort?"

Claudia responded diligently: "The devil is wise, everything is as you expected, it is natural."

"Very well, as expected, mortals, all they need is a spiritual sustenance." He smiled faintly.

Claudia bowed his head and admired: "The devil is high. The people outside are panic-stricken. All the technology companies you need for naming are bought by us cheaply. There are even many people who want to give us away in vain. Quota. "

"Oh, people are different from each other," smiled again on the face after being ill-witted, and then brought a trace of disdain, "In my happy land, some people give up and some people know treasures. "

"Some people will not be able to pull in; some people will beg to nowhere."

"Sometimes sooner or later, those who have abandoned their ruins will regret it ..."

He said word for word, and finally his face was cold again.

Claudia didn't dare to answer a sentence. The "existence" referred to in the other party's sentence, she knew exactly who there would be.

At least knightly knight must be one of them.

In front of her brother, she was free to comment on the knightly armor, just as ants can also point to elephants.

Now, standing in front of another elephant, of course she dare not speak.

Zhi Nan quickly controlled his fluctuating emotions, and then looked at the still mythical drama on the screen, thoughtfully.

For a few moments, he seemed to decide.

I saw him pulling a new black robe he was wearing, and threw it into the front screen.

Claudia looked surprised. What was the other party doing?

Even if you want to get the data, but in front of you is just a monitor, you have to vote for the computer host next to it ...

She wanted to remind her, but soon she was glad she didn't say it.

The black robe was like a snake, and it got into the screen at the next moment.

In a few moments, a plain middle-aged man appeared.

He had two crooked beards, just like a character in the screen, wearing the black robe that Zhi Nan had cast into the screen just now.

As soon as he appeared, he knelt directly on the ground, his hands folded.

"Black robe, I have seen the Buddha. The Buddha has passed from generation to generation, unifying the heavens."

"Oh, yes, you really have the memory inside." Zhi Zhi nodded and smiled.

The black robe reverently replied: "Thank you for the great grace of the Buddha, so that the black robe can truly be resurrected into this world.

"Very good, but it's a pity that the robe I was wearing was destroyed by the knightly armor. Otherwise, you will directly reach the peak of this power in this transformation." Zhi Nan was more satisfied, and then deeply hated Start a guy.

Without destroying his body, he still destroys all the powder with righteousness, otherwise, he can still reunite through the void.

He thought for a while and then said, "In this case, I will send you into the realm of black robe now. Where the Holy Saint allows you to absorb power. You will strengthen the soul to the so-called lake level of this world and come out to see me again. "

Black robe heard this, nodded again at the moment, folded his hands together: "Cherish the Buddha's decree."

After he finished speaking, the black robe on his body suddenly shook and covered him.

For a few moments, he disappeared all over.

When Claudia saw this, she immediately envied.

When she was in the upper realm, she had heard that the state of the happy land of the Mental Restricted Demon Lord can help the soul of the gods quickly and powerfully.

With a strong spirit, you can do more with less effort, regardless of cultivation or learning.

Even after death, you can survive more time than others.

In the words of the earthman, the scene just now is equivalent to that the devil white gave the black robe a powerful golden finger.

She now decides to play well for the devil, and she believes that the devil who is famous for wisdom should have clear rewards and punishments.

Afterwards, it was a pity that her elder brother did not know where to go and could not be reached.

Although there is a vague sense of blood, knowing that the other party must not be dead, but it is estimated that he will not have such a good fortune.

If the other party is also present, the efficiency of your contribution can be greatly improved.

After all, the elder brother is the chief of the Bloodstone Demon Patriarch and has real power.

Claude, who was picking big fat in the dragon mystery, fought a cold war, and then wiped a sweat.

If he knew his sister ’s thoughts, he would definitely say that I knew I could hold the golden thigh of the demon master level so easily, so I was too lazy to hit the idea of ​​the yin secret.

It ’s not that the secret is not good, but that the price / performance ratio is too bad.

Chivalrous Armor and Gu Buwei are afraid of the "Wisdom" masters.

But for these low-level demons, there is no way out.

Difficulty is not a small person who just accepts ...

As strong as the role of the black cat Tom, he didn't look at him.

Like Yamanashi Saki, it seems to be just a little girl, but it is a descendant of heaven and spirit.

He is fond of people who can get along with the rules of heaven and earth and can influence the future direction of the world ...

When Zhi Nan faded his black robe, a modern suit appeared, and then he stood up.

"Go, now take me to see the technological crystallization of humans ~ ~ I believe they will give me a bigger surprise."

Claudia quickly followed the example of the man in black robe, and folded her hands together: "Cherish the Buddha's Law."

The wise master nodded and smiled.

At this moment, the confidence that I had lost before returned to me all at once.

He had the handle of the knightly knight and knew who his real opponent was.

Of course he is confident.

He believes that with his own wisdom, his ideal will no longer be a castle in the sky, but will become a real reality.

Earth heaven? True Dragon Supreme?

Just let my devil master be stubborn, the devil sage, the incarnation of wisdom, and the two legends of you exist, and have a good fight.

I want all things to be in this world, not the heavens.

And I have a hard time, I will set up a new heaven and a new law!

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