Seized by the System

Chapter 358: 1 little flower

"Gu Buwei is really wealthy, it would be nice if he was blocked twice by intellectual difficulties ..." The uncle of the system voice could not help but hope and excitement.

After listening to it, Fang Ning was very speechless. That unlucky child is probably still grateful to the uncle of the system ...

"What kind of broken magic weapon, all melted down, material recovery. Antique paintings and calligraphy? What are these, I heard that they are very valuable ...?"

The uncle of the system asked Fang Ning.

"The troubled gold, the prosperous age of antiques, now have a lot of price drops. These antiques and calligraphy and paintings should be valuable later. Keep it first, and keep the fresh food area."

Fang Ning has no love for antiques and no professional knowledge, but he knows that this thing is really expensive, and the higher the price, the higher the prosperity.

It is definitely not possible to shoot now, and the people are panicked, it is time for some professionals to bargain.

The uncle of the system then puts precious pieces of calligraphy and painting porcelain into the fresh-keeping area of ​​the system.

There is almost a grocery store now. If Zheng Dao is helping to sell the goods, some of them will be changed in time.

No matter how big the space is, I ca n’t resist the uncle filling it in 24 hours.

Fang Ning endured for a while, and finally couldn't help saying: "Uncle, you don't need to use my body to view the magic weapon, first give me ten days of leave ..."

The uncle of the system Zhenzhen said: "What you play with you is that I don't care about you for ten days from now. If you feel panic, you can go to the Dragon Mystery to breathe. It is safe, the place is big, and there are many acquaintances."

Fang Ning was speechless, he said in a huff: "You just make it for me? I knew I shouldn't tell you the details of the mentally difficult ... Uncle of the system, you have changed, it is no longer the previous honest system."

The uncle of the system counted his belongings in the space equipment, but he straightened up and said: "The people who are close to Zhu are red, the people who are close to Mexico are black, I am all influenced by you. Besides, I have not lied, I will give you ten. Days off, and did not say to end the trust of your body ... "

"Yes, you wait," Fang Ning hummed into the dragon mystery.

"Wait and wait, anyway, you have severe late procrastination, and you will forget when you drag." The uncle of the system didn't care.

Outsiders are now panicking, the entertainment industry is sluggish, and game novels are stagnant.

Several lovers have married online games, ghost areas, ghost areas, death suits and death suits, the only current upsurge, the still hot "Fighting Beasts", or his gold base, he naturally has little interest .

So he was not interested in going online and wanted to go out and play.

Fang Ning dragged the shell of the soul like a substance, and fell into the mysterious realm of the dragon.

Just now, a high-pitched, strange song filled his ears, giving him an inexplicable sense of intimacy, so he immediately followed the voice and looked at it.

The voice came from the medicine garden.

At this time, some Baishi people were busy inside, carefully taking care of a plant of precious medicinal plants and taking care of them properly.

These jobs may seem inconspicuous, but trying to find something comparable to them on earth is difficult.

It ’s incredible to know that many delicate flowers and plants are accustomed to tricks and even need to sing to grow well.

And these medicinal materials that cherish thousands of times are not far behind, for example, the old man who is fast and wise ...

No, Fang Ning quickly found the source of the singing voice.

It turned out that a sturdy Baishi man squatted on the ground and was singing loudly to this lush and strong old man who had not known his colleagues several times before.

"One ... a little ... a little ... a flower ... la ... la ... la ..."

The voice is thick, the sound is rough, unprecedented, enough to make the audience cry, the listener collapses.

Beside this sturdy stone man, there is also a woman wearing a thick labor uniform.

She looked average, and was covering her forehead with her right hand at the moment, with a look of pain in her face.

However, the old man's ginseng seemed to be very enjoyable, shaking the fat leaves from time to time, seeming to be in harmony with the beat.

Lying trough, this ginseng is really good ...

Fang Ning's temperament improved a lot at once, and he didn't disturb the Stone Man's singing.

Because, that's just a little witch sees a big witch ...

He has heard songs that are even more unpleasant than this, and he is not in tune at all. Anyway, this strong stone man has no out of tune ...

It also gave him a special kind of intimacy, maybe the two of them could become bosom friends.

When Fang Ning stepped into the scope of the medicine garden, all the green leaves of the crude medicine rose at the same time, seeming to welcome the real owner.

Fang Ning froze for a moment, then looked around, very surprised. Could it be that so many cherished medicinal herbs must be refined?

That's big ...

Unfortunately, he soon heard the bad news.

The plain looking woman in working clothes quickly lowered her head and said to the old man ginseng: "Grandpa, take the magical power, don't scare the leader ..."

At this time, Fang Ning saw the score clearly. The old man ginseng shook his leaves for a while, and all the plants in the medicine garden suddenly returned to their original state.

Sure enough, he is the "king of hundred medicines", and he can order group medicines ...

And the stone man with a strong square still didn't stop singing, still there "a little flower la la la" there, and then sang.

"Crawstone, you sang all morning, let's take a break, I'll continue." Zhao Xin said politely to the strong man of Baishi.

Crouch touched his head and said embarrassedly: "This old ginseng likes me to sing. If it is replaced by someone else, it will get angry again."

"Who said, the governor of this book is proficient in the temperament, I believe it must also like it." Fang Ning heard it, coughed twice, and came forward.

He came here at this moment. "Singing" was also a big hobby of him. When he was in elementary school, he used a few small books to copy popular lyrics. Unfortunately, he never found a friend.

When I used to go to work, those **** went to kTV to sing, and I told him not to call twice. I really do n’t know Jin Yuyin.

Now when I look at the appearance of this old man's ginseng, it should be my confidant. This opportunity cannot be missed.

Fang Ning couldn't find the fun on the Internet, so naturally he had to regain the hobbies he had before.

So he walked in front of the old man ginseng, Ke Laoshi saw it, and immediately retreated to the side honestly, giving up the best singing position.

At this time, no one knew, and no one would think he was a **** blood demon.

He can do what a devil can do with "intellectual difficulty". This is what makes the new era attractive. Everyone can be different.

Seeing this, the old man danced with excitement, green foliage, shaking up and down, as if welcoming the leader's singing.

If it can speak, no one will doubt that it has already lived wisely, just like a normal human being.

Zhao Xin also stepped aside, ready to listen to the ears.

She was still very fond of this young warden without a shelf.

The other party was willing to sing to the old man. It was really approachable. It was nothing like the manager of the entire magical realm, the warden of the Dragon Prison Prison.

Both of these identities are big names, and they are known only from the hands of each other.

Zhao Xin is not Xiaobai. She was born from the truth. She has eaten pork and has seen pigs run.

Those gods who come and go do not say, these white stone people, each technology is more than one hundred times stronger than themselves, seemingly ordinary work, you can play flowers in the hands of the other party.

In her view, such a powerful character as Fang Ning can't sing badly. After all, people are also mortal and have strong control.

Fang Ning cleared his throat again, took a deep breath, and sang aloud.

"One ... a little ... a little ... a flower ... la ... la ... la ..."

There were n small circles immediately on Zhao Xin's head, and he almost fell to the ground. Fortunately, Crowe helped her, and showed a simple smile to her.

"Thank you, the leader's singing is really unique."

"Yeah, it's really the sound of nature," Ke Laoshi looked at Fang Ning, who was forgetting, with an admiring look.

"Uh, you're honest, you should be telling the truth, is it something wrong with my aesthetic?" Zhao Xin listened carefully.

It's not as good as Crowe's singing. Although they sing rough, they are at least tuned.

There is a total of seven words for this grown-up prisoner, none of which is being adjusted ...

She thought of this, and quickly went to see the old ginseng, lest it be destroyed by this magic sound ...

As a result, she was surprised that the old ginseng, with its lush green foliage, was swaying back and forth, as if the music sounded like to dance, it seemed to be an intoxication.

Fang Ning was so relieved to see the old man.

So he went on to sing the next sentence he wrote.

"Two ... flowers ... small ... flowers ... laugh ... ha ... ha"

Zhao Xin only felt weak, and she slowly backed off, then pulled out the earplugs to plug her ears.

She was afraid to listen for a long time and was washed into a tone.

Fang Ning sang all afternoon as soon as he couldn't get rid of it. Know that he was also a wheat bully, but no one appreciated it below.

Throughout the afternoon, Bai Shiren's work efficiency was greatly reduced, and there were quite a few accidents.

Finally, the Patriarch Shigan couldn't stand it anymore. He came over and interrupted the excited Fang Ning.

"Sovereign, maybe it's different races. We and the nobility have a big difference in music appreciation. Do you think it's time for us to sing a song with this sibling when we rest at night?

"Uh," Fang Ning still had some self-knowledge, and he stopped singing with trepidation.

He made up his mind secretly, and after a while he built a greenhouse for the old man to sing.

Fang Ning left unhappily.

Soon after he left, the old ginseng, who was fascinated by the song, suddenly danced in a frantic manner, a look of unrequited love.

"Kelaishi, quickly bring a bucket of water."

"Okay, Miss Zhao, but I can ask, what's the use of clear water? It seems that a big brother just watered it just now."

"Wash ears ..."

"Uh, okay, okay, I'll go right away."

Crowstone heard ~ ~ and he was shocked, and then went back to the water without looking back.

Damn it, the demon blocked the hearing just now, and this was not poisoned by the magic sound.

This warden is really hidden, this song is much more powerful than the spirit of evil spirits ...

I didn't get it right, he was actually testing the devil ...

It ’s okay to lie by yourself, but just using your power to close your hearing, it ’s not like something that honest stonemen can do.

This old man's ginseng always feels that it is not like ginseng essence. It feels that it will be transformed into a success in the future.

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