Seized by the System

Chapter 354: Work hard

"Sovereign is really a benevolent person ..."

A few days later, with the assistance of Fang Ning, Mr. Zhao's family moved into the 3o2 villa on the third floor of the Dragon Mystery.

The three of them stood together, looking out at the medicine garden with a burst of medicinal fragrances in the distance, as well as those busy square people, and finally felt a special relief.

Undercurrents are surging outside, and people's minds are uncertain. Although the overall situation is fairly stable, the economy has shown a severe downward trend, replaced by the prosperity of various military industries.

Of course, the military industry in the new era already has a unique meaning.

Pill medicine, kung fu, formation method, martial arts, cultivation training college and other related industries have begun to flourish.

With Mr. Zhao's net worth inevitable, many industries under his name are shrinking.

Only Qi and Venerable Dragon, as well as the future son-in-law Fang Ning, the Yuanqi medicine company, both produced and sold well. & 1t; i> & 1t; / i>

Not only can it make up for the losses of other industries, but it is more than enough. This shows that human economic activities are quietly transferring.

The technical staff with the mysterious mountain squirrel king has expanded its enrollment several times and cannot meet the production needs.

"It's rare to still be able to connect to the Internet here, although it seems a bit unstable ... but it's okay. In this case, until next year, according to His Holiness's instructions, we won't go out for the time being, I will manage related matters remotely."

President Zhao told his wife and daughter a few words, and then the family went back to the villa and began a life of ordinary life in the mysterious realm of the dragon.

At this time, who can still be qualified to live a plain life, in fact, who is the real cow ......


Fang Ning settled down with his future father-in-law's family, and immediately dropped a big stone in his heart, and then retreated back to the system cybercafé safely. & 1t; i> & 1t; / i>

It did n’t take long for him to receive the black dog> Black dog: "Master? Master White Dragon, is there?"

Fang Ning: "I'm here, is something wrong, Xiaohei?"

Black Dog: "I want to see the first person today, but I don't know what to say ..."

Fang Ning said in a big package: "This is simple, I have a lot of experience. Usually blind date, basically is to ask you about your emotional history, work, house, car ..."

"If the other person asks if you have talked to anyone before ..."

The system prompts: (Your network is disconnected).

"You just say that you have no favorite people, and you want to wait for your career to succeed."

"If the other person asks you to work ..."

System prompt: (Your network is connected).

"You said that the owner introduced you a little, and I was very happy when I was doing it, and I worked very hard ..." & 1t; i> & 1t; / i>

"As for the house, the car ... you took some of the 10,000 square meters of villas in our house and the luxury cars that the neighbor William in the south drove, and each of them was completed."

Black Dog: "Xiaohe understands, thank you Master Bailong."

"Wait," Fang Ning saw the system prompt after typing.

Suddenly there is a problem with the words just now, hurry> system prompt: (your network has been disconnected).

Lying trough ...

Fang Ning quickly asked the uncle of the system: "What's the matter, are you messing around again? Why is the network so unstable?"

The uncle of the system grieved: "You're innocent and innocent, I can't bear this pot. I have kept the connection to the wireless network outside. You have to find someone outside to carry this pot."

When Fang Ning thought about it, he suddenly understood that it must have been a cause of panic and there was a problem in the maintenance of network infrastructure. & 1t; i> & 1t; / i>

There are usually a lot of small problems, but it has no effect if it is handled in a timely manner.

Now that natural disasters are at the forefront, it is estimated that most people at work are absent-minded, thinking about how to prepare for the fleeing and escape, so that where problems should not occur, there will also be problems, and problems will not be dealt with in time.

Just like when I used to go to work, every Friday afternoon, I was expecting and nervous: if there is another disaster at this time to notify "Saturday Overtime", it goes without saying that the bug rate has risen sharply.

The problematic product code is often concentrated on Friday and Saturday.


In a city in the south, there is a clinic that says "Let you find true happiness".

The clinic area is very large, but at this time it is deserted and there are no guests.

In the past, all the men in black suits who maintained order disappeared. & 1t; i> & 1t; / i>

Only two middle-aged nurses on duty were chatting about the two dogs in the courtyard behind the clinic.

One is a black dog and the other is a golden retriever.

"That black dog is really strong. Although it is not big, look at the strong hind limbs and the pectoralis major muscles. It's absolutely amazing! I want to take more pictures."

"Isn't it? My family is a fitness coach. After so many years of practice, I haven't reached this point. It's not as good as a dog, so I still dazzle in front of the old lady every day, go home and take pictures to kill him! "

"Haha, what Xiu said is."

When the two nurses gossip, a conversation is spreading in the courtyard behind the clinic.

Female Golden Retriever, the dog's face asked shyly: "Brother Kuroko, have you talked to anyone before?"

The black dog stretched out his front legs, touched his head, and recalled seriously: "The host introduced me to some ..." & 1t; i> & 1t; / i>

The female golden retriever then asked curiously: "So what do you think of them?"

Black Dog continued to recall seriously: "I was very happy when I was doing it, very hard ..."

"It turns out you are a rogue dog! I don't talk to you." The female golden retriever listened, flicking its fluffy golden tail and left.

"Uh," the black dog saw, and immediately stunned the dog. "I just responded according to the owner's WeChat. What happened?"

Somewhere near the courtyard window, the two gossip nurses stopped chatting and were lying on the window eavesdropping.

After seeing this scene, they could not help but endure.

"Hey, this **** dog is really an honest dog."

"Yeah, even if it does have a good time with the previous object, it can't be said directly, it's stupid, hahaha." & 1t; i> & 1t; / i>

The two nurses laughed back and forth.

"You ca n’t blame it. It ’s not a human after all. It ’s not as high as our EQ. You do n’t have to say, I ’ve seen a lot of people who are stupid than him. Just like the old man who came back to the clinic How can it be possible to turn your age into a little girl?

"We are a **** transfer clinic, not a place for rejuvenation and rejuvenation. If I can really do that, I have to become a guy if I smash the pot and sell iron ..."

"Sister Xiu, when you say this, I think about it, this person is really stupid than a dog. Hey, don't say that, I recently saw a rumor on the Internet that there is a happy land, As long as you learn the three volumes of the mantra, you can throw away the flesh and go inside to rejuvenate and rejuvenate, everything you have ... "

"I have also read that news and it will be blocked soon. It should be a pitman, but we see masters every day, the young girl is so powerful, and people have never mentioned this before. Let's take the time to ask it and say it again. Listen to the big guys, follow the others behind, and it is safe to come. "& 1t; i> & 1t; / i>

"Yes, Yeah, what Xiu said is. I think it is the same. Is n’t this the same as those evil people who devour blood and flesh to practice? It is estimated that it is used by fishermen. Let us throw the flesh and do n’t know when we die. How did you die? There is no lack of such a devil in the publicity manual under the special affairs office. "

The two nurses reminded each other that they decided not to be guilty of this evil. However, they are knowledgeable and related people.


The black dog went back to the big worm's office unhappily.

"The blind date failed?"

The big caterpillar was lying on the window sill and was basking in the sun. It was too full for the first two days, but it has not been digested.

"Yeah, I always answered according to the master's teaching, how could this be? The master certainly won't lie to me." The black dog's face was distraught.

"Oh, would you still invite me to dinner? I've introduced it to you." Daqing Worm asked. & 1t; i> & 1t; / i>

"My black dog promises a lot of money, and of course I will, but I can only offer some discounts. I failed too fast this time." Black Dog said weakly.

"Okay, I will introduce you a few beautiful dogs for free to ensure your satisfaction." The big green worm turned his eyes, and his brain moved, "Hey, I can open a dating agency in the future and expand the business scope."

"If I can be a member, count me as one, should veteran members be able to make a discount?" Black Dog asked busyly.

Near Zhu Zhechi, he also learned some ways to save money.

"You actually want to make a discount? I can break your bones for free, do you want it?" Da Qingworm heard it and exhaled immediately.

The black dog stepped back a few steps at once, swinging his legs again and again, "I'm kidding, how much is it."

"It's about the same. I haven't had enough money for meals recently. Fortunately, Daqinglong asked me to eat it for a month. You still want a discount ..." & 1t; i> & 1t; / i >

Black Gouzi immediately expressed understanding that this seemingly carefree Daqing girl also has a time of sorrow.

As soon as Da Qingworm's voice fell, he received a call.

"Shenma, do you want the truth to ask us to help nurture the bees? Will you pay a big price?

"It's great, the gangs of crushed black guys don't have to eat rice every day, saying that I haven't been treated like that for a long time ..."

The black dog heard something familiar, and he asked tentatively: "Daqing girl, the **** bee you said is related to the **** beeswax. I know where there is a mutated **** beehive. I can help you find it. Is n’t that membership fee waived? "

"Oh," Daqing insect looked back, and said without any surprise, "You must go to help, because this is your master Daqing dragon ... so it is inevitable." & 1t; i> & 1t; / i>

"Uh ... then I'll go home and ask." The human and financial resources were empty, and the black dog was downcast and rushed to the ground.

The next moment, it escaped back to Xia Kejia Farm Villa.

At this time, Knight A is already waiting for it.

"Brit, I just found a glorious job for you. You must work hard to do it well."

The black dog stretched out its front legs weakly and said: "Observe, master."

Fang Ning looked at it, this is not right, the younger brother's state is like being dumped by a dog ...

He then asked: "Berrit, did you fail the blind date?"

The black dog shook his body and admired the moment: "Master has a sharp eye."

Nonsense, your dog's face is written so clearly, I can't see it again, and I will have an IQ with you.

Fang Ning now encouraged: "Sometimes you will come to ~ ~ Those who miss you will regret it sooner or later."

He filled the black dog with a bowl of chicken soup ...

After the black dog drank, he was really refreshed and excited. "The master said, I would like to ask what work this time, I must do it well."

"Go help the big green worms carry the beehives of the gods. You are experienced. Remember not to let them get bitten out of too many bags."

"Follow your orders, Master," the black dog Baili said with great fighting spirit this time.

Then it pounced on the ground again, turned its head and went back to find the big green worm.

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