Seized by the System

Chapter 339: Do your best

Fang Ning was halfway online, and suddenly a thrilling thought flashed in his mind.

Now he rushed back to the iron shop.

The uncle of the system was overjoyed and said: "Big rich man, you finally found your conscience, are you going to work on the front line?"

Fang Ning heard the familiar uncle's voice, and then he let out a sigh of relief.

Yeah, this is in the system space, even if the uncle of heaven comes, he must lie on his stomach ...

He pretended to be like: "No, I will inspect it to see if there are any technological processes here that can be adjusted to improve your production efficiency."

The uncle of the system unraveled him mercilessly: "I see what you just said, it looks like it was scared in ..."

Fang Ning looked around and found that there was no abnormality, and asked: "Don't talk nonsense, have you read the information in the list just now?"

System: "Of course I did. Did you find that the third race was missed?"

Fang Ning heard the words and knew that the handle was caught by the uncle again.

Okay, he just remembered to go back to the Internet early, and forgot it for a while ...

He forcibly explained: "How is it possible, now that I am a pond-level expert, I am so strong in memory that I can carry a library. With just a few pieces of information, I naturally found the problem immediately.

"Tianbei does not even show who the third race is, there must be something wrong. I have been thinking about the reason just now, and suddenly found the problem, thinking about it."

System: "Oh, look, you still admit that you are scared in ..."

Fang Ning Wen Yan vomiting blood: "Uncle, your concern is too strange, you should ask what is wrong at this time?"

"What can be wrong? It is estimated that it missed. What is there to ask." The uncle of the system disdain.

Fang Ning said without words: "Null talk, do you think Tian Dao is a programmer like me, and always get bugs? I think this race, Tian Dao definitely knows, and admits their existence, otherwise it will not be ranked in the top list. Three, and the ghost family that should be third is directly ranked fourth. "

Speaking of this, he helped the glasses that didn't exist, and then two golden lights appeared in his eyes, saying affirmatively:

"There is only one truth, that is, Tian Dao actively covers up the information of this race. This is a special protection. It can be seen that this hidden race must have extraordinary qualifications and great potential. I am afraid that it is the true son of Tian Dao ... the biggest future for humanity. The adversary may be it. "

The uncle of the system said: "You are fooling me again ... hurry to work, go to the Internet less, or you will come to me to work in the iron shop, as long as people are busy, there is no time for fear."

Fang Ning turned a deaf ear and took away the golden sword from the iron shop, and then Shi Shiran returned to the Internet cafe.


Fang Ning is destined not to have any free time. After not playing for long, Ren Ruofeng came to visit.

The uncle of the system sent him out to treat the guests, but Fang Ning didn't want to go.

By mastering the two major financial methods, Fang Ning was a little bit uncomfortable for a while.

He had to go out, and together with Zheng Dao in the living room, received Ren Ruofeng and a group of truth officials.

Fang Ning politely said: "I don't know if you are here, what's your job?"

Ren Ruofeng's face stiffened and closed the folding fan. Then he smiled on his face: "Heard that His Holiness has just received a treasure from Heaven, and I would like to congratulate you."

When Fang Ning heard it, he knew what the other party was thinking.

Although he did not like social communication as always, this year, thanks to the uncle's blessings, he has seen a variety of characters that others have not seen for decades, and his experience has been very rich.

So he extended his right hand generously, and a bluish-purple stone tablet appeared in the palm of his hand, and the pleats gleamed.

"Ren Lao is kind," Fang Ning said, "This is the stone stele that day. The function is magical and unimaginable. This seat is planning to announce it to the world."

Ren Ruofeng carefully looked at the blue-violet stone monument, and his heart flashed an inexplicable sense of loss.

Then he severely suppressed this feeling, could not help secretly mocking himself, did not expect that he could not avoid the vulgar, seeing the strange treasure, will also have a greedy heart.

He now complimented: "As the saying goes, treasures are only home to virtue, and it is not false. Seeing that the Venerable works well, should the treasure have recognized the Lord?"

He has a unique pig carved treasure, which can be seen naturally.

Fang Ning nodded: "Ren Lao really is unparalleled in wisdom, he can see it at a glance."

He thought, wasn't he all beaten into blue and purple by his uncle, and if he didn't recognize the Lord, he would be dead ...

Ren Ruofeng then asked curiously: "I don't know what magic is this strange treasure?"

Fang Ning smiled faintly, thinking it was good to treat guests, and had the chance to pretend again.

He was quiet, the stone in his right palm floated up, and then in the living room, slowly grew larger, and then radiated those golden light fonts.

At first glance, all the visitors suddenly looked horrified.


"World"? Earth, moon?

"Human ghost ghost"?

One by one concept, hit **** their chests, circling in their mind constantly.

Ren Ruofeng's face was calm, but he saw that the third one was missing, his brows were frowned, and he obviously thought that there was something wrong.

Qiao Zi Jiang curiously said: "Sir, the human race can be ranked first, but it is understandable that the third one is missing, what race is it, since you are the master of this stone, can you know?

Fang Ning really didn't know, but he had to pretend ...

So he gently pointed to the ceiling of the living room and said: "Heaven cannot leak."

Everyone heard it, and now it was clear that this was a great secret.

Ren Ruofeng coughed, he always felt that the stele had other mysteries.

So he asked: "Sovereign, dare to ask this day stele apart from showing the ranks of the forces of the Ten Thousand Races, do not know if there are other gods?"

Fang Ning smiled and said no, but just got up and walked out of the courtyard.

Everyone suddenly stunned, and then followed spontaneously.

At this time, the stone tablet in the living room gradually became smaller, and it also automatically followed behind Fang Ning, a very honest look, which made everyone surprised.

Ren Ruofeng couldn't help but say to the white jade pig hidden in the Dantian: "Pig head, you look at the treasures of other people, then you are honest. Looking at you again, you know that you will sleep for me all day long. ... "

The white jade pig carving in his Dantian, turned his lazy waist and said: "Do you think it is good, then you look for it? Unfortunately, people have already recognized the Lord. If you have such a god-given treasure, just be content. God ca n’t favor someone. "

Ren Ruofeng heard this, and it was the same reason, Fu Da pressed himself.

So he stopped talking. Although the pig's head was lazy, it was of great use, and there was nothing wrong with it.

Fang Ning came to the courtyard, and the stone tablet came out.

Everyone stood and stood, their eyes fixed on the stele.

Ren Ruofeng especially looked carefully. In his intuition, this stone monument connection must have been extremely important. It must be more than just showing the power value.

Sure enough, the next moment, everyone could not help but widen their eyes.

Because the stone monument became bigger again, this time it was huge, almost tens of meters high.

On the stone tablet, a huge light gate appeared faintly.

After the light door, there is a cloud-filled place.

In the clouds, there is a vaguely winding road.

On this road, only near the door, there are several clear jade steps.

Back again, it was completely covered by clouds, and only a few outlines of steps could be seen faintly, highlighting the way out of the clouds.

"what is this?"

Everyone was horrified and asked this question at the same time.

"The Road to the Ladder."

The way to the ladder? Everyone tastes these four words.

"What does this mean?"

Someone couldn't help asking.

Fang Ning explained the function of the ladder in detail at the moment. It is said that everyone climbed the ladder together.

After listening to it, everyone was ecstatic after being amazed.

Can follow Ren Ruofeng, which is a fool?

What is power?

In the final analysis, it is who distributes resources.

Now the entrance to the allocation of resources is in the hands of their own people, what it means is self-evident.

Ren Ruofeng's heart dropped a big stone.

Thanks to the long-term relationship with Venerable Dragon, mutual trust and mutual benefit, today I finally saw the most rewarding return.

In the future, China will be able to stand upright, who dares to refute?

Will not let you go up the ladder directly, what do you do?

Of course, this is impossible. Otherwise, at that time, it is estimated that Heavenly Dao will interfere.

But within a reasonable range of micro-manipulation, like the operation of a football match group, Tiandao should not care.

Until now, it is finally my turn to enjoy this privilege of controlling the rules of the game!

The taste of this, who enjoys who knows ... Shenzhou used to have a lot of pits, this is called Tiandao Reincarnation.

Ren Ruofeng asked at the moment: "His Holiness knows, when can the first climb to the ladder be held?"

Fang Ning thought for a while and smiled slightly: "No need to worry. I ditched through Tianbei. It said it would be held before the start of the first season. It is already in August, then it is the end of September or the beginning of October, which is before the fourth quarter. . "

Look, aren't there any benefits now?

Others are still ignorant, so I have nearly two months to prepare, and the gap has virtually widened.

Ren Ruofeng nodded and said, "In this way, we will shoulder the heaviest responsibility for the ten human races, and we will have eight of them, so we must pay attention to sharing benefits and win-win cooperation."

Everyone smiled at each other.

Everyone knows, although it is based on the results of ascending the ladder to allocate resources to all ethnic groups.

But whoever climbed the ladder, wouldn't it be any good for me?

Impossible, at least, Heaven will remember him.

This is the biggest benefit. The so-called heavenly clock is nothing more than that.

I must have climbed the ladder. For a long time, I will be lucky and travel, practice, and good luck.

Before, luck was illusory. Observing chaos theory was a category of probability.

But now, there is a heaven to rule the world, this luck is not necessarily completely random anymore.

Fang Ning nodded his head and said seriously: "For the great cause of the human race ~ ~ should be tolerant."

After listening, everyone finally laughed out loud at the same time.

So, the courtyard of the Xia Kejia Farm Villa was filled with cheerful air.

After everyone laughed, Fang Ning continued: "How to select the candidates is still a problem. It happens that there is already an arena under construction in the mysterious realm of this dragon, which will probably be able to get out in October.

"There is a complete array of formations, and there is the care of the spirits of the realm. Whether it is security or confidentiality, it is the most suitable."

Ren Ruofeng could see the other party's thoughts at a glance, and he promised next: "So, there will be arrangements for Venerable Emperor, and then I will send invitations to all countries.

"I believe that this time, there will never be a story of only 13 countries since the last time the Orderers Alliance was held."

After listening, everyone laughed again, and the cheerfulness in the air was a little thicker.

The uncle of the system admired Ning Pei: "Big rich, you can make a large sum of money again. Your brain is turning too fast."

Fang Ning pretended to say: "Is it right? Those who work hard rule people, those who work rule others."

The uncle of the system suddenly became frustrated: "It turns out that I am a coolie, no wonder I can't make you old."

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