Seized by the System

Chapter 325: The deceased ascended to heaven, carrying people across the sea

Grand Canyon, old railway.

It has been half an hour since the dark ghost train disappeared.

An old steam train has been repainted to pale gold.

It is covered with golden light and can warm people's hearts at a glance, standing quietly on the rails.

Qiao Zishan, Qiao Zijiang, Lilac, and other members of the special investigation team were all dumbfounded.

His Holiness really never lied, he was really busy just now ...

This ghost train originally had a length of more than two hundred meters. How can it be completed in half an hour if such a large workload is replaced by others?

Not to mention, it was renovated inside and out.

The original ghost train was full of evil spirits. It was very strange and daunting. When you saw it, you had to have a nightmare.

And now this one, the golden light is shining, bright blind eyes, enduring the golden light to look carefully, there are two rows of large letters painted on the body.

"The deceased ascended to heaven, carrying people across the sea."

"Shenlong Special Train, 20180718."

After the golden train appeared, Xia Kejia walked up, and the exclusive carriage opened to him automatically.

Uh, this VIP box treatment is automatically opened to His Holiness.

When the Venerable got in the car, the other cars opened in turn, but this time, there was no more terror in it, but a faint sandalwood smell, which made people calm.

Everyone was stunned, one by one do not know whether to keep up.

It was still Qiao Zi Jiang Jiling, who followed behind and first selected a soft sleeper car to enter.

As soon as she entered, the soft sleeper door closed.

This is how everyone understands that co-owners are too extravagant. Is there only one person in each compartment?

There are a total of 20 cars in this car. Okay, they only have 10 people here. Everyone can stay very spacious.

After everyone got on the train, the golden train started slowly, and it soon disappeared in the west of the canyon.


Necropolis, the source of Yin Qi.

Outside the shallow pool of water.

Thousands of kilometers away, on a hillside, among the yellow woods.

Valery and Alexey were staring closely at Tan Shui.

According to good agreement, if any outsiders are found approaching the pool, they will be killed as soon as possible.

However, they did not know at all and said to lie in ambush together. In fact, the other two groups had already fled.

Black Cat Tom took a group of men and withdrew from the ambush that was assigned to him.

A black man asked, "Boss, where are we going now?"

Black Cat Tom glanced at him and replied: "That guy will come in soon, I will play the mantis to catch the cicada again, the cardinals are behind. But you are too weak, I have to find a safe place to put you Hidden, when I become the master of the secret realm, you can come out. "

The crowd immediately moved, but nothing else, Master Tom really didn't have to say anything to his opponent.

Tom nodded when he saw it. It was clear that the basic market had to be stable before it had the potential for sustainable development.

In this way, even if you fail outside, you can make a comeback at any time.

If you can get this secret realm, even if it is only one third, you can really lay the foundation.

Others are developing steadily, and they cannot be left behind.

Anyway, he is now a lake-level cat ...

It was just this time, that Knight Knight came again ... Uncle Tom must get a big bargain from him.

In the eyes of Tom's black cats, a sharp light flashed.

In a few words, it ordered the men to stop.

It looked around and saw that it was a valley, full of yin and white bones.

It's actually wondering, where did these bones come from?

It plans to wait for the land to be seized, then let the scientists come in to test it and analyze whether it has anything to do with the earth ...

"Okay, you are hiding here, don't come out of anything, wait for my news."

The men claimed that the black cat jumped into the air, and the whole cat disappeared into the air.


Claude also took his sister and a group of bloodstone demons away from the deep pool.

He glanced at everyone, "From the expression of the black cat, Dongfang Lighthouse holds the real candidate of this undead secret."

Claudia was horrified, and she understood why her brother had gestured to prepare her for retreat.

She asked reluctantly at the moment: "Is this precious secret realm, so that the hand can not be given to the knights?"

Claude sneered: "It's impossible. Chivalrous One is righteous. He doesn't fit in here and will definitely not be recognized by the secret world.

"And the candidate in his hand should be a prisoner in that mysterious dragon prison. His nature must be the same as ours. He will never rest assured that he will be released as the master of the secret realm."

Claudia suddenly said: "In this way, he can't really occupy this place, then he is at most a day trip, we still have a chance."

Claude was indeed a truly intelligent person, as can be seen from the fact that he was not delivered by the Black Cat.

With his analysis basically complete, Fang Ning did not intend to make Ma Dechun the master of the secret realm.

He knows human nature too much, how many ungrateful people have become emperors? Countless.

Claude nodded: "We have a great chance. The appearance of knighthood is not necessarily a good thing. It's just that he has heavenly eyes, and his eyes are too sharp, so you can't be present."

When Claudia heard this, she looked at the others.

The other bloodstone demons nodded, and then suddenly turned into stone carvings.

Among those stone carvings, flecks of blood-red stone patterns flew out, and they all penetrated into Claudia's chest.

When the imprint flew away, the stone sculptures were scattered on the ground and turned into ordinary lacquered black stones.

Claude nodded, and then his figure shook.

His whole body is gradually changing, and not long after, he turned into a tall and square Bai Shiren!

Then he smiled and said: "Oh, now I can use the Victim Armor to get this necropolis generously."

"Brother Gao Ming."

Claudia sensed it carefully, but only a pesky taste of Shiraishi, a **** and fragrant smell that was not used to it, was very admired.

Claude nodded. "I will call Crowstone in the future. Remember, don't call my brother again. And you are hiding here, don't go around."

"Understood, Mr. Crowstone." Claudia looked serious, and then turned into a black stone, scattered in a large number of black stones. It was impossible to see any difference at all.

Claude glanced, then stretched out his hand to the surrounding soil, and saw the layers of mud surging automatically, covering all the stones deeply.

After doing all this, he walked towards the pool without looking back.


I don't know how long it has passed. There is a golden light over the water. Among the golden light, a train looms and emerges from the void.

On the hillside thousands of meters away, among the yellow woods.

Both Valery and Alexey were staring closely at the nearby Tan Shui, and naturally found this scene.

"Valery, look at it, look at it. Appeared, appeared, and actually came by the gold train. When we came, but in a broken train, it couldn't be compared."

"It seems that the one he sent back must be the real heir. Damn, the treatment difference is so great! According to the three parties, we will go up and kill that guy and let him be my corpse collection!" Valery held the black hammer and was about to rush down.

Alexey quickly took hold of his associates and solemnly reminded: "You forgot something, when the hero last time saved us, but I said that we can't do bad things anymore. Let's say this about murder Say it can, but it ca n’t be done, let it be the two evil guys.

"Eh, you're right," Valery said with delight. "This is also called sitting on the sky."

"You seem to be using the wrong idiom, it should be called" Zuoguanguan "."

"It's about the same."

So they looked at the gold train and walked down to an individual.

When the last person came out of a VIP-only car, the two looked at each other and were horrified.

"Huh?" The two Raksha bandhan rubbed their eyes at the same time, seeming to be unbelievable, "That would be the hero! The one named Claude, didn't you say he could never come in?"

"Damn, he must have been deceiving us just now! 'The Yellow Bird is running out', and they want to 'borrow a knife to kill someone'!" Valery suddenly became smart.

"Don't be afraid, anyway, we haven't done any bad things lately, but we have to go back to our old business and get beaten again at most ... well, Valery, you have to be extra careful." Alexey suddenly thought One thing, reminded.

Valery froze for a moment, then quickly found a piece of land with less gravel and began to dig hard.

"Come and help quickly, I will hide my hammer."

"You have to make another mark to save you from forgetting things after drinking."

"Well, you're right. Then I wrote on it. There is a bottle of aged vodka buried here."

"You are so smart, that hero is definitely not interested in wine. And you will never forget it, even if a hundred years have passed, you will definitely remember to dig it out."


For a time, Xia Ke A became the focus of the three parties, and anyone who wanted to get the Necro Realm could not get around him.

Just who can do it?

The big wheel of history rolls forward, and no one knows which fork it will drive to.

Fang Ning was shocked to see the pool of grey water in front of him.

The weight of this level is no wonder that the uncle of the system can't help the ghost train.

Although there are now more than 100 positive Qi troughs, this weight cannot be compared with a heaven and earth secret realm.

The two evil spirits have already confessed that the ghost train can travel through all realms and can refuel remotely from the secret realm of the dead.

It's just that the cost is extremely high, you can add one if you send ten copies.

Therefore, it is best to use the yin that it carries.

The conventional force used by the ghost train is actually a scary monster in the back car.

Of course, now they have turned into 300 million years of experience, and they have been harvested by the uncle.

And this golden train, according to the usage tactics explained by those two evil spirits, now sends itself directly to its former master.

Now, Fang Ning can feel the calm water in front of him.

In fact, under the powerful pressure of the knight, he shivered.

You should know that Fang Ning is now a pond-level strong man in a comprehensive way, and this sensing ability still exists.

This mysterious realm is like a powerful logistic base. If it cooperates with the War Treasure Ghost Train, it is helpless as strong as a knight.

However, once the two sides are separated, they are very fragile, and even a spy can toss it upside down.

"It seems that this is the source of Yin Qi, the core of this undead secret realm, just how to deal with it now?"

Fang Ning fell into deep thought.

The magical realm of the last time, because of the power of the ghost king Bodhisattva, was finally transferred to the other party as an adult insect base. The uncle is waiting for thanks ...

Fang Ning believes very much that Xie Li will definitely match the value of the last secret in the future.

At this time, the uncle of the system suddenly said: "Oh, this source of yin qi is not a creature, it has no good and evil attributes. I can't brush it, let's go."

Fang Ning was dumbfounded. What's going on, when will the uncle leave the baby behind?

He wondered: "What do you mean?"

The system retorted: "It's meaningless. I said we should not delay time, just leave."

Fang Ning refused at the moment: "No, this game is like a mushroom. It may not have good and evil attributes, but it may be used by evil people. I have to eradicate it and save it from being a source of nightmares."

(The system is thinking ...)

(The system is thinking ...)

(The system decides to go home and sleep ...)

Nima ~ ~ is absolutely ghost.

The uncle never slept.

Fang Ning thought of the other party's plan in a blink of an eye, and now made a big move: "Don't leave first, do you want to borrow experience to practice?"

The uncle of the system wondered: "I didn't understand. I just got a little tired for a while. I wanted to go back and take a rest. I haven't slept for a year. What does this have to do with borrowing experience? Don't you want to lend me now?"

Fang Ning directly exposed the uncle's wishful thinking: "Don't pretend to be stupid, I know, you want to raise monsters. But you don't know the importance, this is not the outside world. This yin secret secret has unlimited potential and it is easy to raise tigers.

"You have nothing to do with one of its secret treasures before. If you let it grow, the consequences will be disastrous."

The uncle of the system said honestly: "Oh, this is the case, it seems that I was wrong again ... what do you say?"

Fang Ning thought about it and calculated it: "I have an idea. Didn't you say that your number of righteousness can't be compared to that ghost train? And the characteristics of this mysterious realm can just solve this problem."

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